24,108 research outputs found

    Experimentally feasible quantum erasure-correcting code for continuous variables

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    We devise a scheme that protects quantum coherent states of light from probabilistic losses, thus achieving the first continuous-variable quantum erasure-correcting code. If the occurrence of erasures can be probed, then the decoder enables, in principle, a perfect recovery of the original light states. Otherwise, if supplemented with postselection based on homodyne detection, this code can be turned into an efficient erasure-filtration scheme. The experimental feasibility of the proposed protocol is carefully addressed

    Origin of electronic dimers in the spin-density wave phase of Fe-based superconductors

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    We investigate the emergent impurity-induced states arising from point-like scatterers in the spin-density wave phase of iron-based superconductors within a microscopic five-band model. Independent of the details of the band-structure and disorder potential, it is shown how stable magnetic (pi,pi) unidirectional nematogens are formed locally by the impurities. Interestingly, these nematogens exhibit a dimer structure in the electronic density, are directed along the antiferromagnetic a-axis, and have typical lengths of order 10 lattice constants in excellent agreement with recent scanning tunnelling experiments. These electronic dimers provide a natural explanation of the dopant-induced transport anisotropy found e.g. in the 122 iron pnictides.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Impurity states and cooperative magnetic order in Fe-based superconductors

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    We study impurity bound states and impurity-induced order in the superconducting state of LiFeAs within a realistic five-band model based on the band structure and impurity potentials obtained from density functional theory (DFT). In agreement with recent experiments, we find that Co impurities are too weak produce sub-gap bound states, whereas stronger impurities like Cu do. We also obtain the bound state spectrum for magnetic impurities, such as Mn, and show how spin-resolved tunnelling may determine the nature of the various defect sites in iron pnictides, a prerequisite for using impurity bound states as a probe of the ground state pairing symmetry. Lastly we show how impurities pin both orbital and magnetic order, providing an explanation for a growing set of experimental evidence for unusual magnetic phases in doped iron pnictides.Comment: 5 pages, 5 fig

    Experimental Demonstration of Continuous Variable Cloning with Phase-Conjugate Inputs

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    We report the experimental demonstration of continuous variable cloning of phase conjugate coherent states as proposed by Cerf and Iblisdir (Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 247903 (2001)). In contrast to the proposal of Cerf and Iblisdir, the cloning transformation is accomplished using only linear optical components, homodyne detection and feedforward. Three clones are succesfully produced with fidelities about 89%.Comment: 5 page

    On the Inelastic Collapse of a Ball Bouncing on a Randomly Vibrating Platform

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    We study analytically the dynamics of a ball bouncing inelastically on a randomly vibrating platform, as a simple toy model of inelastic collapse. Of principal interest are the distributions of the number of flights n_f till the collapse and the total time \tau_c elapsed before the collapse. In the strictly elastic case, both distributions have power law tails characterised by exponents which are universal, i.e., independent of the details of the platform noise distribution. In the inelastic case, both distributions have exponential tails: P(n_f) ~ exp[-\theta_1 n_f] and P(\tau_c) ~ exp[-\theta_2 \tau_c]. The decay exponents \theta_1 and \theta_2 depend continuously on the coefficient of restitution and are nonuniversal; however as one approches the elastic limit, they vanish in a universal manner that we compute exactly. An explicit expression for \theta_1 is provided for a particular case of the platform noise distribution.Comment: 32 page

    Enumeration of chord diagrams on many intervals and their non-orientable analogs

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    Two types of connected chord diagrams with chord endpoints lying in a collection of ordered and oriented real segments are considered here: the real segments may contain additional bivalent vertices in one model but not in the other. In the former case, we record in a generating function the number of fatgraph boundary cycles containing a fixed number of bivalent vertices while in the latter, we instead record the number of boundary cycles of each fixed length. Second order, non-linear, algebraic partial differential equations are derived which are satisfied by these generating functions in each case giving efficient enumerative schemes. Moreover, these generating functions provide multi-parameter families of solutions to the KP hierarchy. For each model, there is furthermore a non-orientable analog, and each such model likewise has its own associated differential equation. The enumerative problems we solve are interpreted in terms of certain polygon gluings. As specific applications, we discuss models of several interacting RNA molecules. We also study a matrix integral which computes numbers of chord diagrams in both orientable and non-orientable cases in the model with bivalent vertices, and the large-N limit is computed using techniques of free probability.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; revised and extended versio

    Competing Ordered Phases in URu2Si2: Hydrostatic Pressure and Re-substitution

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    A persistent kink in the pressure dependence of the \hidden order" (HO) transition temperature of URu2-xRexSi2 is observed at a critical pressure Pc=15 kbar for 0 < x < 0.08. In URu2Si2, the kink at Pc is accompanied by the destruction of superconductivity; a change in the magnitude of a spin excitation gap, determined from electrical resistivity measurements; and a complete gapping of a portion of the Fermi surface (FS), inferred from a change in scattering and the competition between the HO state and superconductivity for FS fraction

    Extinction calculations of multi-sphere polycrystalline graphitic clusters - A comparison with the 2175 AA peak and between a rigorous solution and discrete-dipole approximations

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    Certain dust particles in space are expected to appear as clusters of individual grains. The morphology of these clusters could be fractal or compact. In this paper we study the light scattering by compact and fractal polycrystalline graphitic clusters consisting of touching identical spheres. We compare three general methods for computing the extinction of the clusters in the wavelength range 0.1 - 100 micron, namely, a rigorous solution (Gerardy & Ausloos 1982) and two different discrete-dipole approximation methods -- MarCODES (Markel 1998) and DDSCAT (Draine & Flatau 1994). We consider clusters of N = 4, 7, 8, 27,32, 49, 108 and 343 particles of radii either 10 nm or 50 nm, arranged in three different geometries: open fractal (dimension D = 1.77), simple cubic and face-centred cubic. The rigorous solution shows that the extinction of the fractal clusters, with N < 50 and particle radii 10 nm, displays a peak within 2% of the location of the observed interstellar extinction peak at ~4.6 inverse micron; the smaller the cluster, the closer its peak gets to this value. By contrast, the peak in the extinction of the more compact clusters lie more than 4% from 4.6 inverse micron. At short wavelengths (0.1 - 0.5 micron), all the methods show that fractal clusters have markedly different extinction from those of non-fractal clusters. At wavelengths > 5 micron, the rigorous solution indicates that the extinction from fractal and compact clusters are of the same order of magnitude. It was only possible to compute fully converged results of the rigorous solution for the smaller clusters, due to computational limitations, however, we find that both discrete-dipole approximation methods overestimate the computed extinction of the smaller fractal clusters.Comment: Corrections added in accordance with suggestions by the referee. 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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