23,627 research outputs found

    Hybrid HVDC for supply of power to offshore oil platforms

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    A HVDC hybrid system, comprising a line commutated thyristor HVDC converter and a STATCOM, is proposed in this paper for supplying power to offshore oil platforms that do not have their own generation. The proposed system combines the robust performance, low capital cost and low power loss of a line commutated HVDC converter, with the fast dynamic performance of an equivalent VSC Transmission system. The paper describes the principles and control strategies of the proposed system. PSCAD/EMTDC simulations are presented to demonstrate the robust performance of the system using case studies of various operating conditions such as black-start, load perturbations, AC fault conditions and disturbance caused by the starting of large local induction machines

    An integrated source of broadband quadrature squeezed light

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    An integrated silicon nitride resonator is proposed as an ultra-compact source of bright single-mode quadrature squeezed light at 850 nm. Optical properties of the device are investigated and tailored through numerical simulations, with particular attention paid to loss associated with interfacing the device. An asymmetric double layer stack waveguide geometry with inverse vertical tapers is proposed for efficient and robust fibre-chip coupling, yielding a simulated total loss of -0.75 dB/facet. We assess the feasibility of the device through a full quantum noise analysis and derive the output squeezing spectrum for intra-cavity pump self-phase modulation. Subject to standard material loss and detection efficiencies, we find that the device holds promises for generating substantial quantum noise squeezing over a bandwidth exceeding 1 GHz. In the low-propagation loss regime, approximately -7 dB squeezing is predicted for a pump power of only 50 mW.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Acoustical modeling study of the open test section of the NASA Langley V/STOL wind tunnel

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    An acoustic model study was carried out to identify effective sound absorbing treatment of strategically located surfaces in an open wind tunnel test section. Also an aerodynamic study done concurrently, sought to find measures to control low frequency jet pulsations which occur when the tunnel is operated in its open test section configuration. The acoustical modeling study indicated that lining of the raised ceiling and the test section floor immediately below it, results in a substantial improvement. The aerodynamic model study indicated that: (1) the low frequency jet pulsations are most likely caused or maintained by coupling of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic phenomena in the closed tunnel circuit, (2) replacing the hard collector cowl with a geometrically identical but porous fiber metal surface of 100 mks rayls flow resistance does not result in any noticable reduction of the test section noise caused by the impingement of the turbulent flow on the cowl

    Measurement-induced macroscopic superposition states in cavity optomechanics

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    We present a novel proposal for generating quantum superpositions of macroscopically distinct states of a bulk mechanical oscillator, compatible with existing optomechanical devices operating in the readily achievable bad-cavity limit. The scheme is based on a pulsed cavity optomechanical quantum non-demolition (QND) interaction, driven by displaced non-Gaussian states, and measurement-induced feedback, avoiding the need for strong single-photon optomechanical coupling. Furthermore, we show that single-quadrature cooling of the mechanical oscillator is sufficient for efficient state preparation, and we outline a three-pulse protocol comprising a sequence of QND interactions for squeezing-enhanced cooling, state preparation, and tomography.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A Hybrid Long-Distance Entanglement Distribution Protocol

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    We propose a hybrid (continuous-discrete variable) quantum repeater protocol for distribution of entanglement over long distances. Starting from entangled states created by means of single-photon detection, we show how entangled coherent state superpositions, also known as `Schr\"odinger cat states', can be generated by means of homodyne detection of light. We show that near-deterministic entanglement swapping with such states is possible using only linear optics and homodyne detectors, and we evaluate the performance of our protocol combining these elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    More Torsion in the Homology of the Matching Complex

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    A matching on a set XX is a collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of XX of size two. Using computers, we analyze the integral homology of the matching complex MnM_n, which is the simplicial complex of matchings on the set {1,>...,n}\{1, >..., n\}. The main result is the detection of elements of order pp in the homology for p∈{5,7,11,13}p \in \{5,7,11,13\}. Specifically, we show that there are elements of order 5 in the homology of MnM_n for n≄18n \ge 18 and for n∈14,16n \in {14,16}. The only previously known value was n=14n = 14, and in this particular case we have a new computer-free proof. Moreover, we show that there are elements of order 7 in the homology of MnM_n for all odd nn between 23 and 41 and for n=30n=30. In addition, there are elements of order 11 in the homology of M47M_{47} and elements of order 13 in the homology of M62M_{62}. Finally, we compute the ranks of the Sylow 3- and 5-subgroups of the torsion part of Hd(Mn;Z)H_d(M_n;Z) for 13≀n≀1613 \le n \le 16; a complete description of the homology already exists for n≀12n \le 12. To prove the results, we use a representation-theoretic approach, examining subcomplexes of the chain complex of MnM_n obtained by letting certain groups act on the chain complex.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figure

    The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. I. r-process-enhanced metal-poor stars

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    The detailed chemical composition of most metal-poor halo stars has been found to be highly uniform, but a minority of stars exhibit dramatic enhancements in their abundances of heavy neutron-capture elements and/or of carbon. The key question for Galactic chemical evolution models is whether these peculiarities reflect the composition of the natal clouds, or if they are due to later mass transfer of processed material from a binary companion. If the former case applies, the observed excess of certain elements was implanted within selected clouds in the early ISM from a production site at interstellar distances. Our aim is to determine the frequency and orbital properties of binaries among these chemically peculiar stars. This information provides the basis for deciding whether mass transfer from a binary companion is necessary and sufficient to explain their unusual compositions. This paper discusses our study of a sample of 17 moderately (r-I) and highly (r-II) r-process-element enhanced VMP and EMP stars. High-resolution, low signal-to-noise spectra of the stars were obtained at roughly monthly intervals over 8 years with the FIES spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. From these spectra, radial velocities with an accuracy of ~100 m/s were determined by cross-correlation against an optimized template. 14 of the programme stars exhibit no significant RV variation over this period, while 3 are binaries with orbits of typical eccentricity for their periods, resulting in a normal binary frequency of ~18+-6% for the sample. Our results confirm our preliminary conclusion from 2011, based on partial data, that the chemical peculiarity of the r-I and r-II stars is not caused by any putative binary companions. Instead, it was imprinted on the natal molecular clouds of these stars by an external, distant source. Models of the ISM in early galaxies should account for such mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Imprint of Gravitational Lensing by Population III Stars in Gamma Ray Burst Light Curves

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    We propose a novel method to extract the imprint of gravitational lensing by Pop III stars in the light curves of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Significant portions of GRBs can originate in hypernovae of Pop III stars and be gravitationally lensed by foreground Pop III stars or their remnants. If the lens mass is on the order of 102−103M⊙10^2-10^3M_\odot and the lens redshift is greater than 10, the time delay between two lensed images of a GRB is ≈1\approx 1s and the image separation is ≈10ÎŒ\approx 10 \muas. Although it is difficult to resolve the two lensed images spatially with current facilities, the light curves of two images are superimposed with a delay of ≈1\approx 1 s. GRB light curves usually exhibit noticeable variability, where each spike is less than 1s. If a GRB is lensed, all spikes are superimposed with the same time delay. Hence, if the autocorrelation of light curve with changing time interval is calculated, it should show the resonance at the time delay of lensed images. Applying this autocorrelation method to GRB light curves which are archived as the {\it BATSE} catalogue, we demonstrate that more than half light curves can show the recognizable resonance, if they are lensed. Furthermore, in 1821 GRBs we actually find one candidate of GRB lensed by a Pop III star, which may be located at redshift 20-200. The present method is quite straightforward and therefore provides an effective tool to search for Pop III stars at redshift greater than 10. Using this method, we may find more candidates of GRBs lensed by Pop III stars in the data by the {\it Swift} satellite.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Observation of twin beam correlations and quadrature entanglement by frequency doubling in a two-port resonator

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    We demonstrate production of quantum correlated and entangled beams by second harmonic generation in a nonlinear resonator with two output ports. The output beams at wavelength 428.5 nm exhibit 0.9 dB of nonclassical intensity correlations and 0.3 dB of entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure
