68 research outputs found

    The role of unemployment insurance during the economic and financial crisis

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of unemployment insurance during recession. Firstly, it presents a brief literature review, according to which unemployment insurance works as a built-in stabilizer for the economy. Secondly, it highlights certain characteristics of these programs in developed and developing countries, in recession periods. Also, it analyzes the evolution of Romanian unemployment insurance indicators during 2004-2009 and finds that public expenditures had an opposite trend to that of GDP and budgetary revenues, decreasing during periods of economic growth and increasing during the current recession, which suggests an interaction with the economic cycle.iunemployment insurance, economic crisis, unemployment rate

    Romanian Public Expenditures Policy during the Economic Crisis

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the Romanian public expenditures policy promoted in the context of the economic and financial crisis. Firstly, we present a brief introduction on the effects of public expenditures policy to economic growth and the role of automatic stabilizers in times of economic recessions. Secondly, the paper analyzes the evolution of current and capital public expenditures before and during the economic and financial crisis, according to which unproductive spending prevailed, in detriment of productive investments which can stimulate the economic recovery


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    This paper focuses on state aid’s role in the current financial and economic crisis, in order to help all the economic sectors to get back on their feet. The negative effects of the sub-prime mortgage lending affected not only the US, but also the Europeastate aid, financial and economic crisis, European Commission

    The importance of therapeutic window in minimally invasive treatment of acute pancreatitis

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    Clinica Chirurgie II, Departamentul de Imagistică Medicală, Clinica Gastroenterologie, Clinica ATI I, Spitalul Clinic de Urgență, Sibiu, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Pancreatita acută este o afecțiune gravă cu o mortalitate ridicată în formele necrotico-hemoragice, în ciuda progreselor terapeutice actuale. Dorim să subliniem importanța instituirii terapiei corespunzătoare în intervalul „ferestrei terapeutice”, interval în care lanțul patogenic poate fi întrerupt (manevre miniinvazive). Material şi metodă: În 2006, în Clinica Chirurgie 2 a fost instituit un protocol terapeutic cu viza patogenică, ce asociază terapia medicală cu cea chirurgicală laparoscopică de decompresie precoce a arborelui biliopancreatic şi/sau necrectomie laparoscopică, în funcție de tipul pancreatitei acute. Alegerea momentului operator trebuie să fie precoce (fereastra terapeutică), bine documentată şi adaptată fiecărui caz în parte. Rezultate: Eficiența acestui protocol este obiectivată de reducerea la jumătate a incidenței formelor de pancreatită acută gravă precum şi de reducerea drastică a mortalității. Concluzii: Evoluția favorabilă a cazurilor tratate conform acestui protocol mixt, precum şi perioada de spitalizare relativ redusă, variind între un minim de 7 zile şi un maxim de 25 de zile, pledează pentru acest concept terapeutic patogenic, miniinvaziv.Introduction: Acute pancreatitis is a very serious disease with a high mortality in necrotic forms, despite the progresses made in therapeutic management. Our purpose is to underline the importance of establishing the suitable therapy within the interval of „therapeutic window”, when the pathogenic chain can be cutted down (minimally invasive maneuvers). Matherial and method: In 2006, in Clinic Surgery 2 it had beed established a protocol with pathogenic target which associates medical treatment and laparoscopic decompression of billiary tract and/or laparoscopic necrectomy adapted to the type of the pancreatitis. Chosing the operation moment must be precocious (within therapeutic window) well documented and adapted to each case separately. Results: The efficiency of this protocol is objectifiing through the reduction to half of the incidence of the severe forms of acute pancreatitis and also drastically redu ction of the mortality. Conclusions: The favourable evolution of the cases treated according to this mixt protocol and the relative short period of spitalization between 7 and 25 days, pleads for this pathogenic and minilally invasive concept of treatment. Key words: acute pancreatitis, therapeutic window, laparoscopic necrectomy

    Falx cerebri tuberculoma mimicking en plaque meningioma: Case report

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    Background: The involvement of falx cerebri in tuberculosis is extremely rare, with only three cases reported so far in the literature. The diagnosis is most often difficult to establish, given the location of the lesion, making surgical intervention necessary for a definite histopathologic diagnosis. Methods: We present the case of a 49-year old female patient who was admitted for a right jacksonian seizure, followed by a right crural monoparesis, without a history of tuberculosis. The lesion mimicked a falx cerebri en plaque meningioma in the imaging tests. Results: A complete surgical excision was performed through a left fronto-parietal parasagittal approach. The histopathological examination revealed a case of cerebral tuberculosis. The surgical treatment was complemented postoperatively with antituberculous therapy. Conclusion: In this article, we emphasize the rarity of the lesion at this level and also presenting similar cases from the literature. Moreover, we also discuss epidemiological, clinical, imaging, therapeutic as well as pathological aspects of en-plaque dural tuberculoma

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Atypical meningioma associated with multiple meningiomas

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    The incidence of multiple meningiomas (MMs) without stigmata of neurofibromatosis or family history of meningiomatosis is rare. MMs with atypical histology are even rarer, since most of them have benign histology. The authors report three cases of MMs, of which the symptomatic meningioma removed was an atypical meningioma (AM). We also review their possible pathogenesis and histopathology. Although there has not been established any MMs management and therapy strategy so far, our recommendation is to treat symptomatic and accessible lesions or growing tumours and also to prefer a conservative approach consisting of the imaging follow-up of asymptomatic lesions

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Assessing Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Systematic Review

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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common side effect of many anticancer drugs that may cause various symptoms altering the quality of life. We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the peripheral and central nervous system changes associated with CIPN and detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Medical literature databases (PubMed, Scopus, Thomson Reuters - Web of Science and Embase) were searched for original studies reporting the use of MRI in the evaluation of CIPN. A total of 31 studies were identified and 9 were eligible for analysis. Results indicate few changes of the peripheral nervous system, most CIPN-associated nervous alterations involving pain processing areas and circuits inside the central nervous system. Distinct patterns of pain processing, changes in cerebral perfusion and gray matter density together with chronic activation of somatosensory areas have been observed in patients with CIPN compared to healthy subjects or cancer patients who did not develop CIPN. Identification of vulnerable brain areas and circuits may indicate future targets for novel therapies directed to prevent or treat CIPN. A preexisting vulnerability suggested by a unique pattern of brain activation following nociceptive stimulation prior to chemotherapy could help identify high-risk individuals, candidates to close monitoring and preventive strategies.</p

    Orbitocranial penetrating injury by a metallic foreign body: Case report and anatomical considerations

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    Orbitocranial penetrating injuries (OPI) represent a rare type of head injuries encountered in clinical practice. These appear after falls or motor vehicle accidents and are more frequent among children. We present the case of a male patient with OPI, associated with large frontal hemorrhagic contusion, with minimal periorbital trauma findings related to brain injury. Knowing and understanding the clinical anatomy of the orbit and the patterns of injuries in OPI are mandatory, since failure in detecting intracranial complications may lead to the increase of the neurological morbidity, visual loss and death

    The tumour volume influence on tumour recurrence and progression-free survival in the case of atypical meningiomas: Our experience on a series of 81 cases

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    Objective: The objective of our study was to evaluate a possible relation between the volume of atypical meningiomas (AMs) and the risk of tumour recurrence, as well as progression-free survival (PFS). Material and methods: We evaluated 81 patients diagnosed with AMs (WHO grade II meningioma) who have undergone surgery at the "Prof. Dr. N. Oblu" Emergency Clinical Hospital Iasi between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2019. The recorded data were demographic and imagistic (MRI, contrast-enhanced T1WI). We calculated the tumour volume prior to the surgery and evaluated the tumour recurrence using MRI at 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months after the surgery. Results: 50.6% of patients had meningioma volume &lt; 26.4 cm3. Women had larger tumour volumes than men (52.6%). Patients of age ? 60 years old, had tumour volumes ? 26.4 cm3 in 58.5% of cases and meningiomas with volumes ? 26.4 cm3 recurred earlier (p=0.010). Also, patients who had tumour volumes ? 26.4 cm3, had a shorter PFS (40.976 months), compared to patients with tumour volumes &lt; 26.4 cm3, who had better PFS (53.4 months). Conclusions: the tumour volume of AMs ? 26.4 cm3 represents a negative prognostic factor for both early tumour recurrence and reduced PFS