3,156 research outputs found

    Computer program developed for flowsheet calculations and process data reduction

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    Computer program PACER-65, is used for flowsheet calculations and easily adapted to process data reduction. Each unit, vessel, meter, and processing operation in the overall flowsheet is represented by a separate subroutine, which the program calls in the order required to complete an overall flowsheet calculation

    Aging and partial body weight support affects gait variability

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    Perbaikan Sistem Produksi di PT. X dengan Memperhatikan Lintasan Perakitan dan Tata Letak Fasilitas

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    PT. X merupakan sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konveksi yang bersifat job order. Produk yang dihasilkan antara lain adalah baju, kaos kerah, dan kaos oblong/olahraga. Akhir-akhir ini demand/permintaan meningkat, sehingga PT. X mengalami kesulitan dalam memenuhi permintaan pasar. Hal ini disebabkan Perusahaan belum mengatur keseimbangan lini perakitan, dan tata letak mesin di lintasan penjahitan. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan sistem usulan yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu dengan mengatur keseimbangan lintasan di bagian penjahitan agar lebih seimbang, dan dengan jarak momen perpindahan yang kecil

    InnateDB: systems biology of innate immunity and beyond—recent updates and continuing curation

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    peer-reviewedInnateDB (http://www.innatedb.com) is an integrated analysis platform that has been specifically designed to facilitate systems-level analyses of mammalian innate immunity networks, pathways and genes. In this article, we provide details of recent updates and improvements to the database. InnateDB now contains >196 000 human, mouse and bovine experimentally validated molecular interactions and 3000 pathway annotations of relevance to all mammalian cellular systems (i.e. not just immune relevant pathways and interactions). In addition, the InnateDB team has, to date, manually curated in excess of 18 000 molecular interactions of relevance to innate immunity, providing unprecedented insight into innate immunity networks, pathways and their component molecules. More recently, InnateDB has also initiated the curation of allergy- and asthma-related interactions. Furthermore, we report a range of improvements to our integrated bioinformatics solutions including web service access to InnateDB interaction data using Proteomics Standards Initiative Common Query Interface, enhanced Gene Ontology analysis for innate immunity, and the availability of new network visualizations tools. Finally, the recent integration of bovine data makes InnateDB the first integrated network analysis platform for this agriculturally important model organism.This work was supported by Genome BC through the Pathogenomics of Innate Immunity (PI2) project and by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research under the Grand Challenges in Global Health Research Initiative [Grand Challenges ID: 419]. Further funding was also provided by AllerGen grants 12ASI1 and 12B&B2. D.J.L. was funded in part during this project by a postdoctoral trainee award from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR). F.S.L.B. is a MSFHR Senior Scholar and R.E.W.H. holds a Canada Research Chair (CRC). Funding to enable bovine systems biology in InnateDB is provided by Teagasc [RMIS6018] and the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship scheme. IMEx is funded by the European Commission under the PSIMEx project [contract number FP7-HEALTH-2007-223411]. Funding for open access charge: Teagasc [RMIS6018]

    Assessing the UK policies for broadband adoption

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    Broadband technology has been introduced to the business community and the public as a rapid way of exploiting the Internet. The benefits of its use (fast reliable connections, and always on) have been widely realised and broadband diffusion is one of the items at the top of the agenda for technology related polices of governments worldwide. In this paper an examination of the impact of the UK government’s polices upon broadband adoption is undertaken. Based on institutional theory a consideration of the manipulation of supply push and demand pull forces in the diffusion of broadband is offered. Using primary and secondary data sources, an analysis of the specific institutional actions related to IT diffusion as pursued by the UK government in the case of broadband is provided. Bringing the time dimension into consideration it is revealed that the UK government has shifted its attention from supply push-only strategies to more interventional ones where the demand pull forces are also mobilised. It is believed that this research will assist in the extraction of the “success factors” in government intervention that support the diffusion of technology with a view to render favourable results if applied to other national settings

    Introduction to Quantum Integrability

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    In this article we review the basic concepts regarding quantum integrability. Special emphasis is given on the algebraic content of integrable models. The associated algebras are essentially described by the Yang-Baxter and boundary Yang-Baxter equations depending on the choice of boundary conditions. The relation between the aforementioned equations and the braid group is briefly discussed. A short review on quantum groups as well as the quantum inverse scattering method (algebraic Bethe ansatz) is also presented.Comment: 56 pages, Latex. A few typos correcte

    Leading Singularities of the Two-Loop Six-Particle MHV Amplitude

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    We use the leading singularity technique to determine the planar six-particle two-loop MHV amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills in terms of a simple basis of integrals. Our result for the parity even part of the amplitude agrees with the one recently presented in arXiv:0803.1465. The parity-odd part of the amplitude is a new result. The leading singularity technique reduces the determination of the amplitude to finding the solution to a system of linear equations. The system of equations is easily found by computing residues. We present the complete system of equations which determines the whole amplitude, and solve the two-by-two blocks analytically. Larger blocks are solved numerically in order to test the ABDK/BDS iterative structure

    All Two-Loop MHV Amplitudes in Multi-Regge Kinematics From Applied Symbology

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    Recent progress on scattering amplitudes has benefited from the mathematical technology of symbols for efficiently handling the types of polylogarithm functions which frequently appear in multi-loop computations. The symbol for all two-loop MHV amplitudes in planar SYM theory is known, but explicit analytic formulas for the amplitudes are hard to come by except in special limits where things simplify, such as multi-Regge kinematics. By applying symbology we obtain a formula for the leading behavior of the imaginary part (the Mandelstam cut contribution) of this amplitude in multi-Regge kinematics for any number of gluons. Our result predicts a simple recursive structure which agrees with a direct BFKL computation carried out in a parallel publication.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor correction