418 research outputs found

    Reconsidering the origin of the 21 micron feature: Oxides in carbon-rich PPNe?

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    The origin of the so-called "21 micron" feature which is especially prominent in the spectra of some carbon-rich protoplanetary nebulae (PPNe}) is the matter of a lively debate. A large number of potential band carriers have been presented and discarded within the past decade. The present paper gives an overview of the problems related to the hitherto proposed feature identifications, including the recently suggested candidate carrier silicon carbide. We also discuss the case for spectroscopically promising oxides. SiC is shown to produce a strong resonance band at 20-21 micron if coated by a layer of silicon dioxide. At low temperatures, core-mantle particles composed of SiC and amorphous SiO2_2 indeed have their strongest spectral signature at a position of 20.1 micron, which coincides with the position of the "21 micron" emission band. The optical constants of another candidate carrier that has been relatively neglected so far -- iron monoxide -- are proven to permit a fairly accurate reproduction of the "21 micron" feature profile as well, especially when low-temperature measurements of the infrared properties of FeO are taken into account. As candidate carrier of the "21 micron" emission band, FeO has the advantage of being stable against further oxidation and reduction only in a narrow range of chemical and physical conditions, coinciding with the fact that the feature, too, is detected in a small group of objects only. However, it is unclear how FeO should form or survive particularly in carbon-rich PPNe.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (December

    Laissez-faire-ledelse i Forsvaret og konsekvenser for det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet

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    Funn i flere studier antyder at destruktiv ledelse er svært utbredt i sivile organisasjoner. Flere studier antyder dessuten at destruktiv ledelse kan ha negativ effekt på både organisasjoner og følgere, og at laissez-faire-ledelse er den formen for destruktiv ledelse som har de mest negative og langvarige effektene. Kombinasjonen av funn i sivile studier på utbredelsen og konsekvensene av laissez-faire-ledelse, og at tilsvarende studier på militære organisasjoner er nær ikke-eksisterende, gjør det interessant å studere utbredelsen og konsekvensene av destruktiv ledelse i Forsvaret. Denne studien representerer den første kvantitative studien på laissez-faire-ledelse i Forsvaret som helhet. Studien finner at laissez-faire-ledelse er utbredt i Forsvaret, og antyder at utbredelsen ikke er ulik den som andre studier finner i sivile organisasjoner. Videre finner studien at laissez-faire-ledelse korrelerer positivt og signifikant med stress og rollekonflikt, og korrelerer negativt signifikant med jobbtilfredshet, motivasjon i eget arbeid samt organisasjonstilknytning. Key words: Toxic leadership, laissez-fair

    Effects of Lifshitz Transition on Charge Transport in Magnetic Phases of Fe-Based Superconductors

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    The unusual temperature dependence of the resistivity and its in-plane anisotropy observed in the Fe-based superconducting materials, particularly Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2, has been a longstanding puzzle. Here we consider the effect of impurity scattering on the temperature dependence of the average resistivity within a simple two-band model of a dirty spin density wave metal. The sharp drop in resistivity below the N\'eel temperature TNT_N in the parent compound can only be understood in terms of a Lifshitz transition following Fermi surface reconstruction upon magnetic ordering. We show that the observed resistivity anisotropy in this phase, arising from nematic defect structures, is affected by the Lifshitz transition as well.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Urinary proteome analysis enables assessment of renoprotective treatment in type 2 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previously the angiotensin II receptor blocker Irbesartan has been demonstrated to reduce the risk for progression from microalbuminuria to macroalbuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with Irbesartan in type 2 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria on the urinary proteome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>High-resolution capillary-electrophoresis coupled to mass-spectrometry (CE-MS) was used to profile the low-molecular-weight proteome in urine of a subgroup of patients from a two year randomized irbesartan versus placebo therapy trial, which included hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria on ongoing antihypertensive medication (IRMA2-substudy).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that the therapy with 300 mg Irbesartan daily over a period of two years results in significant changes of the urinary proteome. Both, a classifier developed previously that consists of urinary peptides indicative of chronic kidney disease, as well as several individual peptides changed significantly after treatment. These changes were not observed in the placebo-treated individuals. Most prominent are changes of urinary collagen fragments associated with progression of diabetic nephropathy, indicating normalization in urinary peptides.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CE-MS analysis of urine enabled identification of peptides as potential surrogate markers for renoprotection in microalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients, which show persistent improvement after longterm treatment with Irbesartan. The results suggest that a major benefit of treatment by Irbesartan may be improvement of collagen turnover, reduction of fibrosis. They further suggest that urinary proteome analysis could be utilized to assess potential benefit of therapeutic intervention, providing statistically significant results even on a small population.</p

    Pharmaceutical-grade albumin: impaired drug-binding capacity in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Albumin is the most abundant protein in blood plasma, and due to its ligand binding properties, serves as a circulating depot for endogenous and exogenous (e.g. drugs) compounds. Hence, the unbound drug is the pharmacologically active drug. Commercial human albumin preparations are frequently used during surgery and in critically ill patients. Recent studies have indicated that the use of pharmaceutical-grade albumin is controversial in critically ill patients. In this in vitro study we investigated the drug binding properties of pharmaceutical-grade albumins (Baxter/Immuno, Octapharma, and Pharmacia & Upjohn), native human serum, and commercially available human serum albumin from Sigma Chemical Company. METHODS: The binding properties of the various albumin solutions were tested in vitro by means of ultrafiltration. Naproxen, warfarin, and digitoxin were used as ligands. HPLC was used to quantitate the total and free drug concentrations. The data were fitted to a model of two classes of binding sites for naproxen and warfarin and one class for digitoxin, using Microsoft Excel and Graphpad Prism. RESULTS: The drugs were highly bound to albumin (95–99.5%). The highest affinity (lowest K(1)) was found with naproxen. Pharmaceutical-grade albumin solutions displayed significantly lower drug-binding capacity compared to native human serum and Sigma albumin. Thus, the free fraction was considerably higher, approximately 40 times for naproxen and 5 and 2 times for warfarin and digitoxin, respectively. The stabilisers caprylic acid and N-acetyl-DL-tryptophan used in the manufacturing procedure seem to be of importance. Adding the stabilisers to human serum and Sigma albumin reduced the binding affinity whereas charcoal treatment of the pharmaceutical-grade albumin from Octapharma almost restored the specific binding capacity. CONCLUSION: This in vitro study demonstrates that the specific binding for warfarin and digitoxin is significantly reduced and for naproxen no longer detectable in pharmaceutical-grade albumin. It further shows that the addition of stabilisers may be of major importance for this effect

    Squeezed vacuum states from a whispering gallery mode resonator

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    Squeezed vacuum states enable optical measurements below the quantum limit and hence are a valuable resource for applications in quantum metrology and also quantum communication. However, most available sources require high pump powers in the milliwatt range and large setups, which hinders real world applications. Furthermore, degenerate operation of such systems presents a challenge. Here, we use a compact crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator made of lithium niobate as a degenerate parametric oscillator. We demonstrate about 1.4 dB noise reduction below the shot noise level for only 300 μW\mu\text{W} of pump power in degenerate single mode operation. Furthermore, we report a record pump threshold as low as 1.35 μW\mu\text{W}. Our results show that the whispering gallery based approach presents a promising platform for a compact and efficient source for nonclassical light.Comment: ©\copyright 2019 Optical Society of America. Users may use, reuse, and build upon the article, or use the article for text or data mining, so long as such uses are for non-commercial purposes and appropriate attribution is maintained. All other rights are reserve