2,514 research outputs found

    On simple anti-flexible rings

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    Time-frequency detection algorithm for gravitational wave bursts

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    An efficient algorithm is presented for the identification of short bursts of gravitational radiation in the data from broad-band interferometric detectors. The algorithm consists of three steps: pixels of the time-frequency representation of the data that have power above a fixed threshold are first identified. Clusters of such pixels that conform to a set of rules on their size and their proximity to other clusters are formed, and a final threshold is applied on the power integrated over all pixels in such clusters. Formal arguments are given to support the conjecture that this algorithm is very efficient for a wide class of signals. A precise model for the false alarm rate of this algorithm is presented, and it is shown using a number of representative numerical simulations to be accurate at the 1% level for most values of the parameters, with maximal error around 10%.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, to appear in PR

    The Electron Spectral Function in Two-Dimensional Fractionalized Phases

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    We study the electron spectral function of various zero-temperature spin-charge separated phases in two dimensions. In these phases, the electron is not a fundamental excitation of the system, but rather ``decays'' into a spin-1/2 chargeless fermion (the spinon) and a spinless charge e boson (the chargon). Using low-energy effective theories for the spinons (d-wave pairing plus possible N\'{e}el order), and the chargons (condensed or quantum disordered bosons), we explore three phases of possible relevance to the cuprate superconductors: 1) AF*, a fractionalized antiferromagnet where the spinons are paired into a state with long-ranged N\'{e}el order and the chargons are 1/2-filled and (Mott) insulating, 2) the nodal liquid, a fractionalized insulator where the spinons are d-wave paired and the chargons are uncondensed, and 3) the d-wave superconductor, where the chargons are condensed and the spinons retain a d-wave gap. Working within the Z2Z_2 gauge theory of such fractionalized phases, our results should be valid at scales below the vison gap. However, on a phenomenological level, our results should apply to any spin-charge separated system where the excitations have these low-energy effective forms. Comparison with ARPES data in the undoped, pseudogapped, and superconducting regions is made.Comment: 10 page

    Parity (and time-reversal) anomaly in a semiconductor

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    The physics of a parity anomaly, potentially observable in a narrow-gap semiconductor, is revisited. Fradkin, Dagotto, and Boyanovsky have suggested that a Hall current of anomalous parity can be induced by a Peierls distortion on a domain wall. I argue that a perturbation inducing the parity anomaly must break the time reversal symmetry, which rules out the Peierls distortion as a potential cause. I list all possible perturbations that can generate the anomaly.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Sign errors fixe

    The spectrum of gastric cancer as seen in a large quaternary hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Background. Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, with the third-highest associated mortality. It has a varying geographical, ethnic and socioeconomic distribution.Objective. To assess the presentation and management of GC in the Durban metropolitan area, South Africa.Methods. A retrospective review of 131 patients treated at the quaternary Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Durban from 2009 to 2014 was performed.Results. The 131 patients were predominantly black African (n=59, 45.0%) and Indian (n=63, 48.1%). Gender was evenly distributed, with 72 males (55.0%) and 59 females (45.0%). The average age of the patients was 60 years (standard deviation 13.3). More than 70% were in advanced stages of cancer and were treated conservatively. There was no significant relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the position of the tumour (p=0.175). Creatinine and albumin levels differed significantly between the genders (p<0.001 and p=0.01, respectively).Conclusions. GC appears to have a disproportionately high prevalence among Indians in Durban, and the prevalence of GC appears to be slightly higher among males. Both these observations may simply reflect referral patterns and warrant further investigation. More than 70% of patients presented with advanced-stage disease, and anaemia was common. No relationship was found between BMI and the location of the tumour, although most of the cancers were in the body and distal part of the stomach

    Operator-Algebraic Approach to the Yrast Spectrum of Weakly Interacting Trapped Bosons

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    We present an operator-algebraic approach to deriving the low-lying quasi-degenerate spectrum of weakly interacting trapped N bosons with total angular momentum \hbar L for the case of small L/N, demonstrating that the lowest-lying excitation spectrum is given by 27 g n_3(n_3-1)/34, where g is the strength of the repulsive contact interaction and n_3 the number of excited octupole quanta. Our method provides constraints for these quasi-degenerate many-body states and gives higher excitation energies that depend linearly on N.Comment: 7 pages, one figur

    Kolmogorov turbulence, Anderson localization and KAM integrability

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    The conditions for emergence of Kolmogorov turbulence, and related weak wave turbulence, in finite size systems are analyzed by analytical methods and numerical simulations of simple models. The analogy between Kolmogorov energy flow from large to small spacial scales and conductivity in disordered solid state systems is proposed. It is argued that the Anderson localization can stop such an energy flow. The effects of nonlinear wave interactions on such a localization are analyzed. The results obtained for finite size system models show the existence of an effective chaos border between the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) integrability at weak nonlinearity, when energy does not flow to small scales, and developed chaos regime emerging above this border with the Kolmogorov turbulent energy flow from large to small scales.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figs, EPJB style

    Doping Dependence of the Magnetic Resonance Peak in YBa_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}

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    We report inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the doping dependence of the energy and spectral weight of the sharp magnetic resonance peak in YBa_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}. These measurements also shed light on the relationship between the magnetic excitations in the normal and superconducting states.Comment: (mostly corrections to figures and minor change to caption in Fig.5) 5 figures. It will be published in the proceedings of M2S-HTSC-V. It needs the elsevier style file (not included) to convert to postscrip

    Re-localization due to finite response times in a nonlinear Anderson chain

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    We study a disordered nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with an additional relaxation process having a finite response time Ď„\tau. Without the relaxation term, Ď„=0\tau=0, this model has been widely studied in the past and numerical simulations showed subdiffusive spreading of initially localized excitations. However, recently Caetano et al.\ (EPJ. B \textbf{80}, 2011) found that by introducing a response time Ď„>0\tau > 0, spreading is suppressed and any initially localized excitation will remain localized. Here, we explain the lack of subdiffusive spreading for Ď„>0\tau>0 by numerically analyzing the energy evolution. We find that in the presence of a relaxation process the energy drifts towards the band edge, which enforces the population of fewer and fewer localized modes and hence leads to re-localization. The explanation presented here is based on previous findings by the authors et al.\ (PRE \textbf{80}, 2009) on the energy dependence of thermalized states.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Potomac Fever Update

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