12 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of TLE6 mutation causes the earliest known human embryonic lethality

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    TLE6 is linked to a novel female-sterility phenotype in humans. Genomewide linkage analysis using all available family members from both study families shows that the only significant linkage peak, that is, LOD >3 is the one corresponding to the founder haplotype spanning TLE6 on chromosome 19. (PDF 44 kb

    Additional file 4: of KIAA0556 is a novel ciliary basal body component mutated in Joubert syndrome

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    IFT analysis in C. elegans K04F10.2( tm1830 ) mutants. a Intraflagellar transport rates in wild-type and K04F10.2(tm1830) mutant worms. Shown are the anterograde and retrograde velocities (μm.s-1/standard deviation (SD)) of GFP-tagged IFT proteins along amphid and phasmid channel cilia (combined; top rows), or phasmid cilia only (bottom rows). t-test pairwise comparison with wild-type controls, n number of particles, N measured number of amphids and phasmids. OSM-3 is the worm orthologue of KIF17; CHE-11 is the worm orthologue of IFT140; OSM-6 is the worm orthologue of IFT52. b Representative fluorescence images of phasmid cilia showing normal IFT protein localisations and distributions in tm1830 mutants. ds distal segment, ms middle segment, bb basal body region, den dendrite. All images are similarly scaled and orientated (arrow denotes basal body). Scale bar, 3 μm. c Representative kymographs (time (t) over distance (d) plots) used to generate IFT rate measurements. For each kymograph, the horizontal axis (distance) is 5 μm and the vertical axis (time) is 25 seconds. d Distribution plots of IFT protein velocities. (JPG 1951 kb

    Tecnologie digitali per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. La rappresentazione di beni non accessibili

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    Il contributo rientra nel filone delle sperimentazioni di comunicazione multimediale e di ricostruzione virtuale di architetture e frammenti urbani. Il lavoro presenta i risultati di alcune applicazioni digitali che adoperano il linguaggio multimediale per consentire la fruizione virtuale di siti per diverse ragioni non accessibili, per raccontare un percorso reale o concettuale. I casi studio analizzati si configurano quali possibili prodotti strategici di divulgazione e comunicazione per la conoscenza e la comprensione del patrimonio culturale e per la veicolazione di contenuti scientifici.The contribution is part of the study and experimentation of multimedia communication, virtual analysis and reconstruction of architectures and urban fragments. This paper shows the results of some digital applications that use multimedia language for virtual fruition and enhancement of some sites, which for several reasons, are not accessible, to tell a real or conceptual path. The cases analyzed are considered as possible strategic products of dissemination and communication for the knowledge and understanding of cultural heritage and for the transmission of scientific content