2,691 research outputs found

    Of Herdsmen and Nation States: The Global Environmental Commons

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    Of Herdsmen and Nation States: The Global Environmental Commons

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    Defining the role of a medical student during a sub-internship

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    Sub-internships (sub-Is) are generally regarded as being highly valued learning experiences and opportunities for matching at a desired residency program. It provides medical students with the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skillset honed throughout their years of medical education. However, many novice students do not have clear guidelines as to how they are perceived by faculty and administration while they are rotating during their sub-I. This is further complicated by the varying roles of students during an observership, and clinical year core rotations. This brief manuscript aims to provide students with a faculty oriented perspective as to the general expectations of students during clinical training at various stages of their medical education. It is based upon the opinions of a few medical faculty and former residency program directors in family medicine, as well as fourth year medical students reflecting on their sub-I experiences. While content is not generalizable to all specialties of medicine, the conclusions and opinions are shared and applicable to many specialties of medicine

    Perspective: Lawyers and the Rule of Law in the Western Hemisphere

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    Perspective: Lawyers and the Rule of Law in the Western Hemisphere

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    Desain Eco Floating Resort untuk Kepulauan Anambas, Kepulauan Riau

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    Kepulauan Anambas yang terletak pada Provinsi Kepulauan Riau memiliki potensi dan daya tarik pariwisata tropis yang indah dengan kepulauan eksotisnya. Kepulauan Anambas dinobatkan sebagai pulau tropis terbaik di Asia pada tahun 2012 oleh CNN Internasional. Pembangunan eco floating resort sebagai sarana penunjang pariwisata pada Kepulauan Anambas diharapkan dapat meningkatkan wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara di Kepulauan Anambas. Eco floating resort mengambil konsep ramah lingkungan dengan pemasok listrik utama menggunakan panel surya. Payload luasan adalah 1.723,28 m2 untuk 48 orang pengunjung dengan 16 orang crew . Setelah dilakukan analisis teknis diperoleh ukuran utama LoA: 48 m; B: 18 m; D: 4 m; dan T: 1.8 m. Kondisi geografis lokasi Eco floating structure dengan tinggi gelombang 0 – 1.25 m, kedalaman 13 m, kecepatan angin 5 knot dan dekat dengan Pantai Padang Melang. Analisis teknis berupa perhitungan berat, perhitungan stablilitas, perhitungan trim, dan perhitungan freeboard. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mendesain lines plan, general arrangement, dan safety plan serta desain model 3D. Pada Tugas Akhir ini juga dilakukan analisis ekonomis dengan total biaya pembangunan senilai Rp37.943.604.270,89. dengan biaya operasional sebesar Rp7.647.678.982,05/tahun. Dilakukan perhitungan dan didapatkan nilai Net Present Value (NPV) sebesar Rp45.205.683.946,57, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) senilai 20%, dan Payback Period selama 7 Tahun 0 Bulan 14 Hari

    Building End-User Thesauri from Full-Text

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    We are interested in the possible contribution of end-user thesauri to the improvement of information retrieval by end- users. Thesauri (from the Greek for treasure or treasury) in information retrieval attempt to record and display relations among concepts and terms -- to be treasuries of concepts and the terms that represent them. End-user thesauri are designed to guide and facilitate end-user searching of textual databases (both full-text databases and reference databases that contain only surrogates of full-texts, such as abstracts). End-user thesauri link: the vocabulary of the searcher and the vocabulary of the database, functioning as part of the user database interface. End-user thesauri are not designed to guide indexing, although they can be used to suggest terms, much like writers have used Roget's thesaurus for centuries
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