1,263 research outputs found

    Pressure-induced metal-insulator transition in LaMnO3 is not of Mott-Hubbard type

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    Calculations employing the local density approximation combined with static and dynamical mean-field theories (LDA+U and LDA+DMFT) indicate that the metal-insulator transition observed at 32 GPa in paramagnetic LaMnO3 at room temperature is not a Mott-Hubbard transition, but is caused by orbital splitting of the majority-spin eg bands. For LaMnO3 to be insulating at pressures below 32 GPa, both on-site Coulomb repulsion and Jahn-Teller distortion are needed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Momentum-resolved spectral functions of SrVO3_3 calculated by LDA+DMFT

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    LDA+DMFT, the merger of density functional theory in the local density approximation and dynamical mean-field theory, has been mostly employed to calculate k-integrated spectra accessible by photoemission spectroscopy. In this paper, we calculate k-resolved spectral functions by LDA+DMFT. To this end, we employ the Nth order muffin-tin (NMTO) downfolding to set up an effective low-energy Hamiltonian with three t_2g orbitals. This downfolded Hamiltonian is solved by DMFT yielding k-dependent spectra. Our results show renormalized quasiparticle bands over a broad energy range from -0.7 eV to +0.9 eV with small ``kinks'', discernible in the dispersion below the Fermi energy.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic predicting by landmarking as an alternative for multi-state modeling: an application to acute lymphoid leukemia data

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    This paper considers the problem of obtaining a dynamic prediction for 5-year failure free survival after bone marrow transplantation in ALL patients using data from the EBMT, the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. The paper compares the new landmark methodology as developed by the first author and the established multi-state modeling as described in a recent Tutorial in Biostatistics in Statistics in Medicine by the second author and colleagues. As expected the two approaches give similar results. The landmark methodology does not need complex modeling and leads to easy prediction rules. On the other hand, it does not give the insight in the biological processes as obtained for the multi-state model

    Diffraction of complex molecules by structures made of light

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    We demonstrate that structures made of light can be used to coherently control the motion of complex molecules. In particular, we show diffraction of the fullerenes C60 and C70 at a thin grating based on a standing light wave. We prove experimentally that the principles of this effect, well known from atom optics, can be successfully extended to massive and large molecules which are internally in a thermodynamic mixed state and which do not exhibit narrow optical resonances. Our results will be important for the observation of quantum interference with even larger and more complex objects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    New structural and magnetic aspects of the nanotube system Na2V3O7

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    We present new experimental results of low temperature x-ray synchrotron diffraction, neutron scattering and very low temperature (mK-range) bulk measurements on the nanotube system {\tube}. The crystal structure determined from our data is similar to the previously proposed model (P. Millet {\it et al.} J. Solid State Chem. 147\bf{147}, 676 (1999)), but also deviates from it in significant details. The structure comprises nanotubes along the c-axis formed by stacking units of two V-rings buckled in the abab-plane. The space group is P3ˉ\bar{3} and the composition is nonstoichiometric, Na(2-x)V3O7, x=0.17. The thermal evolution of the lattice parameters reveals anisotropic lattice compression on cooling. Neutron scattering experiments monitor a very weak magnetic signal at energies from -20 to 9 meV. New magnetic susceptibility, specific heat measurements and decay of remanent magnetization in the 30 mK - 300 mK range reveal that the previously observed transition at ~76 mK is spin-glass like with no long-range order. Presented experimental observations do not support models of isolated clusters, but are compatible with a model of odd-legged S=1/2 spin tubes possibly segmented into fragments with different lengths

    A Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for non-local corrections to the Dynamical Mean-Field Approximation

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    We present the algorithmic details of the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), with a quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method used to solve the effective cluster problem. The DCA is a fully-causal approach which systematically restores non-local correlations to the dynamical mean field approximation (DMFA) while preserving the lattice symmetries. The DCA becomes exact for an infinite cluster size, while reducing to the DMFA for a cluster size of unity. We present a generalization of the Hirsch-Fye QMC algorithm for the solution of the embedded cluster problem. We use the two-dimensional Hubbard model to illustrate the performance of the DCA technique. At half-filling, we show that the DCA drives the spurious finite-temperature antiferromagnetic transition found in the DMFA slowly towards zero temperature as the cluster size increases, in conformity with the Mermin-Wagner theorem. Moreover, we find that there is a finite temperature metal to insulator transition which persists into the weak-coupling regime. This suggests that the magnetism of the model is Heisenberg like for all non-zero interactions. Away from half-filling, we find that the sign problem that arises in QMC simulations is significantly less severe in the context of DCA. Hence, we were able to obtain good statistics for small clusters. For these clusters, the DCA results show evidence of non-Fermi liquid behavior and superconductivity near half-filling.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Coulomb Parameter U and Correlation Strength in LaFeAsO

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    First principles constrained density functional theory scheme in Wannier functions formalism has been used to calculate Coulomb repulsion U and Hund's exchange J parameters for iron 3d electrons in LaFeAsO. Results strongly depend on the basis set used in calculations: when O-2p, As-4p, and Fe-3d orbitals and corresponding bands are included, computation results in U=3-4 eV, however, with the basis set restricted to Fe-3d orbitals and bands only, computation gives parameters corresponding to F^0=0.8 eV, J=0.5 eV. LDA+DMFT (the Local Density Approximation combined with the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory) calculation with this parameters results in weakly correlated electronic structure that is in agreement with X-ray experimental spectra

    k-dependent spectrum and optical conductivity near metal-insulator transition in multi-orbital Hubbard bands

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    We apply the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) in the iterative perturbation theory(IPT) to doubly degenerate eg bands and triply degenerate tg bands on a simple cubic lattice and calculate the spectrum and optical conductivity in arbitrary electron occupation. The spectrum simultaneously shows the effects of multiplet structure and DMFT together with the electron ionization and affinity levels of different electron occupations, coherent peaks at the Fermi energy in the metallic phase and a gap at an integer filling of electrons for sufficiently large Coulomb U. We also calculate the critical value of the Coulomb U for degenerate orbitals.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Concerning Order and Disorder in the Ensemble of Cu-O Chain Fragments in Oxygen Deficient Planes of Y-Ba-Cu-O

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    In connection with numerous X-ray and neutron investigations of some high temperature superconductors (YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} and related compounds) a non-trivial part of the structure factor, coming from partly disordered Cu-O-…\dots-O-Cu chain fragments, situated within basal planes, CuOx_x, can be a subject of theoretical interest. Closely connected to such a diffusive part of the structure factor are the correlation lengths, which are also available in neutron and X-ray diffraction studies and depend on a degree of oxygen disorder in a basal plane. The quantitative measure of such a disorder can be associated with temperature of a sample anneal, TqT_q, at which oxygen in a basal plane remains frozen-in high temperature equilibrium after a fast quench of a sample to room or lower temperature. The structure factor evolution with xx is vizualized in figures after the numerical calculations. The theoretical approach employed in the paper has been developed for the orthorhombic state of YBCO.Comment: Revtex, 27 pages, 14 PostScript figures upon request, ITP/GU/94/0

    Hot Horizontal-Branch Stars: The Ubiquitous Nature of the "Jump" in Stromgren u, Low Gravities, and the Role of Radiative Levitation of Metals

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    A "jump" in the BHB distribution in the V, u-y CMD was recently detected in the GC M13. It is morphologically best characterized as a discontinuity in u, u-y, with stars in the range 11,500<Teff(K)<20,000 deviating systematically from (in the sense of appearing brighter and/or hotter than) canonical ZAHBs. We present u, y photometry of 14 GCs obtained with 3 different telescopes (Danish, NOT, HST) and demonstrate that the u-jump is present in every GC whose HB extends beyond 11,500K, irrespective of [Fe/H], mixing history on the RGB, and other GC parameters. We suggest that the u-jump is a ubiquitous feature, intrinsic to all HB stars hotter than 11,500K. We draw a parallel between the ubiquitous nature of the u-jump and the problem of low measured gravities among BHB stars. We note that the "logg-jump" occurs over the same temperature range as the u-jump, and that it occurs in every metal-poor GC for which gravities have been determined--irrespective of [Fe/H], mixing history on the RGB, or any other GC parameters. Furthermore, the u-jump and the logg-jump are connected on a star-by-star basis. The two are likely different manifestations of the same physical phenomenon. We present a framework which may simultaneously account for the u-jump and the logg-jump. Reviewing spectroscopic data for several field BHB stars, as well as two BHB stars in the GC NGC 6752, we find evidence that radiative levitation of heavy elements takes place at Teff>11,500 K, dramatically enhancing their abundances in the atmospheres of BHB stars in the "critical" temperature region. Model atmospheres taking diffusion effects into account are badly needed, and will likely lead to better overall agreement between canonical evolutionary theory and observations for BHB stars.Comment: ApJ, Main Journal, accepted. Contains several changes and update
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