5 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Nursing: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The burnout syndrome is significant problem in modern working environtment and its prevalence has increased substantially. Objectives: This systematic review aimed to evaluate the literature on reducing nurse burnout, to estimate the prevalence of burnout, to identify the variables related to burnout and to propose a risk profile for this syndrome among the nursing. Methods: We identified articles through databases searching: Sage, Proquest, Science Direct, Springerlink, and EbscoHost, published between 2006- 2016, search terms include various combination of the terms “Burnout Syndrome”, and “nursing”. Result: Five studies were included in this review. The prevalence of burnout among nursing professionals is high. Personal factors such as demographic variables, personal stress, and personality characteristics were predictive of burnout. Work related factors such as work stress, work environment, job characteristics and organizational variables were also found to be determinants of burnout in this population. Conclusion: The prevalence of burnout among nursing professionals is high. Personal stress, job satisfaction, work stress, quality of care, work environment are determinants of burnout. As a consequence specific action targets for hospital management are formulated to prevent burnout in nurses. Nurse staffing strategies need to be evaluated within developing context to ascertain in their effectiveness


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    Introduction: Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) is an anthropometric indicator which accurate enough to describe the composition of body fat associated with central obesity. Waist circumference illustrates the high deposits of dangerous fat in the body, while the hip circumference is a protective factor in cardiovascular disease events. Method: This research was used correlation analysis with cross sectional approach. There were two research variables, WHR as independent variable and total cholesterol levels as dependent variable. Population this study were all employees of STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto, 79 respondents. Sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The sample of this study were all employees of STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto who are accordance with the inclusion criteria as many as 35 people. Data were collected using meter line to measure waist-hip circumference and use cholesterol test kit to measure total cholesterol levels. Result: The results of Spearman Rho Test showed there was no correlation between WHR and total cholesterol levels, p = 0,688 ( p > 0,05 ) and r = 0.06. Conclusion: This result research showed there was no significant correlation between WHR and total cholesterol levels of employees in STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto. So that, not all people who have excessive WHR will have excessive total cholesterol levels too. Keywords: Antropometri, Waist Hip Ratio, Total Cholestero


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    Pendahuluan: Stressor tinggi yang sering dialami oleh perawat sebagai kondisi dalam upaya penyelamatan pasien, mengerjakan rutinitas, ruang kerja yang padat, jumlah pasien yang banyak, dan harus bertindak cepat dalam menangani kebutuhan pasien. Tenaga kesehatan profesional seperti perawat secara langsung berinteraksi dengan pasien dalam jangka waktu yang lama dan terus menerus dapat menimbulkan terjadinya gejala burnout. Perawat tidak mampu beradaptasi pada situasi dengan tekanan kerja tinggi dan berlangsung terus menerus dalam intensitas tinggi, maka inilah yang disebut dengan burnout. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor penyebab burnout syndrome dan pengaruhnya terhadap job satisfaction pada perawat di Rumah Sakit Petrokimia Gresik. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah observasional. Populasi sebanyak 140 perawat yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Petrokimia Gresik dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling. Sampel yang diperoleh 104 perawat. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil: Individual Effort Factors tidak berpengaruh terhadap burnout syndrome dan kepuasan kerja. Organizational Effort Factors, dan Work environment memiliki pengaruh terhadap Burnout Syndrome dan kepuasan kerja. Sedangkan Burnout Syndrome memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja. Diskusi: Menurunkan burnout syndrome yang terjadi pada perawat dapat dengan cara meningkatkan organizational effort factors. Perawat dapat memberikan dukungan kepada rekan kerja, menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman, dan menciptakan suasana kerja secara kekeluargaan

    Combination of Music and Guided Imagery on Relaxation Therapy to Relief Pain Scale of Post-Operative Patients

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    Aim: This literature review aims to explain the effectiveness of combination relaxation therapies with music and imagery technique to reduce the quality and quantity of pain experienced by post-operative patients. Methods: The research data were identified from 5 journal databases including PubMed, JSTOR, Willey Online Library, Sage Journal and Taylor Francis Online by using the PIOS (Participant, Intervention, Outcomes and Study Design) method and MesH term on advanced search engines. Additional records identified through Google Scholar and Research Gate. The articles that become research data are articles published in 1998–2018 in English version, open access and full-text in the form of original research articles. Results: Eight articles that were screened using PRISMA reviewed without meta-analysis consisted of four articles intervening in a combination of relaxation with music and four articles combining with imagery. Conclusion: The combination of relaxation techniques with music, as well as a combination of relaxation techniques with effective imagery are used to reduce pain. Based on the analysis of the results in several studies, it can be found that patient education about relaxation therapy should be given to all surgical patients to help improve patient’s comfort and enhance tissue healing.


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh instagram dan tik tok terhadap brand loyalty pada Geh Travel di masa pendemi covid-19, baik pengaruh secara partial maupun secara simulta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian asosiatif kausal, penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih. Penelitian kasualitas di sini untuk melihat pengaruh antar variabel bebas instagram (X1), tik tok (X2) terhadap variable terikat yaitu brand loyalty (Y) pada Geh Travel.Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptef dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah follower dari akun sosial media milik Geh Travel yang sebagian besar adalah pelanggan Geh Travel, karena jumlah pupolasi yang besar dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel penelitian. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sebagian dari populasi dimana sampel diambil dengan menerapkan rumus slovin, hal ini dilakukan karena jumlah populasi yang sangat besar yaitu sejumlah 10.700 follower. Dari penarikan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin tersebut maka jumlah sampel penelitian ini sejumlah 88 orang. Jenis data dari penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuisioner yang disebarkan secara online menggunakan google form kepada seluruh follower akun sosial media yang dimiliki Geh Travel. Hasil analisi regresi linear bergandanya adalah Y = -11,743 + 0,477X1 + 0,755X2  + µ. Koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai sebesar 0.927 yang berarti variabel X memberikan kontribusi sebesar  92,7%. Uji  t  media  sosial  Instagram dan Tik Tok terhadap  Brand  Loyalty,  dengan  taraf signifikansi 5% yaitu t1hitung = 4,592 dan p-value = 0,000/2 =  0,000 < 0,05 (uji pihak kanan), atau Ho ditolak yang bermakna penggunaan Instagram berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan brand loyalty. Sedangkan untuk , koefisien variabel X2 yaitu t2hitung = 9,123  dan p-value = 0,000/2 = 0,000 < 0,05 (uji pihak kanan) atau Ho ditolak yang juga bermakna bahwa penggunaan Tic Toc berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan brand loyalty. Dengan demikian, hipotesis yang menyatakan media sosial Instagram dan Tik Tok berpengaruh terhadap Brand Loyalty  pada  GEH Travel Serang Banten  terbukti  kebenarannya  dan  dapat diterima