24,360 research outputs found

    The origin of a1g_{1g} and eg_g' orderings in Nax_xCoO2_2

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    It has often been suggested that correlation effects suppress the small e_g' Fermi surface pockets of NaxCoO_2 that are predicted by LDA, but absent in ARPES measurements. It appears that within the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) the ARPES can be reproduced only if the on-site energy of the eg' complex is lower than that of the a1g complex at the one-electron level, prior to the addition of local correlation effects. Current estimates regarding the order of the two orbital complexes range from -200 meV to 315 meV in therms of the energy difference. In this work, we perform density functional theory calculations of this one-electron splitting \Delta= \epsilon_a1g-\epsilon_e_g' for the full two-layer compound, Na2xCo2O4, accounting for the effects of Na ordering, interplanar interactions and octahedral distortion. We find that \epsilon a_1g-\epsilon e_g' is negative for all Na fillings and that this is primarily due to the strongly positive Coulomb field created by Na+ ions in the intercalant plane. This field disproportionately affects the a_1g orbital which protrudes farther upward from the Co plane than the e_g' orbitals. We discuss also the secondary effects of octahedral compression and multi-orbital filling on the value of \Delta as a function of Na content. Our results indicate that if the e_g' pockets are indeed suppressed that can only be due to nonlocal correlation effects beyond the standard DMFT.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The 2p yields 1s pionic transition

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    Pion-atomic transitions, perturbation theory, S waves, and P wave

    The recurrence time of Dansgaard-Oeschger events and limits on the possible periodic component

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    By comparing the high-resolution isotopic records from the GRIP and NGRIP icecores, we approximately separate the climate signal from local noise to obtain an objective criterion for defining Dansgaard-Oeschger events. Our analysis identifies several additional short lasting events, increasing the total number of DO events to 27 in the period 12-90 kyr BP. The quasi-regular occurrence of the DO events could indicate a stochastic or coherent resonance mechanism governing their origin. From the distribution of waiting times we obtain a statistical upper bound on the strength of a possible periodic forcing. This finding indicates that the climate shifts are purely noise driven with no underlying periodicity.Comment: 9 figure

    Estimation in a growth study with irregular measurement times

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    Between 1982 and 1988 a growth study was carried out at the Division of Pediatric Oncology of the University Hospital of Groningen. A special feature of the project was that sample sizes are small and that ages at entry may be very different. In addition the intended design was not fully complied with. This paper highlights some aspects of the statistical analysis which is based on (1) reference scores, (2) statistical procedures allowing for an irregular pattern of measurement times caused by missing data and shifted measurement times

    Electronic Structure, Local Moments and Transport in Fe_2VAl

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    Local spin density approximation calculations are used to elucidate electronic and magnetic properties of Heusler structure Fe_2VAl. The compound is found to be a low carrier density semimetal. The Fermi surface has small hole pockets derived from a triply degenerate Fe derived state at Gamma compensated by an V derived electron pocket at the X point. The ideal compound is found to be stable against ferromagnetism. Fe impurities on V sites, however, behave as local moments. Because of the separation of the hole and electron pockets the RKKY interaction between such local moments should be rapidly oscillating on the scale of its decay, leading to the likelihood of spin-glass behavior for moderate concentrations of Fe on V sites. These features are discussed in relation to experimental observations of an unusual insulating state in this compound.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 5 figure

    Realistic Tight Binding Model for the Electronic Structure of II-VI Semiconductors

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    We analyze the electronic structure of group II-VI semiconductors obtained within LMTO approach in order to arrive at a realistic and minimal tight binding model, parameterized to provide an accurate description of both valence and conduction bands. It is shown that a nearest-neighbor sp3d5sp^3d^5 model is fairly sufficient to describe to a large extent the electronic structure of these systems over a wide energy range, obviating the use of any fictitious s∗s^* orbital. The obtained hopping parameters obey the universal scaling law proposed by Harrison, ensuring transferability to other systems. Furthermore, we show that certain subtle features in the bonding of these compounds require the inclusion of anion-anion interactions in addition to the nearest-neighbor cation-anion interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    First-principles scattering matrices for spin-transport

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    Details are presented of an efficient formalism for calculating transmission and reflection matrices from first principles in layered materials. Within the framework of spin density functional theory and using tight-binding muffin-tin orbitals, scattering matrices are determined by matching the wave-functions at the boundaries between leads which support well-defined scattering states and the scattering region. The calculation scales linearly with the number of principal layers N in the scattering region and as the cube of the number of atoms H in the lateral supercell. For metallic systems for which the required Brillouin zone sampling decreases as H increases, the final scaling goes as H^2*N. In practice, the efficient basis set allows scattering regions for which H^{2}*N ~ 10^6 to be handled. The method is illustrated for Co/Cu multilayers and single interfaces using large lateral supercells (up to 20x20) to model interface disorder. Because the scattering states are explicitly found, ``channel decomposition'' of the interface scattering for clean and disordered interfaces can be performed.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Comparative study of correlation effects in CaVO3 and SrVO3

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    We present parameter-free LDA+DMFT (local density approximation + dynamical mean field theory) results for the many-body spectra of cubic SrVO3 and orthorhombic CaVO3. Both systems are found to be strongly correlated metals, but not on the verge of a metal-insulator transition. In spite of the considerably smaller V-O-V bond angle in CaVO3 the LDA+DMFT spectra of the two systems for energies E<E_F are very similar, their quasiparticle parts being almost identical. The calculated spectrum for E>E_F shows more pronounced, albeit still small, differences. This is in contrast to earlier theoretical and experimental conclusions, but in good agreement with recent bulk-sensitive photoemission and x-ray absorption experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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