11,017 research outputs found

    Ground states of a frustrated quantum spin chain with long-range interactions

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    The ground state of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain with both frustration and long-range interactions is studied using Lanczos exact diagonalization. The evolution of the well known dimerization transition of the system with short-range frustrated interactions (the J1-J2 chain) is investigated in the presence of additional unfrustrated interactions decaying with distance as 1/r^a. It is shown that the continuous (infinite-order) dimerization transition develops into a first-order transition between a long-range ordered antiferromagnetic state and a state with coexisting dimerization and critical spin correlations at wave-number k=\pi/2. The relevance of the model to real systems is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, final published versio

    Ground state projection of quantum spin systems in the valence bond basis

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    A Monte Carlo method for quantum spin systems is formulated in the basis of valence bond (singlet pair) states. The non-orthogonality of this basis allows for an efficient importance-sampled projection of the ground state out of an arbitrary state. The method provides access to resonating valence-bond physics, enables a direct improved estimator for the singlet-triplet gap, and extends the class of models that can be studied without negative-sign problems. As a demonstration, the valence bond distribution in the ground state of the 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet is calculated. Generalizations of the method to fermion systems are also discussed.Comment: 4+ pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Master equation approach to computing RVB bond amplitudes

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    We describe a "master equation" analysis for the bond amplitudes h(r) of an RVB wavefunction. Starting from any initial guess, h(r) evolves (in a manner dictated by the spin hamiltonian under consideration) toward a steady-state distribution representing an approximation to the true ground state. Unknown transition coefficients in the master equation are treated as variational parameters. We illustrate the method by applying it to the J1-J2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Without frustration (J2=0), the amplitudes are radially symmetric and fall off as 1/r^3 in the bond length. As the frustration increases, there are precursor signs of columnar or plaquette VBS order: the bonds preferentially align along the axes of the square lattice and weight accrues in the nearest-neighbour bond amplitudes. The Marshall sign rule holds over a large range of couplings, J2/J1 < 0.418. It fails when the r=(2,1) bond amplitude first goes negative, a point also marked by a cusp in the ground state energy. A nonrigourous extrapolation of the staggered magnetic moment (through this point of nonanalyticity) shows it vanishing continuously at a critical value J2/J1 = 0.447. This may be preempted by a first-order transition to a state of broken translational symmetry.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Impurity-induced frustration in correlated oxides

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    Using the example of Zn-doped La2CuO4, we demonstrate that a spinless impurity doped into a non-frustrated antiferromagnet can induce substantial frustrating interactions among the spins surrounding it. This counterintuitive result is the key to resolving discrepancies between experimental data and earlier theories. Analytic and quantum Monte Carlo studies of the impurity-induced frustration are in a close accord with each other and experiments. The mechanism proposed here should be common to other correlated oxides as well.Comment: 4 pages, updated figures, accepted versio

    Photoemission electron microscopy of localized surface plasmons in silver nanostructures at telecommunication wavelengths

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    We image the field enhancement at Ag nanostructures using femtosecond laser pulses with a center wavelength of 1.55 micrometer. Imaging is based on non-linear photoemission observed in a photoemission electron microscope (PEEM). The images are directly compared to ultra violet PEEM and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging of the same structures. Further, we have carried out atomic scale scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) on the same type of Ag nanostructures and on the Au substrate. Measuring the photoelectron spectrum from individual Ag particles shows a larger contribution from higher order photoemission process above the work function threshold than would be predicted by a fully perturbative model, consistent with recent results using shorter wavelengths. Investigating a wide selection of both Ag nanoparticles and nanowires, field enhancement is observed from 30% of the Ag nanoparticles and from none of the nanowires. No laser-induced damage is observed of the nanostructures neither during the PEEM experiments nor in subsequent SEM analysis. By direct comparison of SEM and PEEM images of the same nanostructures, we can conclude that the field enhancement is independent of the average nanostructure size and shape. Instead, we propose that the variations in observed field enhancement could originate from the wedge interface between the substrate and particles electrically connected to the substrate

    Magnetic ordering in a doped frustrated spin-Peierls system

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    Based on a model of a quasi-one dimensional spin-Peierls system doped with non-magnetic impurities, an effective two-dimensional Hamiltonian of randomly distributed S=1/2 spins interacting via long-range pair-wise interaction is studied using a stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo method. The susceptibility shows Curie-like behavior at the lowest temperatures reached although the staggered magnetisation is found to be finite for T0T\to 0. The doping dependance of the corresponding three-dimensional Neel temperature is also computed.Comment: Published version, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Properties of Resonating-Valence-Bond Spin Liquids and Critical Dimer Models

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations to study properties of Anderson's resonating-valence-bond (RVB) spin-liquid state on the square lattice (i.e., the equal superposition of all pairing of spins into nearest-neighbor singlet pairs) and compare with the classical dimer model (CDM). The latter system also corresponds to the ground state of the Rokhsar-Kivelson quantum dimer model at its critical point. We find that although spin-spin correlations decay exponentially in the RVB, four-spin valence-bond-solid (VBS) correlations are critical, qualitatively like the well-known dimer-dimer correlations of the CDM, but decaying more slowly (as 1/ra1/r^a with a1.20a \approx 1.20, compared with a=2a=2 for the CDM). We also compute the distribution of monomer (defect) pair separations, which decay by a larger exponent in the RVB than in the CDM. We further study both models in their different winding number sectors and evaluate the relative weights of different sectors. Like the CDM, all the observed RVB behaviors can be understood in the framework of a mapping to a "height" model characterized by a gradient-squared stiffness constant KK. Four independent measurements consistently show a value KRVB1.6KCDMK_{RVB} \approx 1.6 K_{CDM}, with the same kinds of numerical evaluations of KCDMK_{CDM} give results in agreement with the rigorously known value KCDM=π/16K_{CDM}=\pi/16. The background of a nonzero winding number gradient W/LW/L introduces spatial anisotropies and an increase in the effective K, both of which can be understood as a consequence of anharmonic terms in the height-model free energy, which are of relevance to the recently proposed scenario of "Cantor deconfinement" in extended quantum dimer models. We also study ensembles in which fourth-neighbor (bipartite) bonds are allowed, at a density controlled by a tunable fugacity, resulting (as expected) in a smooth reduction of K.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures. v3: final versio

    Variational ground states of 2D antiferromagnets in the valence bond basis

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    We study a variational wave function for the ground state of the two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the valence bond basis. The expansion coefficients are products of amplitudes h(x,y) for valence bonds connecting spins separated by (x,y) lattice spacings. In contrast to previous studies, in which a functional form for h(x,y) was assumed, we here optimize all the amplitudes for lattices with up to 32*32 spins. We use two different schemes for optimizing the amplitudes; a Newton/conjugate-gradient method and a stochastic method which requires only the signs of the first derivatives of the energy. The latter method performs significantly better. The energy for large systems deviates by only approx. 0.06% from its exact value (calculated using unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations). The spin correlations are also well reproduced, falling approx. 2% below the exact ones at long distances. The amplitudes h(r) for valence bonds of long length r decay as 1/r^3. We also discuss some results for small frustrated lattices.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 5 figures, significantly expanded, new optimization method, improved result

    Possible world-wide middle miocene iridium anomaly and its relationship to periodicity of impacts and extinctions

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    In a study of one million years of Middle Miocene sediment deposition in ODP Hole 689B in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica, a single iridium (Ir) anomaly of 44 (+ or - 10) x 10 to the 12th gram Ir per gram rock (ppt) was observed in core 6H, section 3, 50 to 60 cm, after background contributions associated with manganese precipitates and clay are subtracted. The ODP Hole 689B is 10,000 km away from another site, DSDP Hole 588B in the Tasman Sea north of New Zealand, where a single Ir anomaly of 144 + or - 7 ppt over a background of 11 ppt was found in an earlier study of 3 million years of deposition. From chemical measurements the latter deposition was thought to be impact-related. Ir measurements were made, following neutron activation, with the Iridium Coincidence Spectrometer. The age vs depth calibration curves given in the DSDP and ODP preliminary reports indicate the ages of the Iranomalies are identical, 11.7 million years, but the absolute and relative uncertainties in the curves are not known. Based on the newest age data the age estimate is 10 million years. As the Ir was deposited at the two sites at about the same time and they are one quarter of the way around the world from each other it seems likely that the deposition was world-wide. The impact of a large asteroid or comet could produce the wide distribution, and this data is supportive of the impact relationship deduced for Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 588B from the chemical evidence. If the surface densities of Ir at the two sites are representative of the world-wide average, the diameter of a Cl type asteroid containing the necessary Ir would be 3 + or - 1 km, which is large enough to cause world-wide darkness and hence extinctions although the latter point is disputed

    Continuous star cluster formation in the spiral NGC 45

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    We determined ages for 52 star clusters with masses < 10^6 solar masses in the low surface brightness spiral galaxy NGC 45. Four of these candidates are old globular clusters located in the bulge. The remaining ones span a large age range. The cluster ages suggest a continuous star/cluster formation history without evidence for bursts, consistent with the galaxy being located in a relatively unperturbed environment in the outskirts of the Sculptor group.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", Terschelling (Netherlands), July 200