18 research outputs found

    Socio-psychological aspects of employees downsizing

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá procesem propouštění pracovníků v organizaci, s důrazem na jeho sociálně-psychologické aspekty. Zaměřuje se na analýzu procesu propouštění pracovníků z pohledu všech jeho účastníků, identifikaci negativních důsledků propouštění a nalezení vhodných opatření, kterými lze tyto důsledky zmírnit. Současně zdůrazňuje roli práce v životě člověka a její hlavní charakteristiky, jejichž absence se významně projevuje při ztrátě pracovního uplatnění. Práce hodnotí konkrétní metody propouštění pracovníků a jejich využití, identifikuje roli personalistů a vedoucích pracovníků při propouštění s akcentem na etickou rovinu celého procesu. Důsledky propouštění pracovníků jsou analyzovány na úrovni hlediska jednotlivce, propouštějící organizace i státu. V rámci hledání možností, pomocí kterých lze negativní dopady propouštění eliminovat, hledá diplomová práce východiska ve státní politice zaměstnanosti, na úrovni organizace hodnotí využití outplacementu a v rámci společenské odpovědnosti organizací spojuje problematiku propouštění pracovníků s udržením dobrého jména zaměstnavatele na trhu. Prostřednictvím zrealizovaných případových studií je proces propouštění pracovníků v organizacích popsán z perspektivy konkrétních propuštěných osob. Případové studie poskytují náhled na vnímání této změny...This diploma thesis discusses the process of employee termination in corporate organizations, with special focus on the socio-psychological aspects of such actions from the point of view of all relevant parties (stakeholders). Firstly, it highlights the positive role of work in the life of a human being, and how its absence negatively demonstrates itself after the loss of employment. Secondly, the thesis evaluates specific methods of employee termination, their implementation, and identifies the role of HR specialists during the termination process with special attention to the ethical aspects. Thirdly, the consequences of layoffs are analyzed on several levels: with regard to the individuals affected by termination process, organizations that are laying off and the government. Subsequently, to identify recommendations, which would mitigate the negative consequences of such actions, the thesis explores potential solutions in the government employment policies and outplacement programs within the corporations. As part of corporate social responsibility it links the problem of termination with the reputation of the organization as a valuable and attractive employer on the market. Lastly, in two case studies, attention is also brought to the perception of the layoff process by concrete laid off...Department of Adult Education and Personnel ManagementKatedra andragogiky a personálního řízeníFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Chosen Megalitic Objects in the Czech Republic

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    katedra: KFL; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 67 s. 40 s. přílohThe bachelor thesis deals with megalithic objects which are situated in the territory of the Czech Republic. The first part deals with the megalithic monuments in general terms, it describes who and why could build these buildings. It also describes the mythological aspects of the megaliths and their construction techniques. It informs of the important deposits in Europe and the world. The second part introduces the different types of these buildings and presents them to specific locations in the Czech Republic. These locations are described not only historically but also on the basis of rumours. There are also documented their geological composition or the results of measurements, which were carried out in some objects. The last part shows the disputable cases of stone structures, which are expected with some human effort. It shows the current Czech society and its relation to the megalithic objects, which is supported with so-called pseudo megalithic objects being newly erected. Together all the megalithic objects are shown in the attached photographs.Bakalářská práce pojednává o megalitických stavbách nalézajících se na území České republiky. První část práce se zabývá megalitickými památkami z obecného hlediska, snaží se popsat, kdo a z jakého důvodu mohl stavět tyto stavby. Popisuje také mytologickou stránku megalitů a techniku jejich staveb. Informuje o důležitých nalezištích v Evropě i ve světě. Druhá část práce seznamuje s jednotlivými typy staveb a prezentuje je na konkrétních místech v Českérepublice. Tyto lokality jsou popsány nejen historicky, ale také na základě pověstí. Dokumentovány jsou také jejich geologické složení či výsledky měření, která u některých staveb probíhala. Poslední část ukazuje sporné případy kamenných struktur, u kterých se předpokládá s určitým lidským přičiněním, a ukazuje také současnou českou společnost a její vztah k megalitickým stavbám, což dokládá pomocí tzv. pseudomegalitických staveb, které se nově vztyčují. Zároveň jsou všechny megalitické stavby zobrazeny na přiložených fotografiích

    Intracellular restriction factors of small DNA viruses

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    Tématem této práce je shrnutí poznatků o proteinových restrikčních faktorech, které se uplatňují v infikovaných buňkách při infekci malými viry s DNA genomem čeledí Hepadnaviridae, Parvoviridae, Polyomaviridae a Papillomaviridae. Do práce jsou zahrnuty jak restrikční faktory indukovatelné interferonem, tak faktory přirozené (intrinsic) imunity, produkované v buňkách konstitutivně. Zároveň jsou zmíněny mechanismy, jakými viry inhibiční účinky restrikčních faktorů překonávají. Jsou popsány faktory potlačující infekci viru Hepatitidy B jako PML jaderná tělíska a jejich komponenty, dále proteiny Smc5/6, SAMHD1, APOBEC, TRIM, ZAP a Tetherin. U čeledi Parvoviridae byly identifikovány jako restrikční faktory deaminázy APOBEC a PML protein. Při infekci viry čeledi Polyomaviridae byly prozatím popsány restrikční faktory FAM111A a SRSF1. Pro čeleď Papillomaviridae je diskutována restrikce PML jadernými tělísky a jejich složkou - proteinem Sp100, dále proteiny APOBEC, IFI16 a IFIT1. Klíčová slova: malé viry s DNA genomem, vnitrobuněčné rozpoznání (sensing) DNA, restrikční faktory, virové antagonistické mechanismyThe theme of this work is to summarize knowledge about protein restriction factors, which function in cells infected by small DNA viruses of families Hepadnaviridae, Parvoviridae, Polyomaviridae and Papillomaviridae. Both restriction factors induced by interferon and restriction factors of intrinsic immunity which are constitutively produced in cells are included in this work. At the same time, mechanisms by which viruses overcome the inhibition effects of restriction factors are mentioned. Restriction factors suppressing Hepatitis B virus infection like components of PML nuclear bodies and proteins Smc5/6, SAMHD1, APOBEC, TRIM, ZAP and Tetherin are described. For the representatives of Parvoviridae family, deaminases APOBEC and PML protein were identified as restriction factors. For the infection by polyomaviruses, restriction factors FAM111A and SRSF1 were described. Restriction by PML nuclear bodies and its component Sp100 and proteins APOBEC, IFI16 and IFIT1 is discussed for the Papillomaviridae family. Keywords: small DNA viruses, intracellular DNA sensing, restriction factors, viral antagonistic mechanismsKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Chosen Megalitic Objects in the Czech Republic

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    Socio-psychological aspects of employees downsizing

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    This diploma thesis discusses the process of employee termination in corporate organizations, with special focus on the socio-psychological aspects of such actions from the point of view of all relevant parties (stakeholders). Firstly, it highlights the positive role of work in the life of a human being, and how its absence negatively demonstrates itself after the loss of employment. Secondly, the thesis evaluates specific methods of employee termination, their implementation, and identifies the role of HR specialists during the termination process with special attention to the ethical aspects. Thirdly, the consequences of layoffs are analyzed on several levels: with regard to the individuals affected by termination process, organizations that are laying off and the government. Subsequently, to identify recommendations, which would mitigate the negative consequences of such actions, the thesis explores potential solutions in the government employment policies and outplacement programs within the corporations. As part of corporate social responsibility it links the problem of termination with the reputation of the organization as a valuable and attractive employer on the market. Lastly, in two case studies, attention is also brought to the perception of the layoff process by concrete laid off..

    Cellular factors restricting mouse polyomavirus infection in host cells: Studies of PML protein isoforms

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    Promyelocytic leukaemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs) are multifunctional nuclear spherical structures formed by the PML protein shell and other interaction partners that have been described to be involved in many cellular processes and immune defences. In the antiviral immune response, PML NBs and their components act as direct restriction factors as well as in the regulation of the interferon response. On the other hand, viruses have developed antagonistic mechanisms to resist this inhibition. This work deals with the role of PML NBs in infection with model Murine polyomavirus (MPyV) and focuses on the study of PML protein isoforms. The first aim of the work was to analyse the formation of human (hPML) and mouse (mPML) NBs in a mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) model. Subsequently, the localization of hPML and mPML NBs during infection was determined. Close localization with viral replication centres was observed for both PML species. In the next step, the effect of infection or interferon α (IFNα) on mPML protein expression was tested. Infection and treatment with IFNα led to an increase in mPML expression at the level of both gene transcription and protein synthesis. At the same time, the data indicated the largest increase in transcription of the mPML3 isoform. The work also addressed the potential..

    Cellular factors restricting mouse polyomavirus infection in host cells: Studies of PML protein isoforms

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    Promyelocytic leukaemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs) are multifunctional nuclear spherical structures formed by the PML protein shell and other interaction partners that have been described to be involved in many cellular processes and immune defences. In the antiviral immune response, PML NBs and their components act as direct restriction factors as well as in the regulation of the interferon response. On the other hand, viruses have developed antagonistic mechanisms to resist this inhibition. This work deals with the role of PML NBs in infection with model Murine polyomavirus (MPyV) and focuses on the study of PML protein isoforms. The first aim of the work was to analyse the formation of human (hPML) and mouse (mPML) NBs in a mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) model. Subsequently, the localization of hPML and mPML NBs during infection was determined. Close localization with viral replication centres was observed for both PML species. In the next step, the effect of infection or interferon α (IFNα) on mPML protein expression was tested. Infection and treatment with IFNα led to an increase in mPML expression at the level of both gene transcription and protein synthesis. At the same time, the data indicated the largest increase in transcription of the mPML3 isoform. The work also addressed the potential...Promyelocytární leukemická jaderná tělíska (PML NBs) jsou multifunkční jaderné sférické struktury tvořené schránkou PML proteinů a dalšími interakčními partnery, které byly popsány v mnoha buněčných procesech i imunitní obraně. Při antivirové imunitní odpovědi působí PML NBs a jejich komponenty jako přímé restrikční faktory i v rámci regulace interferonové odpovědi. Viry zároveň vyvinuly antagonistické mechanismy, jak se této inhibici bránit. Tato práce se zabývá rolí PML NBs při infekci modelovým myším polyomavirem (MPyV) a zaměřuje se na studium izoforem PML proteinu. Prvním cílem práce byla analýza tvorby lidských (hPML) i myších (mPML) NBs v modelu myších embryonálních fibroblastů (MEF). Následně byla zjišťována lokalizace hPML i mPML NBs při infekci. Pro oba druhy byla pozorována lokalizace v těsné blízkosti center replikace virových genomů. V dalším kroku byl testován vliv infekce nebo interferonu α (IFNα) na expresi mPML proteinů. Infekce i ošetření IFNα vedlo k nárůstu exprese mPML na úrovni genové transkripce i syntézy proteinů. Data současně naznačovala největší zvýšení transkripce pro izoformu mPML3. Práce se dále zabývala potenciální restrikční rolí izoformy mPML2. Výsledná data nicméně nenaznačovala, že by nadprodukce mPML2 proteinu infekci signifikantně ovlivňovala. V poslední části...Department of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Intracellular restriction factors of small DNA viruses

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    The theme of this work is to summarize knowledge about protein restriction factors, which function in cells infected by small DNA viruses of families Hepadnaviridae, Parvoviridae, Polyomaviridae and Papillomaviridae. Both restriction factors induced by interferon and restriction factors of intrinsic immunity which are constitutively produced in cells are included in this work. At the same time, mechanisms by which viruses overcome the inhibition effects of restriction factors are mentioned. Restriction factors suppressing Hepatitis B virus infection like components of PML nuclear bodies and proteins Smc5/6, SAMHD1, APOBEC, TRIM, ZAP and Tetherin are described. For the representatives of Parvoviridae family, deaminases APOBEC and PML protein were identified as restriction factors. For the infection by polyomaviruses, restriction factors FAM111A and SRSF1 were described. Restriction by PML nuclear bodies and its component Sp100 and proteins APOBEC, IFI16 and IFIT1 is discussed for the Papillomaviridae family. Keywords: small DNA viruses, intracellular DNA sensing, restriction factors, viral antagonistic mechanism

    The burnout syndrome

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of burnout syndrome. The introduction of the work provides the definition of burnout which can be found in scientific literature. The next part of the work deals with stress, which is considered as the main cause of burnout. This section further identifies possible sources of stress in personal and professional life while highliting possible consequences of long term stress on human health. Subsequently, the work describes and specifies symptoms and stages of the process of burnout and refers to the professions that are at risk of burnout. Attention is also devoted to the treatment of affected individuals and their return to full life. An important part of this work is the area of prevention, which provides specific instructions and procedures to prevent burnout. The aim of this work is to summarize the scientific knowledge on the topic and serve as a source of information for those interested in the issue. Key words: burnout syndrome, the causes of burnout syndrome, stress, sources of stress, consequences of stress, professions at risk, prevention, stress management, mental hygiene, diet