141 research outputs found

    Testate amoebae in historical parks of Potsdam, Germany

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    To explore the potential of urban settings as habitats for testate amoebae, five historical parks in Potsdam (Germany) were sampled at different sites. A total of 32 sampling sites was chosen in proximity to deciduous (Acer, Castanea, Fagus, Tilia, Platanus, Quercus) and coniferous (Fraxinus, Picea, Pinus, Tsuga) trees. Meadows and creeks were also sampled. The overall taxonomic record comprises 76 species and sub-species. High species numbers of >20 per sample were found in meadows and below Fagus, Tilia, and Quercus trees. The species richness per park ranges from 33 to 46 taxa. Most species belong to the eurybiontic ecological group, although litter-inhabiting and hygrophilic and hydrophilic species were also present. Common species found in more than 50% of all samples (superdominants) belong to the genera Centropyxis, Cyclopyxis, Euglypha, and Trinema. Interestingly, the rare Frenopyxis stierlitzi which inhabits tree hollows was found as a recently described species in a new genus Frenopyxis BOBROV & MAZEI 2020 in the Babelsberg Park. The studied testate amoebae are characterized by a high degree of morphological and morphometric plasticity. Therefore, the study of testate amoebae in urban settings will reveal new insights into their ecology and enhance the definition of morphometric variability for single species

    A New Species from Mountain Forest Soils in Japan: Porosia paracarinata sp. nov., and Taxonomic Concept of the Genus Porosia Jung, 1942

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    A new species, Porosia paracarinata, is described from mountain forest litter, Bijodaira, Japan. This is the second species in the genus Porosia; until now, the genus was monospecific with the type species Porosia bigibbosa. P. paracarinata sp. nov. is distinguished from P. bigibbosa by the presence of a wide lateral keel. Test ultrastructure of P. paracarinata sp. nov. was documented using light and scanning electron microscopy. Morphometric analyses showed that this species is only slightly variable. The main morphological variability is due to the size of the lateral keel, which can vary from very wide (13.13 μm) to very narrow (3.75 μm). Ecological notes and morphological comparisons between P. paracarinata and other closely related species are discussed. The taxonomic concept of previously monospecific genus Porosia is expended

    Two New Species of Testate Amoebae from Mountain Forest Soils of Japan and Redescription of the Genus Deharvengia Bonnet, 1979

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    Two new species of Deharvengia and Assulina are described from samples in the mountain forests of Honshu Is. (Japan). Morphometric analysis showed low variability of their morphological characteristics with coefficients of variation ranging between 1.4 and 9.1% for the two new species. An amended description of the genus Deharvengia is provide

    Latitudinal Diversity Gradients in Free-living Microorganisms – Hoogenraadia a Key Genus in Testate Amoebae Biogeography

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    The extent to which free-living microorganisms show cosmopolitan distributions has been a contentious aspect of microbial ecology over the last few decades. Testate amoebae are a group of free living protists that can provide important evidence for the nature of the biogeography of microorganisms because there are relatively good data on the distribution of their morpho-species (compared to many other microbial groups). Many testate amoebae appear to exhibit ubiquitous distributions, while some taxa have proven to be endemic to limited regions. The genus Hoogenraadia (Gauthier-Lièvre and Thomas 1958) is of particular interest in this context as it appears to be restricted to relatively low latitudes. There are six described species of the genus: H. africana Gauthier-Lièvre and Thomas 1958, H. asiatica Wang and Min 1987, H. cryptostoma Gauthier-Lièvre and Thomas 1958, H. humicola Bonnet 1976, H. ovata Bonnet 1976, and H. sylvatica Vucetich 1974. However, information on these taxa is scattered through a number of different papers – here we provide a summary of what is known about the taxonomy and ecology of this genus. We also reinterpret recent new records of putative H. africana from China (suggesting this identification is not reliable). As an example of a protist taxon largely restricted to the tropics this genus is of particular interest in microbial biogeography and this paper discusses its morphology, ecology and distribution in this context

    Late Quaternary records from the Chatanika River valley near Fairbanks (Alaska).

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    Perennially-frozen deposits are considered as excellent paleoenvironmental archives similar to lacustrine, deep marine, and glacier records because of the long-term and good preservation of fossil records under stable permafrost conditions. A permafrost tunnel in the Vault Creek Valley (Chatanika River Valley, near Fairbanks) exposes a sequence of frozen deposits and ground ice that provides a comprehensive set of proxies to reconstruct the late Quaternary environmental history of Interior Alaska. The multi-proxy approach includes different dating techniques (radiocarbon-accelerator mass spectrometry [AMS 14C], optically stimulated luminescence [OSL], thorium/uranium radioisotope disequilibria [230Th/U]), as well as methods of sedimentology, paleoecology, hydrochemistry, and stable isotope geochemistry of ground ice. The studied sequence consists of 36-m-thick late Quaternary deposits above schistose bedrock. Main portions of the sequence accumulated during the early and middle Wisconsin periods. The lowermost unit A consists of about 9-m-thick ice-bonded fluvial gravels with sand and peat lenses. A late Sangamon (MIS 5a) age of unit A is assumed. Spruce forest with birch, larch, and some shrubby alder dominated the vegetation. High presence of Sphagnum spores and Cyperaceae pollen points to mires in the Vault Creek Valley. The overlying unit B consists of 10-m-thick alternating fluvial gravels, loess-like silt, and sand layers, penetrated by small ice wedges. OSL dates support a stadial early Wisconsin (MIS 4) age of unit B. Pollen and plant macrofossil data point to spruce forests with some birch interspersed with wetlands around the site. The following unit C is composed of 15-m-thick ice-rich loess-like and organic-rich silt with fossil bones and large ice wedges. Unit C formed during the interstadial mid-Wisconsin (MIS 3) and stadial late Wisconsin (MIS 2) as indicated by radiocarbon ages. Post-depositional slope processes significantly deformed both, ground ice and sediments of unit C. Pollen data show that spruce forests and wetlands dominated the area. The macrofossil remains of Picea, Larix, and Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia also prove the existence of boreal coniferous forests during the mid-Wisconsin interstadial, which were replaced by treeless tundra-steppe vegetation during the late Wisconsin stadial. Unit C is discordantly overlain by the 2-m-thick late Holocene deposits of unit D. The pollen record of unit D indicates boreal forest vegetation similar to the modern one. The permafrost record from the Vault Creek tunnel reflects more than 90 ka of periglacial landscape dynamics triggered by fluvial and eolian accumulation, and formation of ice-wedge polygons and post-depositional deformation by slope processes. The record represents a typical Wisconsin valley-bottom facies in Central Alaska

    Stable isotope signatures of Holocene syngenetic permafrost trace seabird presence in the Thule District (NW Greenland)

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    Holocene permafrost from ice wedge polygons in the vicinity of large seabird breeding colonies in the Thule District, NW Greenland, was drilled to explore the relation between permafrost aggradation and seabird presence. The latter is reliant on the presence of the North Water Polynya (NOW) in the northern Baffin Bay. The onset of peat accumulation associated with the arrival of little auks (Alle alle) in a breeding colony at Annikitisoq, north of Cape York, is radiocarbon-dated to 4400 cal BP. A thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) colony on Appat (Saunders Island) in the mouth of the Wolstenholme Fjord started 5650 cal BP. Both species provide marine-derived nutrients (MDNs) that fertilize vegetation and promote peat growth. The geochemical signature of organic matter left by the birds is traceable in the frozen Holocene peat. The peat accumulation rates at both sites are highest after the onset, decrease over time, and were about 2-times faster at the little auk site than at the thick-billed murre site. High accumulation rates induce shorter periods of organic matter (OM) decomposition before it enters the perennially frozen state. This is seen in comparably high C=N ratios and less depleted 13C, pointing to a lower degree of OM decomposition at the little auk site, while the opposite pattern can be discerned at the thick-billed murre site. Peat accumulation rates correspond to 15N trends, where decreasing accumulation led to increasing depletion in 15N as seen in the little-auk-related data. In contrast, the more decomposed OM of the thick-billed murre site shows almost stable 15N. Late Holocene wedge ice fed by cold season precipitation was studied at the little auk site and provides the first stable-water isotopic record from Greenland with mean 18O of 8:00:8, mean D of 36:25:7, mean d excess of 7:70:7, and a 18O-D slope of 7.27, which is close to those of the modern Thule meteoric water line. The syngenetic ice wedge polygon development is mirrored in testacean records of the little auk site and delineates polygon low-center, dry-out, and polygon-high-center stages. The syngenetic permafrost formation directly depending on peat growth (controlled by bird activity) falls within the period of neoglacial cooling and the establishment of the NOW, thus indirectly following the Holocene climate trends

    Late Holocene ice-wedge polygon dynamics in northeastern Siberian coastal lowlands

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    Ice-wedge polygons are common features of northeastern Siberian lowland periglacial tundra landscapes. To deduce the formation and alternation of ice-wedge polygons in the Kolyma Delta and in the Indigirka Lowland, we studied shallow cores, up to 1.3 m deep, from polygon center and rim locations. The formation of well-developed low-center polygons with elevated rims and wet centers is shown by the beginning of peat accumulation, increased organic matter contents and changes in vegetation cover from Poaceae-, Alnus-, and Betula-dominated pollen spectra to dominating Cyperaceae and Botryoccocus presence, and Carex and Drepanocladus revolvens macro-fossils. Tecamoebae data support such a change from wetland to open-water conditions in polygon centers by changes from dominating eurybiontic and sphagnobiontic to hydrobiontic species assemblages. The peat accumulation indicates low-center polygon formation and started between 2380 ± 30 and 1676 ± 32 years before present (BP) in the Kolyma Delta. We recorded an opposite change from open-water to wetland conditions due to rim degradation and consecutive high-center polygon formation in the Indigirka Lowland between 2144 ± 33 and 1632 ± 32 yrs BP. The late Holocene records of polygon landscape development reveal changes in local hydrology and soil moisture

    Holocene thermokarst and pingo development in the Kolyma Lowland (NE Siberia)

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    Ground ice and sedimentary records of a pingo exposure reveal insights into Holocene permafrost, landscape and climate dynamics. Early to mid‐Holocene thermokarst lake deposits contain rich floral and faunal paleoassemblages, which indicate lake shrinkage and decreasing summer temperatures (chironomid‐based TJuly) from 10.5 to 3.5 cal kyr BP with the warmest period between 10.5 and 8 cal kyr BP. Talik refreezing and pingo growth started about 3.5 cal kyr BP after disappearance of the lake. The isotopic composition of the pingo ice (δ18O − 17.1 ± 0.6‰, δD −144.5 ± 3.4‰, slope 5.85, deuterium excess −7.7± 1.5‰) point to the initial stage of closed‐system freezing captured in the record. A differing isotopic composition within the massive ice body was found (δ18O − 21.3 ± 1.4‰, δD −165 ± 11.5‰, slope 8.13, deuterium excess 4.9± 3.2‰), probably related to the infill of dilation cracks by surface water with quasi‐meteoric signature. Currently inactive syngenetic ice wedges formed in the thermokarst basin after lake drainage. The pingo preserves traces of permafrost response to climate variations in terms of ground‐ice degradation (thermokarst) during the early and mid‐Holocene, and aggradation (wedge‐ice and pingo‐ice growth) during the late Holocene

    Western Beringia and beyond - three decades of German-Russian paleoenvironmental research on Siberian permafrost

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    With first joint fieldwork on Taymyr Peninsula during mid-1990s, a successful cooperation of German, Russian, and further international partners on permafrost and Quaternary palaeoenvironments in Siberia was started and resulted in extensive joint research for 3 decades. Studies of permafrost deposits and ground ice provided insights on past environmental and climatic changes, covering several hundreds of thousands of years into the past. They provide multi-proxy evidence for multiple glacial/interglacial cycles and different periods of past climate change or stability in Arctic land environments. Study objects were natural permafrost exposures along coastal sections, thaw slumps, and river banks, studied mostly during summers, complemented by permafrost cores from land, lake and sea ground drilled mostly in spring. Exposure geometry and stratigraphic horizon thickness have been surveyed using laser tachymetry, other measuring equipment, and drones. Based on multi-proxy analyses, mid- and late Quaternary periods were studied, resulting in >300 scientific papers. The approach includes geomorphic studies, various geochronological analyses, analysis of frozen sediments (for ice, carbon, nitrogen, and carbonate contents, grain-size parameters, magnetic susceptibility, heavy mineral compositions), ground ice (stable water isotopes, major ions) and of numerous fossil bioindicators, to reconstruct the Quaternary paleoenvironmental change. Oldest permafrost horizons were dated from the Batagay mega-thaw-slump (Yana Uplands) to about 650 ky with luminescence dating. Here and elsewhere, records of Eemian and Holocene interglacial periods, and environmental conditions associated with it were targeted. Many sites with late Pleistocene Yedoma Ice Complex have been explored. Lateglacial and Holocene warming induced enormous periglacial landscape changes by widespread permafrost degradation and substantial paleoecological changes. For vast Siberian areas where glacial records are not available, we aim on the establishment of permafrost as paleoclimatic archive, emphasizing peculiarities of permafrost age control and record resolution and stressing the great potential for understanding climate variability on glacial-interglacial timescales in Western Beringia