36 research outputs found
Spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) on the territory of the Å umava national park - biology, occurrence and methods of forest protection
<p>(A) Simulated voltage clamp traces of homomeric Kv7.4 channel at 28°C from holding potential of −90 mV, where the voltage was stepped to values up to +40 mV in increments of 10 mV, subsequently stepped down to −120 mV. (B) Steady state activation curves from Miceli et al [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.ref096" target="_blank">96</a>]. (C) Simulated activation fast time constant derived from experimental data (filled circles) from Schröder et al [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.ref034" target="_blank">34</a>].</p
Effect of increasing the extracellular ATP concentration.
<p>Simulation of the mathematical model in free-running mode, showing the effect of increasing the extracellular ATP concentration on the myometrium AP waveform. Key to ATP concentrations during 10-sec application: light blue: nil; blue: 10 <i>μ</i>M; black: 100 <i>μ</i>M; green: 1 mM; and red: 10 mM.</p
Properties of <i>I</i><sub>T-type</sub>.
<p>(A) Normalised <i>I</i><sub>T-type</sub> current trace in simulated voltage-clamp experiments. Currents are recorded during 1 s voltage steps to potentials ranging from −60 to 80 mV from a holding potential of −60 mV. (B) Simulated (circles) peak <i>I</i>–<i>V</i> relationship obtained from the series of experiments shown in (A). Values are normalised to the peak current values. (C) Steady state activation and inactivation curves. (D) Simulated activation and inactivation time constant.</p
Properties of <i>I</i><sub>Kv9.3</sub>.
<p>(A) Normalised <i>I</i><sub>Kv9.3</sub> current trace in simulated voltage-clamp experiments. Currents are recorded during 1 s voltage steps to potentials ranging from −50 to 80 mV from a holding potential of −60 mV. (B) Simulated (solid triangles) peak <i>I</i>–<i>V</i> relationship obtained from the series of experiments shown in (A). Values are normalised to the peak current value. (C) Steady state activation and inactivation curves from Patel et al [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.ref015" target="_blank">15</a>]. (D) Simulated activation time constant derived from experimental data (filled circles) from Patel et al [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.ref015" target="_blank">15</a>].</p
Calcium dynamics.
<p>(A) Calcium fluorescence signal (dots) together with the least-squares fit of the calcium excitation model (solid line); parameter estimates are given in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.t004" target="_blank">Table 4</a>. (B) Reconstructed calcium concentration time course obtained using the model with these estimates.</p
Properties of <i>I</i><sub>P2X4</sub>.
<p>(A) Normalised <i>I</i><sub>P2X4</sub> theoretical current traces for various ATP concentrations at a holding potential of −60 mV. (B) Simulated ATP-concentration effect curve (solid line) and experimental data by Toulme et al [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.ref038" target="_blank">38</a>] (solid circles). Values are normalised to the peak current values.</p
Redundancy map for the BK potassium channel.
<p>Heat map of the null space matrix in echelon form with BK as a leading variable, showing which linear combinations of other channels can compensate for shifts in BK density. Whereas shifts in the BK<sub><i>α</i></sub> density require virtually no compensation to maintain the voltage waveform, shifts in e.g. BK<sub><i>α</i></sub> + <i>β</i>4 require large compensatory shifts in several other channels, both upward and downward. The color key relates hue to the <i>log</i><sub>10</sub> of the fold change.</p
Properties of <i>I</i><sub>L-type</sub>.
<p>(A) Normalised <i>I</i><sub>L-type</sub> current trace in simulated voltage-clamp experiments. Currents are recorded during 1 s voltage steps to potentials ranging from −50 to 80 mV from a holding potential of −50 mV. (B) Simulated (solid triangles) peak <i>I</i>–<i>V</i> relationship obtained from the series of experiments shown in (A). Values are normalised to the peak current values, data (circles) from Blanks et al [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004828#pcbi.1004828.ref112" target="_blank">112</a>]. (C) Steady state activation and inactivation curves. (D) Simulated activation and inactivation time constant.</p
Calcium dynamics parameter values.
<p>Calcium dynamics parameter values.</p
Potential conductance species included in the model.
<p>Potential conductance species included in the model.</p