891 research outputs found

    Emergence of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) from seed after flooding

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    The emergence of 7 buffel grass Cenchrus ciliaris cultivars after simulated flooding for 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40 days was investigated in pot trials. Seed of known germination percentage was sown in a medium-heavy alluvial clay soil, which was immediately flooded

    Flooding tolerance of Panicum coloratum

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    Five Panicum coloratum cultivars and one of Panicum maximum were flooded in pots. Flooding damage was assessed by visually rating the induced chlorosis, counting live tillers per pot and measuring dry weight of the plants

    Effect of flooding on the regeneration of six tropical grasses after defoliation.

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    The effect of flooding immediately and 15 days after defoliation on the survival and growth of Panicum coloratum, Panicum maximum, Urochloa mosambicensis and three Cenchrus ciliaris cultivars was studied in a pot experiment at Mackay, Queensland

    Stability Walls in Heterotic Theories

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    We study the sub-structure of the heterotic Kahler moduli space due to the presence of non-Abelian internal gauge fields from the perspective of the four-dimensional effective theory. Internal gauge fields can be supersymmetric in some regions of the Kahler moduli space but break supersymmetry in others. In the context of the four-dimensional theory, we investigate what happens when the Kahler moduli are changed from the supersymmetric to the non-supersymmetric region. Our results provide a low-energy description of supersymmetry breaking by internal gauge fields as well as a physical picture for the mathematical notion of bundle stability. Specifically, we find that at the transition between the two regions an additional anomalous U(1) symmetry appears under which some of the states in the low-energy theory acquire charges. We compute the associated D-term contribution to the four-dimensional potential which contains a Kahler-moduli dependent Fayet-Iliopoulos term and contributions from the charged states. We show that this D-term correctly reproduces the expected physics. Several mathematical conclusions concerning vector bundle stability are drawn from our arguments. We also discuss possible physical applications of our results to heterotic model building and moduli stabilization.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral Degeneracies in the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process

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    We study the spectrum of the Markov matrix of the totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) on a one-dimensional periodic lattice at ARBITRARY filling. Although the system does not possess obvious symmetries except translation invariance, the spectrum presents many multiplets with degeneracies of high order. This behaviour is explained by a hidden symmetry property of the Bethe Ansatz. Combinatorial formulae for the orders of degeneracy and the corresponding number of multiplets are derived and compared with numerical results obtained from exact diagonalisation of small size systems. This unexpected structure of the TASEP spectrum suggests the existence of an underlying large invariance group. Keywords: ASEP, Markov matrix, Bethe Ansatz, Symmetries.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Operator-Based Truncation Scheme Based on the Many-Body Fermion Density Matrix

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    In [S. A. Cheong and C. L. Henley, cond-mat/0206196 (2002)], we found that the many-particle eigenvalues and eigenstates of the many-body density matrix ρB\rho_B of a block of BB sites cut out from an infinite chain of noninteracting spinless fermions can all be constructed out of the one-particle eigenvalues and one-particle eigenstates respectively. In this paper we developed a statistical-mechanical analogy between the density matrix eigenstates and the many-body states of a system of noninteracting fermions. Each density matrix eigenstate corresponds to a particular set of occupation of single-particle pseudo-energy levels, and the density matrix eigenstate with the largest weight, having the structure of a Fermi sea ground state, unambiguously defines a pseudo-Fermi level. We then outlined the main ideas behind an operator-based truncation of the density matrix eigenstates, where single-particle pseudo-energy levels far away from the pseudo-Fermi level are removed as degrees of freedom. We report numerical evidence for scaling behaviours in the single-particle pseudo-energy spectrum for different block sizes BB and different filling fractions \nbar. With the aid of these scaling relations, which tells us that the block size BB plays the role of an inverse temperature in the statistical-mechanical description of the density matrix eigenstates and eigenvalues, we looked into the performance of our operator-based truncation scheme in minimizing the discarded density matrix weight and the error in calculating the dispersion relation for elementary excitations. This performance was compared against that of the traditional density matrix-based truncation scheme, as well as against a operator-based plane wave truncation scheme, and found to be very satisfactory.Comment: 22 pages in RevTeX4 format, 22 figures. Uses amsmath, amssymb, graphicx and mathrsfs package

    Quest for a Nuclear Georeactor

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    Knowledge about the interior of our planet is mainly based on the interpretation of seismic data from earthquakes and nuclear explosions, and of composition of meteorites. Additional observations have led to a wide range of hypotheses on the heat flow from the interior to the crust, the abundance of certain noble gases in gasses vented from volcanoes and the possibility of a nuclear georeactor at the centre of the Earth. This paper focuses on a proposal for an underground laboratory to further develop antineutrinos as a tool to map the distribution of radiogenic heat sources, such as the natural radionuclides and the hypothetical nuclear georeactor.Comment: Invited talk presented at the International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Cape Town, 2003. Manuscript is submitted to Radiation Physics and Chemistr

    One Dimensional Chain with Long Range Hopping

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    The one-dimensional (1D) tight binding model with random nearest neighbor hopping is known to have a singularity of the density of states and of the localization length at the band center. We study numerically the effects of random long range (power-law) hopping with an ensemble averaged magnitude \expectation{|t_{ij}|} \propto |i-j|^{-\sigma} in the 1D chain, while maintaining the particle-hole symmetry present in the nearest neighbor model. We find, in agreement with results of position space renormalization group techniques applied to the random XY spin chain with power-law interactions, that there is a change of behavior when the power-law exponent σ\sigma becomes smaller than 2
