119,595 research outputs found

    Adsorption of O2, SO2, and SO3 on nickel oxide. Mechanism for sulfate formation

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    Calculations based on the atom superposition and electron delocalization molecular orbital (ASED-MO) technique suggest that O2 will adsorb perferentially end-on at an angle 45 deg from normal on a nickel cation site on the (100) surface of NiO. SO2 adsorption is also stronger on the nickel site; SO2 bonds through the sulfur atom is a plane perpendicular to the surface. Adsorption energies for SO3 on the nickel and oxygen sites are comparable in the perferred orientation in which the SO3 plane is parallel to the surface. On activation, SO3 adsorbed to an O2(-) site forms a trigonal pyramidal SO4 species which yields, with a low barrier, a tetrahedral sulfate anion. Subsequently the anion reorients on the surface. Possibilities for alternative mechanisms which require the formation of Ni3(+) or O2(-) are discussed. NiSO4 thus formed leads to the corrosion of Ni at high temperatures in the SO2+O2/SO3 The SO2+O2/SO3 atmosphere, as discussed in the experimental literature

    I-V-T analysis of radiation damage in high efficiency Si solar cells

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    A detailed analysis of current-voltage characteristics of N(+)-P/P solar cells indicate that there is a combination of different mechanisms which results in an enhancement in the dark current and in turn deteriorates the photovoltaic performance of the solar cells after 1 MeV e(-) irradiation. The increase in the dark current is due to three effects, i.e., bulk recombination, space charge recombination by deep traps and space charge recombination through shallow traps. It is shown that the increase in bulk recombination current is about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude whereas space charge recombination current due to shallow traps increases only by an order or so and no space charge recombination through deep traps was observed after irradiation. Thus, in order to improve the radiation hardness of these devices, bulk properties should be preserved

    V/STOL maneuverability and control

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    Maneuverability and control of V/STOL aircraft in powered-lift flight is studied with specific considerations of maneuvering in forward flight. A review of maneuverability for representative operational mission tasks is presented and covers takeoff, transition, hover, and landing flight phases. Maneuverability is described in terms of the ability to rotate and translate the aircraft and is specified in terms of angular and translational accelerations imposed on the aircraft. Characteristics of representative configurations are reviewed, including experience from past programs and expectations for future designs. The review of control covers the characteristics inherent in the basic airframe and propulsion system and the behavior associated with ontrol augmentation systems. Demands for augmented stability and control response to meet certain mission operational requirements are discussed. Experience from ground-based simulation and flight experiments that illustrates the impact of augmented stability and control on aircraft design is related by example

    Why CO bonds side-on at low coverage and both side-on and upright at high coverage on the Cr(110) surface

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    An atom superposition and electron delocalization molecular orbital study of CO adsorption on the Cr(110) surface shows a high coordinate lying down orientation is favored. This is a result of the large number of empty d-band energy levels in chromium, which allows the antibonding counterparts to sigma and pi donation bonds to the surface to be empty. When lying down, backbonding to CO pi sup * orbitals is enhanced. Repulsive interactions cause additional CO to stand upright at 1/4 monolyer coverage. The results confirm the recent experimental study of Shinn and Madey

    A space station onboard scheduling assistant

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    One of the goals for the Space Station is to achieve greater autonomy, and have less reliance on ground commanding than previous space missions. This means that the crew will have to take an active role in scheduling and rescheduling their activities onboard, perhaps working from preliminary schedules generated on the ground. Scheduling is a time intensive task, whether performed manually or automatically, so the best approach to solving onboard scheduling problems may involve crew members working with an interactive software scheduling package. A project is described which investigates a system that uses knowledge based techniques for the rescheduling of experiments within the Materials Technology Laboratory of the Space Station. Particular attention is paid to: (1) methods for rapid response rescheduling to accommodate unplanned changes in resource availability, (2) the nature of the interface to the crew, (3) the representation of the many types of data within the knowledge base, and (4) the possibility of applying rule-based and constraint-based reasoning methods to onboard activity scheduling

    Factors which influence the behavior of turbofan forced mixer nozzles

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    A finite difference procedure was used to compute the mixing for three experimentally tested mixer geometries. Good agreement was obtained between analysis and experiment when the mechanisms responsible for secondary flow generation were properly modeled. Vorticity generation due to flow turning and vorticity generated within the centerbody lobe passage were found to be important. Results are presented for two different temperature ratios between fan and core streams and for two different free stream turbulence levels. It was concluded that the dominant mechanisms in turbofan mixers is associated with the secondary flows arising within the lobe region and their development within the mixing section

    Quantum Cosmological Relational Model of Shape and Scale in 1-d

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    Relational particle models are useful toy models for quantum cosmology and the problem of time in quantum general relativity. This paper shows how to extend existing work on concrete examples of relational particle models in 1-d to include a notion of scale. This is useful as regards forming a tight analogy with quantum cosmology and the emergent semiclassical time and hidden time approaches to the problem of time. This paper shows furthermore that the correspondence between relational particle models and classical and quantum cosmology can be strengthened using judicious choices of the mechanical potential. This gives relational particle mechanics models with analogues of spatial curvature, cosmological constant, dust and radiation terms. A number of these models are then tractable at the quantum level. These models can be used to study important issues 1) in canonical quantum gravity: the problem of time, the semiclassical approach to it and timeless approaches to it (such as the naive Schrodinger interpretation and records theory). 2) In quantum cosmology, such as in the investigation of uniform states, robustness, and the qualitative understanding of the origin of structure formation.Comment: References and some more motivation adde

    Triangleland. I. Classical dynamics with exchange of relative angular momentum

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    In Euclidean relational particle mechanics, only relative times, relative angles and relative separations are meaningful. Barbour--Bertotti (1982) theory is of this form and can be viewed as a recovery of (a portion of) Newtonian mechanics from relational premises. This is of interest in the absolute versus relative motion debate and also shares a number of features with the geometrodynamical formulation of general relativity, making it suitable for some modelling of the problem of time in quantum gravity. I also study similarity relational particle mechanics (`dynamics of pure shape'), in which only relative times, relative angles and {\sl ratios of} relative separations are meaningful. This I consider firstly as it is simpler, particularly in 1 and 2 d, for which the configuration space geometry turns out to be well-known, e.g. S^2 for the `triangleland' (3-particle) case that I consider in detail. Secondly, the similarity model occurs as a sub-model within the Euclidean model: that admits a shape--scale split. For harmonic oscillator like potentials, similarity triangleland model turns out to have the same mathematics as a family of rigid rotor problems, while the Euclidean case turns out to have parallels with the Kepler--Coulomb problem in spherical and parabolic coordinates. Previous work on relational mechanics covered cases where the constituent subsystems do not exchange relative angular momentum, which is a simplifying (but in some ways undesirable) feature paralleling centrality in ordinary mechanics. In this paper I lift this restriction. In each case I reduce the relational problem to a standard one, thus obtain various exact, asymptotic and numerical solutions, and then recast these into the original mechanical variables for physical interpretation.Comment: Journal Reference added, minor updates to References and Figure

    Ultra Bright LED Light Injection Calibration System for MINOS

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    We describe here a proposal for a light injection calibration system for the MINOS detectors based on ultra bright blue LEDs as the light source. We have shown that these LEDs are bright enough to span over two orders of magnitude in light intensity, commensurate with that expected in a single scintillator strip in the MINOS neutrino detectors.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, Submitted to NI

    CO adsorption on (111) and (100) surfaces of the Pt sub 3 Ti alloy. Evidence for parallel binding and strong activation of CO

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    The CO adsorption on a 40 atom cluster model of the (111) surface and a 36 atom cluster model of the (100) surface of the Pt3Ti alloy was studied. Parallel binding to high coordinate sites associated with Ti and low CO bond scission barriers are predicted for both surfaces. The binding of CO to Pt sites occurs in an upright orientation. These orientations are a consequence of the nature of the CO pi donation interactions with the surface. On the Ti sites the orbitals donate to the nearly empty Ti 3d band and the antibonding counterpart orbitals are empty. On the Pt sites, however, they are in the filled Pt 5d region of the alloy band, which causes CO to bond in a vertical orientation by 5 delta donation from the carbon end