39 research outputs found

    The regulatory protein and component interactions of soluble methane monooxygenase

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulatory protein (protein B) and component interactions of soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO). sMMO is a multi-component enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of methane to methanol. It consists of three proteins, a hydroxylase, a reductase and protein B (Colby and Dalton, 1978). Protein B contains no metals, cofactors or prosthetic groups and has a molecular mass of 16 kDa. It has been shown that protein B is absolutely necessary for the hydroxylase activity of the sMMO complex and is a powerful regulator of the enzyme (Green and Dalton, 1985). It has also been found that 12 amino acids are cleaved from the N-terminus of protein B from Me. eapsulatus (Bath) to form an inactive truncate, known as protein B' and mutation of the Met12_Gly13 cleavage site to Met12 -GIn I3 to give the single mutant protein G13Q, improved the stability of the protein (Lloyd et al., 1997). Much of this work has concentrated on the study of the catalytic and regulatory significance of the 12 amino acids cleaved from protein B. Mc. eapsulatus (Bath) protein B appears to- cleave autocatalytically, generating the inactive protein B' truncate. The secondary structures of proteins B and B' were seen to be the same, although the overall structure was identified as differing slightly and protein B was shown to be capable of existing in a monomer-dimer equilibrium, whereas protein B' was identified as existing in a monomer form. An homologous protein B from Ms. trichosporium OB3b, identified as being more a-helical in character, has been shown to be more stable than Mc. eapsulatus (Bath) protein B but still undergoes the inactivating cleavage reaction to form truncates, although the cleavage sites differ between the two proteins. The construction, expression and purification of N-terminal truncates of Mc. capsulatus (Bath) protein B identified that the presence of the first 7 amino acids was essential for protein B activity within the sMMO system and a decrease in specific activity was observed as each amino acid from 1 to 7 was lost. Upon loss of the 7th amino acid, tyrosine, the truncate protein was observed to be totally inactive and also much more prone to cleavage, but unchanged in terms of secondary structure. Protein concentration was observed as having an effect on the stability of Mc. capsulatus (Bath) protein B and, the single mutant G13Q, with increased concentrations improving stability. This effect was not observed for the double mutant MI2A:G13Q, although it was shown to be more stable than the other proteins under more dilute conditions. The addition of a magnesium salt also improved the stability of protein B. Studies into the interactions of protein B with the other proteins within the sMMO complex have also been performed. Evidence that the hydroxylase undergoes a large conformational change upon the binding of the reductase and protein B has been obtained and modelled to suggest that one trimer of the hydroxylase dimer rotates by 1800 relative to the other upon complex formation. It also showed the sMMO complex to form in a stoichiometry of 1:2:2 hydroxylase:reductase:protein B. Other data suggest that -sMMO component binding occurs on only one trimer of the hydroxylase dimer under different conditions

    An improved method for surface immobilisation of RNA: application to small Non-Coding RNA - mRNA pairing

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    Characterisation of RNA and its intermolecular interactions is increasing in importance as the inventory of known RNA functions continues to expand. RNA-RNA interactions are central to post-transcriptional gene regulation mechanisms in bacteria, and the interactions of bacterial small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) with their mRNA targets are the subject of much current research. The technology of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is an attractive approach to studying these interactions since it is highly sensitive, and allows interaction measurements to be recorded in real-time. Whilst a number of approaches exist to label RNAs for surface-immobilisation, the method documented here is simple, quick, efficient, and utilises the high-affinity streptavidin-biotin interaction. Specifically, we ligate a biotinylated nucleotide to the 3' end of RNA using T4 RNA ligase. Although this is a previously recognised approach, we have optimised the method by our discovery that the incorporation of four or more adenine nucleotides at the 3' end of the RNA (a poly-A-tail) is required in order to achieve high ligation efficiencies. We use this method within the context of investigating small non-coding RNA (sRNA)-mRNA interactions through the application of surface technologies, including quantitative SPR assays. We first focus on validating the method using the recently characterised Escherichia coli sRNA-mRNA pair, MicA-ompA, specifically demonstrating that the addition of the poly-A-tail to either RNA does not affect its subsequent binding interactions with partner molecules. We then apply this method to investigate the novel interactions of a Vibrio cholerae Qrr sRNA with partner mRNAs, hapR and vca0939; RNA-RNA pairings that are important in mediating pathogenic virulence. The calculated binding parameters allow insights to be drawn regarding sRNA-mRNA interaction mechanisms

    High-density functional-RNA arrays as a versatile platform for studying RNA-based interactions

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    We are just beginning to unravel the myriad of interactions in which non-coding RNAs participate. The intricate RNA interactome is the foundation of many biological processes, including bacterial virulence and human disease, and represents unexploited resources for the development of potential therapeutic interventions. However, identifying specific associations of a given RNA from the multitude of possible binding partners within the cell requires robust high-throughput systems for their rapid screening. Here, we present the first demonstration of functional-RNA arrays as a novel platform technology designed for the study of such interactions using immobilized, active RNAs. We have generated high-density RNA arrays by an innovative method involving surface-capture of in vitro transcribed RNAs. This approach has significant advantages over existing technologies, particularly in its versatility in regards to binding partner character. Indeed, proof-of-principle application of RNA arrays to both RNA-small molecule and RNA-RNA pairings is demonstrated, highlighting their potential as a platform technology for mapping RNA-based networks and for pharmaceutical screening. Furthermore, the simplicity of the method supports greater user-accessibility over currently available technologies. We anticipate that functional-RNA arrays will find broad utility in the expanding field of RNA characterization

    An Investigation into the Potential of Targeting Escherichia coli rne mRNA with Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) Gapmers as an Antibacterial Strategy

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    The increase in antibacterial resistance is a serious challenge for both the health and defence sectors and there is a need for both novel antibacterial targets and antibacterial strategies. RNA degradation and ribonucleases, such as the essential endoribonuclease RNase E, encoded by the rne gene, are emerging as potential antibacterial targets while antisense oligonucleotides may provide alternative antibacterial strategies. As rne mRNA has not been previously targeted using an antisense approach, we decided to explore using antisense oligonucleotides to target the translation initiation region of the Escherichia coli rne mRNA. Antisense oligonucleotides were rationally designed and were synthesised as locked nucleic acid (LNA) gapmers to enable inhibition of rne mRNA translation through two mechanisms. Either LNA gapmer binding could sterically block translation and/or LNA gapmer binding could facilitate RNase H-mediated cleavage of the rne mRNA. This may prove to be an advantage over the majority of previous antibacterial antisense oligonucleotide approaches which used oligonucleotide chemistries that restrict the mode-of-action of the antisense oligonucleotide to steric blocking of translation. Using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, we demonstrate that the LNA gapmers bind to the translation initiation region of E. coli rne mRNA. We then use a cell-free transcription translation reporter assay to show that this binding is capable of inhibiting translation. Finally, in an in vitro RNase H cleavage assay, the LNA gapmers facilitate RNase H-mediated mRNA cleavage. Although the challenges of antisense oligonucleotide delivery remain to be addressed, overall, this work lays the foundations for the development of a novel antibacterial strategy targeting rne mRNA with antisense oligonucleotides

    Structure of Escherichia coli RNase E catalytic domain and implications for RNA turnover. Nature 437

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    The coordinated regulation of gene expression is required for homeostasis, growth and development in all organisms. Such coordination may be partly achieved at the level of messenger RNA stability 1 , in which the targeted destruction of subsets of transcripts generates the potential for cross-regulating metabolic pathways. In Escherichia coli, the balance and composition of the transcript population is affected by RNase E, an essential endoribonuclease that not only turns over RNA but also processes certain key RNA precursors E. coli RNase E is one of the largest members of a highly conserved RNase family The 'large' domain (residues 1-400) can be divided into subdomains corresponding to established folds ( The three RNAs that crystallized together with RNase E contain the targeted sequence 5 0 -ACAGUAUUUG-3 0 found at the 5 0 end of the antisense regulator of ColE1-type plasmid replication, RNA I 23 ( Whereas the 10-mer and 13-mer RNAs are bound entirely by one tetramer, the 15-mer RNA is long enough for it to be shared between two different tetramers in the crystal lattice The group on the 5 0 terminus of the RNA substrate can affect the catalytic rate constant of RNase E by orders of magnitude 12 but does not seem to have a marked effect on substrate bindin