97 research outputs found

    Latent resande hos grupper med mobilitetsrestriktioner. Översikt och kunskapsbehov.

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    Forskningsprogrammet Bisek2 skall bidra med kunskap och andra resultat, som ger stöd till en effektiv avvÀgning av mobiliteten med bil i relation till andra mÄl och vÀrden. Denna rapporten behandlar en översikt över latent mobilitet och restriktioner för personer med nedsatt funktionell förmÄga. Den identifierar behov av fortsatt forskning inom omrÄdet

    Superincentive contracts : A study of the VBP contract models in Stockholm–draft version

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    Converging structures? Recent regulatory change in bus-based local public transport in Sweden and England

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    This paper compares the regulatory structures that have developed in local bus regulation over the past 20 years in local public transport in Sweden and England outside London, and their impacts. The paper will attempt to assess how far there are similarities in these structures and whether there is evidence of any form of convergence. It does so with a review of the relevant legislation and structures, and their effects, based on the published and grey literature in the two countries. It uses a theory of the regulatory cycle (based on Needham, 1983) to theorise the relative regulatory positions of the two countries. It pays particular attention to the development of types of cooperative or partnership contract between the public and private sectors in local bus transport in the two countries, and assesses the similarities and differences between these two contracts. It concludes that, whilst the two countries may be at different points on the regulatory cycle, and therefore that in regulatory terms these partnership contracts are the result of very different pressures, in fact they are resulting in some similarities, though not in any way a regulatory convergence

    Swedish and Scottish National Transport Policy and Spend: a Social Equity Analysis

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    (Article in Special Issue "Accessibility and Transportation Equity")The topic of social equity in transport planning has been dealt with, in particular, by authors such as Martens (2012) and Martens and Golob (2012) using a social justice based-approach. However,such an approach, whilst valuable and analytically rigorous (based as it is on accessibility modelling), does not consider a wide range of possible other social impacts of transport, as set out in a framework first put forward by Geurs et al. (2009). This paper uses Geurs’ analytical framework to consider two empirical case studies: The National Transport Strategy for Scotland, adopted in January 2016, together with associated national level spending plans; and Sweden’s 2014 2025 National Transport Plan. The paper will first summarise the contents of each document before analysing them in relation to the categories of social impact that Geurs (2009) identifies, and assess how, in relation to each category of impact, various social groups will benefit or disbenefit. A range of projects (planned) to be delivered by the two national strategies is then analysed in relation to the criteria. This analysis shows that the two national strategies/plans are in their distribution of spending, and the projects funded are generally working away from greater social equity in their distributional impacts

    Att styra mot ökad kollektivtrafikandel : En kunskapsöversikt

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    Äldres mobilitet i en landsbygdskommun. Tankar kring dagens och morgondagens resmöjligheter och boende.

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    Rapporten sammanfattar en studie om Ă€ldres mobilitet i en skĂ„nsk landsbygdskommun. Kommunen karakteriseras av en hög andel Ă€ldre, boendes i utkanten av en expansiv region, samt ett betydande inslag av personer som i senare medelĂ„ldern vĂ€ljer att bosĂ€tta sig permanent i sina fritidshus. Fokusgruppsdiskussioner visar pĂ„ skillnader och likheter i hur man ser pĂ„ sina resmöjligheter bĂ„de idag och i morgon, och pekar pĂ„ de utmaningar som en bilberoende landsbygdsregion stĂ„r inför nĂ€r alltfler vĂ€ljer att â€Ă„ldras pĂ„ plats”

    Kollektivtrafikorganisation i Sverige. Regionerna blir fĂ€rre men större – spelplanen förĂ€ndras.

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    Rapporten behandlar organisation av svensk kollektivtrafik, institutionella förutsÀttningar och historisk bakgrund till de omvandlings- och bevarandeprocesser som pÄgÄr idag. De avtalstyper som existerar mellan lÀnstrafikansvariga beskrivs utförligt

    Kollektivtrafikens samhÀllseffekter

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