19 research outputs found


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    Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan sektor perikanan. Salah satu sentra budidaya rumput laut yang akan dikembangkan adalah Kabupaten Rote Ndao, yang memiliki ketersediaan perairan potensial untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut. Kajian kesesuaian perairan untuk budidaya rumput laut perlu dilakukan untuk keberlanjutan budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik dan kesesuain perairan untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut di Teluk Mulut Seribu, Rote Ndao. Pengambilan data kualitas perairan dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung dan mengambil sampel untuk dianalisis di laboratorium. Distribusi spasial kualitas perairan di area kajian diinterpolasi menggunakan metode IDW dengan perangkat lunak ArcGIS. Ada 4 parameter yang diperhitungkan dalam analisis spasial, yaitu: kedalaman, kecepatan arus, kecerahan dan alur layar, yang ditumpangsusun tanpa pembobotan untuk mendapatkan peta kesesuaian. Sementara itu beberapa parameter lainnya tidak masuk dalam analisis spasial karena kisaran nilainya sudah sesuai untuk budidaya rumput laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kesesuaian lahan untuk budidaya rumput laut di perairan Mulut Seribu mencapai 56% atau 497,68 hektar dari 879,18 hektar area kajian. Area yang sesuai untuk budidaya rumput laut tersebut memiliki potensi panen hingga 50 ton per siklus.Seaweed is one of the leading commodities in fisheries sector. In Rote Ndao regency, plans to develop seaweed aquaculture centers have been advised considering the regency’s potential coastline areas for seaweed farms. However, a site suitability study is needed to determine if the area is suitable for seaweed aquaculture to ensure its long term sustainability. This study was aimed to examine the characteristics and suitability of Teluk Mulut Seribu waters in Rote Ndao for seaweed cultivation. Data collection on water quality parameters was done via in-situ measurement and samples were collected to be analysed ex-situ in the laboratory. The full extent of spatial distributions of water quality parameters was determined using IDW interpolation tool available in ArcGIS. The four parameters used in the spatial analysis, namely: depth, current velocity, brightness, and sea transportation line were overlaid using non-weighted arithmetic mean operation to create a final composite of suitability map. The other measured parameters were not included in the spatial analysis because the value ranges were considered suitable for seaweed cultivation. The results showed that 56% or 497.68 ha from 879.18 ha of seascape in Teluk Mulut Seribu are suitable for seaweed farming.This study recommends that these suitable areas can be used for seaweed aquaculture with a predicted harvest potential up to 50 ton per culture cycle


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    Disease surveillance programs will provide updated information on the distribution of diseases which allows proper development of mitigation and prevention strategies. WSSV and IMNV viruses are the most threatening diseases in shrimp and have affected the global shrimp farming industries. The present study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of WSSV and IMNV in three different locations of shrimp farms of South Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara and West Jawa. Samples of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei were randomly collected from 20 active shrimp farms in the locations and five samples of postlarvae (PL) that were stocked in ponds. Tissue samples of the shrimp and whole body of PL were preserved in ethanol 90% for analysis. Determination of WSSV and IMNV were carried out by the mobile IQTM WSSV and IQTM IMNV Kit POCKIT Systems. The results showed that the prevalence of WSSV was 30% (6/20) and IMNV was 20% (4/20), while on PL was 40% (2/5). The result revealed that the South Sulawesi (Takalar) samples were positive only for WSSV while West Java (Panimbang) samples were positive only for IMNV. A follow-up study predicted that both viruses were transmitted from the PLs. The present study clearly confirmed that viruses were transmitted from PLs that were not free from either WSSV or IMNV. Therefore, a biosurveillance program is strongly recommended to be implemented in order to avoid the spread of the viral disease to other locations within Indonesia


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    Kabupaten Biak-Numfor merupakan salah satu lokasi yang ditetapkan sebagai Sentra Kelautan dan Perikanan Terpadu (SKPT), yang memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan budidaya laut, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian kesesuaian lokasi dan daya dukung lingkungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesesuaian perairan dan estimasi daya dukung lingkungan (ekologi) untuk pengembangan budidaya ikan kakap (Lates calcarifer). Kajian ini dilakukan di dua lokasi yaitu Pulau Nusi dan Teluk Urfu. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui survai lapangan dan pengumpulan data sekunder melalui Dinas terkait. Data survai lapangan yang dikumpulkan meliputi: arus, kedalaman, pH, suhu, salinitas, dissoloved oxygen (DO), amonia, nitrit, nitrat, fosfat, total suspended solid (TSS), dan kecerahan. Data sekunder yang dikumpulkan antara lain: Peta RBI dan data spasial dari Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil RZWP3K Kabupaten Biak-Numfor 2015. Analisis kesesuaian perairan dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak Quantum GIS (QGIS). Analisis spasial berbasis raster. Hasil analisis kesesuaian perairan untuk budidaya ikan kakap dalam keramba jaring apung (KJA), di sekitar Pulau Nusi memiliki potensi yang sesuai seluas 324,11 ha dari total area seluas 2.643 ha, sedangkan di Teluk Urfu area yang sesuai seluas 0,247 ha dari total area 33 ha. Hasil perhitungan daya dukung ekologi, Teluk Urfu tidak direkomendasikan adanya kegiatan budidaya ikan, kenyataannya saat ini telah terpasang 12 lubang KJA. Sedangkan di Pulau Nusi potensi pengembangan budidaya laut khususnya ikan kakap cukup luas. Daya dukung ekologinya adalah 158 lubang KJA (3 m x 3 m x 3 m) dengan terget panen per lubang adalah 175 kg.Biak-Numfor Regency has been designated as one of the locations of Integrated Marine and Fisheries Center (SKPT). The region has the potential to be developed as mariculture area. Thus, it is necessary to determine the site suitability and calculate the environmental carrying capacity of the area for mariculture development. This study aimed to assess the site suitability and estimate the environmental carrying capacity (ecology) of the region waters for Asian seabass/barramundi (Lates calcarifer) mariculture. The study was carried out in two locations: Nusi Island and Urfu Bay. Primary data were collected from a field survey and secondary data was gathered from the local fisheries extension office in Bia


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    Keberadaan logam berat pada sedimen dapat menjadi polutan apabila konsentrasinya melebihi ambang batas yang ditentukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji konsentrasi logam berat pada sedimen di perairan sungai dan laut di Propinsi Jambi. Tiga sampel sedimen di perairan sungai dan sepuluh sampel sedimen di perairan laut diambil untuk dilakukan analisis laboratorium. Analisis logam berat yang dilakukan di laboratorium meliputi Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Total Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Mercury (Hg), Selenium (Se), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) dan Cobalt (Co).  Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury dan Selenium tidak terdeteksi pada sedimen di perairan laut dan sungai. Daerah penelitian terdeteksi tercemar oleh Cobalt (Co) baik di muara sungai dengan konsentrasi 23-25 mg/kg maupun di peraian laut dengan konsentrasi 21-31 mg/kg. Sementara area dekat dengan muara sungai tercemar Cuprum (Cu) dengan konsentrasi 68 mg/kg dan sedikit tercemar  Nickel (Ni) dengan konsentrasi 14 mg/kg, dan Chromium (Cr) dengan konsentrasi 19 mg/kg. [Title : DISTRIBUTION OF HEAVY METAL IN SEDIMENT AT COASTAL AREA JAMBI PROVINCE] The presence of heavy metals in sediments can be a pollutant when its concentration exceeds a specified threshold. The objective of this study is to analyze the concentration of heavy metals in the river and marine sediments in the Jambi Province. Three samples of river sediments and ten samples of marine sediments was taken for laboratory analysis. Analysis of heavy metals were conducted in the laboratory include arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Total Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Mercury (Hg), Selenium (Se), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) and Cobalt (Co). Result of laboratory analysis indicates that Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Selenium were not detected in sediments in the sea water and the mouth of rivers. Research area detected tainted by Cobalt (Co) with concentration 23-25 mg/kg in area near the mouth of the river and 23-25 mg/kg in sea water. While the area near the mouth of the river highly polluted by Cuprum (Cu) with concentration 68 mg/kg and slightly polluted by Nickel (Ni) with concentration 14 mg/kg and Chromium (Cr) with concentration 19 mg/kg.


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    Budidaya  air  payau,  terutama  bandeng,  telah  dikenal  sejak  tahun  1400-an  dengan  menggunakan  sistem  tradisional. Peningkatan  kebutuhan  protein  hewani  membuat  teknologi  budidaya  berkembang  dan  lahan  produksi  semakin  luas. Untuk  mendukung  produksi  perikanan  yang  lestari,  maka  pengumpulan  informasi  dan  pendataan  kawasan  tambak merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Citra satelit resolusi tinggi yang diintegrasikan dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG)  dapat  digunakan  untuk  pemantauan  lahan  tambak.  Bersama  dengan  pemetaan  partisipatif  oleh  berbagai pemangku kepentingan, maka batas lahan tambak, permasalahan yang terdapat dalam kawasan budidaya tambak dan kemungkinan solusinya dapat diidentifikasi. Pemetaan Partisipatif-SIG (P-SIG) dapat menjadi metode yang tepat untuk menggalang partisipasi para pemangku kepentingan dan menangkap informasi baru di kawasan tambak Ujung Pangkah,Kabupaten Gresik  seperti rendahnya kualitas air, terjadinya penyakit udang dan kematian massal udang, harga benih bandeng  yang  mahal,  fluktuasi  harga  jual  bandeng,  perubahan  lahan,  saluran  air/irigasi  tambak  yang  dangkal  dan sempit, dll. Selain itu, metode ini juga dapat memfasilitasi peserta untuk membuat keputusan manajemen pesisir yang lebih baik, seperti penentuan lokasi prioritas rehabilitasi saluran air/irigasi tambak, lokasi prioritas perlindungan pantai ataupun  verifikasi  data  luasan  tambak  dengan  surat  izin  usaha  budidaya  ikan.  Namun,  metode  P-SIG  membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam prosesnya, serta membutuhkan banyak sumberdaya


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    Nilai ekspor kepiting Indonesia turun drastis mulai tahun 2015, sedikit mengalami peningkatan di tahun 2019 namun masih jauh dibandingkan nilai ekspor tahun 2013 dan 2014. Komoditas kepiting Indonesia memiliki daya saing yang kuat di pasar ekspor ditunjukan dengan nilai RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) diatas satu. Data tahun 2019 menunjukkan Indonesia baru menyumbang 1,66% dari total nilai ekspor kepiting dunia. Volume produksi kepiting dari tahun 2015-2017 masih didominasi oleh tangkapan alam sekitar 75-85% sedangkan produksi dari budidaya hanya 15-25%. Dari produksi kepiting budidaya 15-25% tersebut benihnya masih bergantung dari alam. Produksi kepiting Indonesia masih bergantung pada hasil tangkapan alam, sementara pemanfaatan sumber daya kepiting terbatas. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran kondisi saat ini budidaya kepiting bakau dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan budidaya kepiting yang belum berkembang secara optimal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui study literatur, wawancara dan Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Permasalahan budidaya kepiting saat ini adalah benih sulit didapatkan pada bulan-bulan tertentu sehingga kegiatan budidaya terganggu. Mengingat pasar yang masih terbuka luas, namun hasil tangkapan mulai berkurang ditandai sulitnya memperoleh benih kepiting dari alam secara kontinyu, maka kegiatan budidaya dari pembenihan harus segera diwujudkan dan ditingkatkan produksinya. Kebutuhan benih untuk kegiatan budidaya sangat besar sehingga diperlukan banyak hatchery.The export value of Indonesian crabs fell drastically starting in 2015, with a slight increase in 2019 but still far from the export values of 2013 and 2014. Indonesian crab commodities have strong competitiveness in the export market as indicated by the RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) value above one. Data for 2019 showed Indonesia only contributed 1.66% of the total world crab export value. The volume of crab production from 2015-2017 is still dominated by natural catch, around 75-85%, while production from aquaculture is 15-25%. Of the production of cultivated crabs, 15-25% still depend on natural seeds. Indonesia's crab production still relies on natural catches, while the utilization of crab resources is limited. This study aims to provide an overview of the current condition of mud crab culture and formulate a strategy for developing crab culture that has not developed optimally. The method used in this research is through literature study, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), which were analyzed descriptively. The problem with crab cultivation today is that seeds are challenging to obtain in certain months, so cultivation activities are disrupted. The market is still wide open, but the catch is starting to decrease, marked by the difficulty of continuously obtaining crab seeds from nature. The cultivation activities from hatcheries must be realized, and production must increase. Seeds for cultivation activities are huge, so many hatcheries are needed

    Pengaruh Pemberian Rebusan Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum pada Ibu Postpartum di Desa Tanjung Jati Kecamatan Binjai Kabupaten Langkat

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    Nearly 90% of labor experienced perineal tears, either with or without episiotomy. The incidence of perineal tears occurred almost 90% in normal labor. Red betel leaf or Piper crocatum is known to have chemical properties that have antiseptic and antibacterial effects. The aim of this study was to assess the duration of healing of postpartum mothers' perineal wounds using red betel leaf decoction and anti-septic drugs. The research method was quasi experimental, the population of postpartum mothers with perineal wounds. The sample of the experimental group was given red betel leaf stew as much as 4-5 pieces for 7 days 18 people and the control group 18 people. Samples were taken by consecutive sampling which was conducted in the village of Tanjung Jati Kec. Binjai Kab. Langkat in April-July 2020. The results of this study were the average healing time in the control group was 5.28 ± 0.958 with a Min-Max 3-6 days, while in the intervention group the average healing time was 3.00 ± 1.372 with a Min-Max 2 -5. There was a significant difference (p-value = 0.001) in the length of days of healing between the control and intervention groups. The conclusion of this study is the effect of giving red betel leaf stew (piper crocatum) on the healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers.Proses persalinan hampir 90% yang mengalami robekan perineum, baik dengan atau tanpa episiotomi Angka kejadian robekan perineum terjadi hampir 90 % pada proses persalinan normal. Daun sirih merah atau Piper crocatum diketahui mempunyai kandungan kimia yang berefek antiseptik dan antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai lama penyembuhan luka perineum ibu postpartum dengan menggunakan rebusan daun sirih merah dan obat anti septik di Desa Tanjung Jati Kecamatan Binjai Kabupaten Langkat . Metode Penelitian Yaitu Quasi Eksperimental, Populasi Ibu Pospartum Dengan Luka Perineum. Sampel Kelompok eksperimen diberikan rebusan daun sirih merah sebanyak 4-5 lembar selama 7 hari 18 orang dan kelompok kontrol 18 orang. Sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling yang dilaksanakan di Desa Tanjung Jati Kec. Binjai Kab. Langkat pada bulan April-Juli 2020. Hasil Penelitian ini yaitu rerata lama penyembuhan  pada kelompok kontrol 5,28±0,958 dengan Min-Max 3-6 hari, sedangkan pada kelompok intervensi dengan rerata lama penyembuhan 3,00 ± 1,372 dengan Min-Max 2-5. Ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna (p-value = 0,001) lama hari penyembuhan antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ada pengaruh pemberian rebusan daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum) terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum pada ibu postpartum


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    Marriage is a physical and spiritual bond in the form of a union between a man and a woman based on the desire to have offspring and a family. Basically, marriage is carried out by someone who has matured physically, psychologically and economically. However, in Indonesia, around 12-20% can still be found marriages that have not been accompanied by readiness from various aspects such as physical, economic, and knowledge of household life. This article uses qualitative and descriptive research methods that will explore more about early marriage and its relation to reproductive health. Early marriage is carried out by someone who is under 19 years old on average who is not ready for various aspects of marriage. This is likely to have an impact on reproductive health for both women and men. Therefore, various aspects of preparation are needed in carrying out the marriage so that efforts to avoid the negative impact of early marriage on reproductive health can be minimize


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    Touch therapy or massage is a complex form of therapy which involves physical and emotional touch. Massage can be applied to all ages, including babies. Baby massage is a form of stimulation in the form of touch aimed at the baby's growth and development. Baby massage can increase the quality and quantity of baby sleep so that it stimulates the hormone endorphins to reduce pain and will make the baby calm, ultimately reducing the frequency of baby crying. The problem that occurs is that many mothers do not understand what the benefits of baby massage are and how to do it. An alternative solution to the problem that can be done is by providing counseling which is done virtually during the Covid-19 pandemic. The service was carried out for mothers who have babies aged 6 months-1 year in the work area of ​​the Biru-Biru Puskesmas as many as 32 people. The community service implementation team provided counseling virtually for 2 days with prepared materials, after which measure the mother's knowledge before and after counseling. The results showed that the counseling went well, and there was an increase in the mother's knowledge about the benefits of baby massage for baby growth and development, and mothers were able to massage their babies to their respective babies