12 research outputs found

    Actividad de glutation peroxidasa (GSH-Px) en sangre de bovinos a pastoreo de la IX Regi贸n, Chile y su relaci贸n con la concentraci贸n de selenio en el forraje

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    Con el objeto de determinar la actividad sangu铆nea de glutati贸n peroxidasa (GSH-Px; E.C. en bovinos lecheros de la IX Regi贸n de la Araucan铆a (38潞 LS y 71潞 LO), Chile, y establecer su eventual asociaci贸n con el contenido de Se en el forraje, durante el oto帽o y la primavera de 1999 se tomaron muestras de forraje de las praderas y de sangre en grupos de vacas en inicio de lactancia y vaquillas en 12 predios lecheros. Se midi贸 la concentraci贸n de Se en el forraje empleando la t茅cnica de espectroscop铆a de plasma acoplado inductivamente con detector de masas (ICP-MS) y la actividad sangu铆nea de GSH-Px mediante una t茅cnica cin茅tica compuesta NADPH-dependiente. La concentraci贸n de Se del forraje fue 0.03卤0.02 ppm, donde un 83% present贸 valores deficitarios (0.05). Se encontr贸 un 20% de los grupos analizados con valores deficitarios (0.05). Heifers showed a lower activity for GSH-Px than cows in both periods (p<0.05). Twenty percent of the animals showed a low activity of GSH-Px (below 60 U/g Hb), meaning a Se deficiency in the animals. There was a relation between the content of Se in forage and the blood activity of GSH-Px in heifers (r= 0.74; p<0.05). Accordingly, the content of Se in most of the forage produced in the dairy cattle area from the IXth Region, Chile is below the nutritional requirements for grazing dairy cattle and nutritional metabolic deficiencies of Se are present in dairy herds according to blood activity of GSH-Px. Heifers are mostly affecte

    Effect of a selenium-deficient diet on blood values of T3 and T4 in cows

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    Pastures in the south of Chile have been shown to be selenium deficient, and as selenium is a component of deiodinase type 1, which is necessary for the synthesis of triiodothyronine (T3) at peripheral levels, the effect of selenium deficiency on the blood concentration of theses hormones in cows was studied. Twelve pregnant Friesian cows were randomly allocated into two homogeneous groups of six animals each-selenium supplemented and selenium deficient. The selenium deficient diet consisted of 11.5 kg of hay, 500 g of soya bran, 150 g of mineral mix (without selenium), 500 g of fat for animal feeding, and was given from day 15 of lactation until the end of the study. A commercial concentrate (Cosetan) and urea was also given according to lactation requirements (up to 5 kg and up to 120 g, respectively). The selenium content was 0.05 ppm of dry matter (equivalent to 18% of the daily requirements). The supplemented group was injected subcutaneously with 1 mg Se/kg, using the commercial product Deposel (1 ml/50kg). Blood samples were obtained by coccygeous vein venepuncture before supplementation (prepartum basal values) and thereafter every 15 days. GSH-Px activity in plasma was measured using a HITACHI 4020 spectrophotometer. Serum T3 and thyroxine (T4) concentrations were measured by electrochemiluminiscence. ANOVA, Tuckey test and Student's t-test were used to establish the significance of the intra group differences, with p = < 0.05 being considered significant. There were no significant differences in blood values of T4 in either the supplemented or non-supplemented groups during pregnancy and lactation. However the blood values of T4 decreased significantly (p = < 0.05) during days 30-60 of lactation to values below the reference range. The T3 serum concentrations in the supplemented group of cows were significantly lower (p = < 0.05) at 60, 90 and 150 days of lactation than cows that had been supplemented with selenium

    Seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum en Bovinos de una Feria Ganadera de la Regi贸n de la Araucan铆a, Chile

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    The aim of the study was to determine the seroprevalence of neosporosis in cattle in a livestock fair in the Region of La Araucan铆a, Chile. Blood samples were collected in 437 cows and heifers belonging to nearby farms. Serum samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA technique to detect antibodies against Neospora caninum. The results showed that 21.1% of the animals were positive to neosporosis, while 13.9% (61/437) was uncertain and 65.0% (284/437) was negative. The results indicate that the infection is spread in the farms of the region.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de neosporosis en ganado bovino llevado a una feria ganadera en la Regi贸n de La Araucan铆a, Chile. Se muestrearon 437 vacas y vaquillas procedentes de predios ganaderos de comunas cercanas. Las muestras de suero fueron analizadas mediante la t茅cnica ELISA indirecta para detectar anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum. El 21.1% (92/437) de las muestras resultaron positivas a N. caninum, mientras que 13.9% (61/437) result贸 sospechoso y 65.0% (284/437) result贸 negativo Los resultados obtenidos indican que la infecci贸n se encuentra diseminada en los predios y comunas de la regi贸n

    Farmacogen贸mica de los anticoagulantes orales: la importancia de establecer algoritmos de dosificaci贸n en poblaci贸n chilena

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    There is an important interindividual variability in dose requirement for coumarinic anticoagulants, which could be explained by genetic and non-genetic factors. Among hereditary factors, there are gene polymorphisms that code the therapeutic target and the main enzyme responsible for their metabolism. However, there are other candidate genes that could modulate dose requirements. The is a paucity of pharmacogenomic platforms to determine dose requirements of coumarinics in the Chilean population. Therefore, algorithms considering different variables to adjust individual dosages are required. Herein, we analyze the available evidence about factors that can modify the effects of vitamin K antagonists and that should be incorporated to dosing algorithmsEste trabajo fue apoyado por proyecto FEQUIP2018- PL-06, de la Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n y Postgrado de la Universidad Cat贸lica de Temuco. La instituci贸n no tuvo influencia en la preparaci贸n, revisi贸n o aprobaci贸n del manuscrito. Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de inter茅

    Post-exercise measurement of physiological, hematological and biochemical variables in holsteiner jumping horses

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio post-ejercicio en 10 equinos de salto a trav茅s de variables fisiol贸gicas, hematol贸gicas y bioqu铆micas. Se obtuvieron muestras sangu铆neas en reposo e inmediatamente finalizado el ejercicio, cada 15 d铆as, durante 60 d铆as. Se obtuvo la media, desviaci贸n est谩ndar y se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de varianza y la prueba de Tukey para determinar si existe diferencia estad铆sticamente significativa entre: reposo v/s post-ejercicio; reposo de los distintos muestreos (d铆a 15 a d铆a 60) v/s reposo del d铆a 0 y post-ejercicio de los distintos muestreos (d铆a 15 a d铆a 60) v/s post-ejercicio del d铆a 0, como consecuencia del entrenamiento. Los resultados han permitido determinar que la frecuencia card铆aca y respiratoria fueron significativamente menores (P<0,05) en el post-ejercicio una vez finalizado el per铆odo de entrenamiento v/s el post-ejercicio del d铆a 0. As铆 mismo, la recuperaci贸n fue significativamente m谩s r谩pida en el d铆a 60 v/s d铆a 0. El volumen globular aglomerado (VGA) y la hemoglobina (HB) fueron significativamente mayores (P<0,05) en el postejercicio del 煤ltimo muestreo (d铆a 60) v/s el post-ejercicio del primer muestreo (d铆a 0). Las prote铆nas totales, glucosa sangu铆nea y aspartatoaminotransferasa no mostraron cambios estad铆sticamente significativos. La actividad plasm谩tica de creatinfosfoquinasa aument贸 despu茅s de realizado el ejercicio v/s reposo. Este aumento solo fue significativo (P<0,05), al inicio del estudio (d铆a 0). Posteriormente, los valores de esta enzima disminuyeron significativamente (P<0,05). De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que el entrenamiento produce una adaptaci贸n fisiol贸gica de los individuos que se traduce en un descenso de la frecuencia card铆aca y respiratoria, aumento del VGA y HB y una disminuci贸n de la actividad plasm谩tica de las enzimas relacionadas con da帽o muscular.244 - 253BimestralA post-exercise study was carried out on 10 Holsteiner horses through measurements of physiological, hematological and biochemical variables. Blood samples were obtained at rest and immediately after exercise, every 15 days, during 2 months (day 0 to day 60). The mean and standard deviation were calculated and the two-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test were carried out to determine if there were statistically significant differences between at rest v/s postexercise; resting at the different samplings (day 15 to day 60) v/s resting at day 0 and postexercise at the different samplings (day 15 to day 60) v/s postexercise at day 0, as consequence of training. The heart rate and breathing frequency were significantly smaller (P<0.05) in the postexercise measurement once concluded the period of training v/s the postexercise at the day 0. Likewise, the recovery was significantly faster at day 60 v/s days 0. The packed cell volume (PCV) and the hemoglobin (HB) were significantly greater (P<0.05) at the postexercise of the last sampling (day 60) v/s the postexercise of the first sampling (day 0). The total proteins, blood glucose and the aspartateaminotransferase did not show statistically significant changes. The plasma activity of creatinkinase increased after the exercise was performed v/s resting. This increase was only statistically significative (P<0.05), at the beginning of the study period (day 0). Later on, the activity of this enzyme diminished significantly (P<0.05). It can be concluded that the training produced a physiological adaptation that translated into a decrease of the heart and breathing frequency, an increase of the PCV and HB and finally, a decrease of the plasma activity of the enzymes related to muscular damage

    Pharmacogenomics of vitamin K antagonists

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    There is an important interindividual variability in dose requirement for coumarinic anticoagulants, which could be explained by genetic and non-genetic factors. Among hereditary factors, there are gene polymorphisms that code the therapeutic target and the main enzyme responsible for their metabolism. However, there are other candidate genes that could modulate dose requirements. The is a paucity of pharmacogenomic platforms to determine dose requirements of coumarinics in the Chilean population. Therefore, algorithms considering different variables to adjust individual dosages are required. Herein, we analyze the available evidence about factors that can modify the effects of vitamin K antagonists and that should be incorporated to dosing algorithms

    Transcriptional analysis of flagellar and putative virulence genes of Arcobacter butzleri as an endocytobiont of Acanthamoeba castellanii

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    Arcobacter butzleri is an emerging foodborne zoonotic pathogen that has been isolated from environmental water sources. This pathogen establishes in vitro endosymbiotic relationships with Acanthamoeba castellanii, a free-living amoeba found in environmental matrices such as soil and water. The principal aim of this study was to analyse the transcriptional pattern of flagellar (flaA-flaB-flgH-motA) and other putative virulence genes (ciaB-cadF-mviN-pldA) of A. butzleri during its interaction with A. castellanii by quantitative real-time PCR. The transcriptional analysis showed up-regulation of all genes analysed before A. butzleri became established as an endocytobiont of A. castellanii. In contrast, while A. butzleri remains an endocytobiont, a significant and sustained decrease in the transcription of all analysed genes was observed. Our findings suggest that A. butzleri requires a biphasic transcriptional pattern of flagellar and other putative virulence genes to establish an endosymbiotic relationship with A. castellanii

    Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum un Cattle in a Livestock Fair in the Araucania Region, Chile

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de neosporosis en ganado bovino llevado a una feria ganadera en la Regi贸n de La Araucan铆a, Chile. Se muestrearon 437 vacas y vaquillas procedentes de predios ganaderos de comunas cercanas. Las muestras de suero fueron analizadas mediante la t茅cnica ELISA indirecta para detectar anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum. El 21.1% (92/437) de las muestras resultaron positivas a N. caninum, mientras que 13.9% (61/437) result贸 sospechoso y 65.0% (284/437) result贸 negativo Los resultados obtenidos indican que la infecci贸n se encuentra diseminada en los predios y comunas de la regi贸n.The aim of the study was to determine the seroprevalence of neosporosis in cattle in a livestock fair in the Region of La Araucan铆a, Chile. Blood samples were collected in 437 cows and heifers belonging to nearby farms. Serum samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA technique to detect antibodies against Neospora caninum. The results showed that 21.1% of the animals were positive to neosporosis, while 13.9% (61/437) was uncertain and 65.0% (284/437) was negative. The results indicate that the infection is spread in the farms of the region