12 research outputs found

    Frequency-shift free optical phase conjugation using counter-propagating dual pump four-wave mixing in fiber

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    We propose and numerically verify a novel scheme of frequency-shift free optical phase conjugation by counter-propagating dual pump four-wave mixing in nonlinear fiber. The two counter-propagating pumps create a Bragg grating inside the fiber, which diffracts the forward propagating signal and generates a backward propagating idler wave whose phase is conjugate of signal phase. The two pump frequencies are placed symmetrically about signal frequency to ensure that idler wave will have same frequency as that of signal wave. Since the signal and idler waves appear at opposite ends, the idler is easily filtered out from the rest of the spectrum. Using nonlinear Schrödinger equation, we derive equations of signal and idler evolution. We obtain expressions for idler phase and show that perfect phase conjugation is achieved at an optimum length of fiber for a given pump power. We study the effect of fiber length and pump power on phase conjugation. Simulation results show the perfect phase conjugation at optimum fiber length under lossless conditions and small phase-offset when fiber loss and self and cross phase modulations are included. The small phase-offset is avoided by choosing fiber length smaller than optimum fiber length. Simulation results exhibit close agreement to theoretical values, which validates our simulations

    Mitigation of nonlinear effects through frequency shift free mid-span spectral inversion using counter-propagating dual pumped FWM in fiber

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    We propose and numerically verify a scheme of frequency-shift free mid-span spectral inversion (MSSI) for nonlinearity mitigation in an optical transmission system. Spectral inversion is accomplished by optical phase conjugation, realized by counter-propagating dual pumped four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear fiber. We examine the performance of MSSI due to critical parameters such as nonlinear fiber length, pump and signal power. We demonstrate the near complete nonlinearity mitigation of 40 Gbps DQPSK modulated data transmitted over 1000 km standard single mode fiber using our method of MSSI. We perform simulation of bit-error rate as a function of optical signal to noise ratio to corroborate the effect of frequency-shift free MSSI

    A novel scheme of cascaded four-wave mixing for phase-sensitive amplification in nonlinear optical fibre

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    We propose and numerically verify a scheme of phase-sensitive amplifier (PSA) using four-wave mixing (FWM) in cascaded highly nonlinear fibres (HNLFs), without requiring initial phase-locking between signal and pump. The first HNLF is used to generate two phase-conjugate waves, which act as two pumps for FWM process in second HNLF. We feed the two pumps from opposite ends of second HNLF and a signal co-propagating with one of the pumps. We keep the signal frequency in the middle of two pump frequencies to obtain phase-conjugate wave at the same frequency as the signal by FWM process in second HNLF. Signal and phase-conjugate wave appear at opposite ends of the second HNLF and combined to obtain PSA. The frequency-shift-free operation of phase conjugation helps in preserving the frequency of input signal during phase-sensitive amplification. We derive the expression for PSA signal output and PSA gain and show analytically that PSA gain depends upon signal phase only, as the two pumps are phase conjugate to each other. Thus, eliminating the need of phase locking between signal and pump waves. We show that PSA provides high gain for in-phase component and almost cancellation for quadrature-phase component of signal. We show the broadband nature of PSA due to minimum effect of group velocity and group velocity dispersion owing to counter-propagating nature of signal and conjugate waves. We study the performance of PSA under the effects of pump-signal detuning, amplifier length and input signal phase. Simulation results show that PSA output is forced to attain 0 or π phase regardless of large variation of phase in the input signal. Nonlinear phase noise reduction of 100 Gbps DPSK signal transmitted over 1000-km standard single-mode fibre confirms phase regeneration by PSA

    Compensation of nonlinearity in a fiber-optic transmission system using frequency-degenerate phase conjugation through counter-propagating dual pump FWM in a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    We present a scheme of frequency-degenerate mid-span spectral inversion (MSSI) for nonlinearity compensation in fiber-optic transmission systems. The spectral inversion is obtained by using counter-propagating dual pump four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). Frequency-degeneracy between signal and conjugate is achieved by keeping two pump frequencies symmetrical about the signal frequency. We simulate the performance of MSSI for nonlinearity compensation by scrutinizing the improvement of the Q-factor of a 200 Gbps QPSK signal transmitted over a standard single mode fiber, as a function of launch power for different span lengths and number of spans. We demonstrate a 7.5 dB improvement in the input power dynamic range and an almost 83% increase in the transmission length for optimum MSSI parameters of −2 dBm pump power and 400 mA SOA current

    Experimental demonstration of optical phase conjugation using counter-propagating dual pumped four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifier

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    We report optical phase conjugation in C-band by counter-propagating dual pumped non-degenerate four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). The co-propagating signal and pump waves create a grating inside SOA which diffracts counter-propagating pump and generates the conjugate wave. Since the signal and conjugate waves appear at opposite ends, the conjugate is easily filtered out from the rest of spectrum with minimal spectral shift of the conjugate with respect to the incoming signal. With pump powers of 3.2 dBm each and signal input power of 7 dBm, conjugate power was of 27.2 dBm, giving a conversion efficiency of 1% at 18 GHz pump-signal detuning. By modulating the signal by a periodic pattern ‘1000’ at 10 Gbps using a non-zero chirp intensity modulator and resolving the temporal profile of the electric field envelope of the conjugate wave, we demonstrate spectral in-version

    Effect of Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil under Various Depths on Different Cropping Systems in Ayodhya, India

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    A research work conducted during 2018-19 at Agronomy farm of Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P.) to evaluate the fertility status and effect of different cropping systems on soil physico-chemical characteristics and their correlation. The 300 representative soil samples with 4 depths viz. 0-15, 15-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm soil samples were taken with manually driven post hole auger and processed for soil analysis from different plots of Agronomy farm. Results revealed that physico-chemical properties viz. particle Density, bulk density pH, EC, organic corban, nitrogen phosphorus potassium Sulphur and zinc varied vertically and horizontally in cultivated and fallow lands. The soils were sandy loam, clay loam, loam and silt loam.  The frequency distribution of soil bulk density of entire farm ranged from 1.128-1.58 Mgm-3, particle density ranged 2.50-2.76 Mgm-3 and soil chemical properties, like, pH      ranged from 7.2-11.5, the E.C. is found in ranged from .13-1.01 dSm-1. While organic carbon was ranged from 1.4-6.70 g kg-1. and notable available Nitrogen in Agronomy farm was low in ranged from 170.15-221.36 kgha-1.The Phosphorus availability was found in ranged from 6.01-16.87 kgha-1 , while Potassium was found in ranged from 163.20-220.98 kgha-1. How ever the availability of Sulphur, was found in ranged from 8.62-18.32 kgha-1, Zinc ranged from in Agronomy farm 0.28-0.81mgkg-1. The significant positive correlation were observed among soil B.D with N, B.D with P, B.D with K, B.D with S, P.D. with S, P.D. with Zn. While the significant negative correlations were observed among PD with O.C., Zn with P, Zn with K and Zn with S in whole Agronomy Farm