10 research outputs found

    Emergency peripartum hysterectomy, physical and mental consequences: a 6-year study

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    Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH) is performed for massive postpartum hemorrhage following a cesarean delivery or vaginal delivery, in order to save the patient’s life. The current study was performed on a sample of 13.162 patients, which underwent cesarean or vaginal delivery during a period of 6 years, from 2010 to 2015, in Bucur Maternity Hospital. There were two subsequential groups consisting in: 6593 patients with cesarean operations and 6569 patients with vaginal delivery. In 12 cases occurred one or more of the risk factors that lead to EPH, divided equally across the two groups above. The main two types of surgery are a more frequent subtotal hysterectomy, which is the preferred type of EPH as it takes less time and is associated with fewer complications, and a total hysterectomy. The majority of procedures were performed at patients over 35 years old (9 of 12), with a median age of 31,16 (ranging from 21 to 44 years old). The most important risk factor present across the lot was multiparity (11 from 12), with cicatricial uterus being the second one (4 of 12). ICU median time was 4,5 days (ranging from 3 to 15 days), with a median blood transfusion necessity of around 2,4 I.U per patient. There were no mother or newborn reported deaths, neither PTSD following EPH.EPH is a procedure performed as last-resort, life-saving surgery, leaving no time for mental preparation of the patients. This may predispose to negative psychological outcomes, especially because they are not part of decision-making process due to the emergency character of hysterectomy

    Modern interpretation of risk factors in breast cancer of women

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    Breast cancer is a major public health problem, being the most common cancer diagnosed in women and accounting for more than 1 in 10 new diagnoses of cancer each year. It is the most common neoplasm of women under the age of 40 and the second leading cause of cancer death in this age group, with more frequent detection of pathogenic mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes. Women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are about 70% more likely to develop breast cancer. The incidence is rising in most countries and it is expected to have a growing trend in the next 20 years, despite the current efforts to prevent the disease. In order to improve the survival rate, it is necessary to make a diagnosis as early as possible and to initiate the appropriate therapeutic management as soon as possible. Therefore, in order to detect breast formations, mammography screening is very important, breast density being an important factor in predicting the risk of breast cancer. Thus, the presence of high breast density represents a 4-6 times higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women with low breast density. Aging and menopause are also risk factors for breast cancer. Hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women has the benefit of relieving symptoms such as hot flashes, depression or sleep disturbances, but it increases the risk of developing breast cancer

    Conduita terapeutica in hemoragia din postpartum

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    UMF „Carol Davila”, Clinica „Bucur”, Spitalul Clinic „Sf. Ioan”, Maternitatea”Bucur”, Bucureşti, România, Al VI-lea Congres Național de Obstetrică și Ginecologie cu participare internațională, 13-15 septembrie 2018, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Hemoragia din postpartum reprezintă o cauza importanta de morbididate şi mortalitate materna. Cauzele cele mai frecvente sunt: atonia uterina, soluţiile de continuitate, aderenţele anormale ale placentei şi coagulopatie. Material şi metode: Am revizuit baze de date medicale internaţionale cu studii randomizate, meta-analize referitoare la tendinţele actuale despre histerectomia postpartum si tehnicile alternative in hemoragia din postpartum. Rezultate: Incidenţa hemoragiei din postpartum este de 1% in condiţiile unei atitudini terapeutice rapide. Tratamentul este direcţionat de cauză. Astfel, pentru atonie uterină iniţial se tentează mijloace farmacologice şi ulterior gesturi chirurgicale precum ligatura arterei uterine - O’Leary sau ligatura arterei hipogastrice. Sutura B-Lynch si variantele acesteia sunt concepute pentru realiza compresia uterului prin forţă mecanică. Baloanele uterine sunt proiectate pentru a realiza tamponarea zonele de sângerare placentară. Aceasta este cea mai efi cientă metoda deoarece cateterul aplică presiune directă la locul de sângerare. Dispozitivele cu balon uterin concepute special pentru tamponadă uterină după naştere vaginală sau cezariană includ: cateterul Foley, Balon Bakri, dispozitiv B-T Cath şi dispozitiv dublu-balon Ebb care este, de asemenea, proiectat şi pentru hemostaza cervicală. Radiologia intervenţională impune gestionarea avansată, minim invazivă a hemoragiei în postpartum. Conclusii: Utilizarea uterotonicelor, ligaturile vasculare pelvine şi tamponadele cu baloane sunt primii paşi în abordarea terapeutică a hemoragiei din postpartum. Conduita adecvată constă într-o atitudine promtă, deseori cu echipă multidisciplinară

    The quality of sexual life after vaginal surgical interventions

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    Introduction. The malfunction of the supporting pelvic system generates signs and symptoms that require various procedures. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether vaginal surgical interventions for genital prolapse or urinary incontinence have an impact on patients’ sexual quality of life. Materials and methods. We studied 40 eligible women who underwent vaginal surgical procedures in Saint John Hospital, Bucharest. Patients completed a questionnaire 6 months after the intervention. Results. Patients who underwent vaginal surgery for prolapse were 50-64 years of age. The most frequent vaginal surgical intervention was vaginal hysterectomy (32.5%), followed by anterior and posterior colporaphy (17.5%), and direct cystopexy (15.0%). Regarding their sexual life, 42.5% patients described improvement in sexual life, 22.5% described decreased libido after surgery, and 35% indicated no significant improvement. 57.5% of women indicated that they had no sexual discomfort (57.5%), whereas 27.5% had dyspareunia and 15% had dysuria. There was no negative impact on patients’ male partner quality of sexual intercourse after intervention. Conclusions. Vaginal surgical interventions for genital prolapse or urinary incontinence do not appear to lead to significant alteration of quality of sexual life in women

    Four years of experience in our clinic regarding hysteroscopies for abnormal uterine hemorrhages

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    Introduction. Abnormal uterine hemorrhages (AUH) are the most common symptom for presentation to gynecologist. Any uterine bleeding other than menstrual bleeding, which concerns the duration, frequency, quality or quantity of the bleeding is considered abnormal. Material and Methods. We realized a retrospective study based on medical records of the patients admitted for abnormal uterine hemorrhage at “Saint John” Emergency Clinical Hospital, “Bucur” Maternity between 2013 and 2016. From the patients with AUH, we focused on those who underwent hysteroscopies. Results. Our study included 146 patients. The age of patients varied from 22 to 71 years. Abnormal uterine bleeding was most prevalent among women of 40-50 years (20%), and the mean age was 42.65%. 82.88% from our patients had obstetrical history and only 17.12% didn’t give birth either as an option, or from primary or secondary infertility. 7.53% of the patients were hypertensive and 5.48% had endocrine pathology. All patients underwent diagnostic hysteroscopy and 4.79% patients therapeutic hysteroscopy. The therapeutic measures that were made are: hysteroscopic resection of the endometrium (47.3%), excision of polyps (36.99%), sinechiolysis (8.22%) and myomectomy (2.71%). The diagnoses were 46.48% endometrial polyp, 13.7% intramural leiomyoma, 13.7% IUD (intrauterine device) and 9.59% intrauterine synechiae, while 15.06% cumulated for uterine septum, endometrial hyperplasia, cervical polyp, foreign intrauterine bodies, secondary infertility, dysfunctional metrorrhagia. Conclusion. In patients with abnormal uterine hemorrhages, hysteroscopy provides the most accurate diagnosis and can reduce the burden of hysterectomy in many cases


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    Electronic cigarettes are increasingly popular devices that deliver nicotine through aerosols, not burning as in the case of classic cigarettes. Electronic cigarette traders claim that these types of cigarettes are safer than conventional cigarettes and that their use facilitates smoking cessation. However, there are many question marks regarding the long-term safety of using electronic cigarettes. In this review, we wanted to highlight the many vagueness and their possible effect on health


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    Melasma is a chronic skin condition, characterized by irregular brown spots, symmetrically distributed over the sun's exposed areas of the body, especially on the face. Although generally a "cosmetic" problem, melasma can significantly affect the quality of life of patients. Its pathogenesis is not yet fully understood, as several possible triggers are proposed. Next, we will address certain aspects of melasma, according to the current research


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    Infantile hemangiomas are the most frequent tumors of infancy, with an incidence reaching almost 10% (1). In children with more than 5 skin hemangiomas it has been noticed a highly association with visceral hemangiomas, the liver being the main site for their localization (2). Regarding therapeutic approach, if for skin hemangiomas the treatment is well established, for hepatic infantile hemangiomas clear guidelines are still necessary

    Oversight and Management of Women with Psoriasis in Childbearing Age

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    Psoriasis is a complex disease with many associated comorbidities, all of which have a negative impact on a patient’s personal, social, and sexual life. There are some unique considerations in the effects of this disease among women. The average age of diagnosis in women with psoriasis is 28 years, and this onset corresponds to the fertile life of women. There is conflicting information about the effects of psoriasis on female fertility. Some studies suggest that this condition’s associated comorbidities, personal behaviors, and reduced ovarian reserve, especially due to chronic inflammation, affect women’s fertility. Another possible reason women with psoriasis are less likely to become pregnant is that their sexual intercourse frequency decreases after the condition’s onset. The available information on the effects of pregnancy on women with psoriasis is limited. According to current evidence, most women will experience an improvement in their skin condition. Studies show that patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis are more prone to experience pregnancy complications. The management of pregnant and lactating women with psoriasis is also difficult, as the safety profile of commonly used drugs in patients with psoriasis is not entirely known

    Proceedings of The 8th Romanian National HIV/AIDS Congress and The 3rd Central European HIV Forum

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