687 research outputs found

    Factors Related to Overweight in Kindergarten School Children

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    Obesity has become a significant public health problem of the twenty first century. An increasing number of preschool children are becoming overweight. Although many risk factors have been identified for school-age children, less is known about this young age group. This study was aimed to determine factors associated with overweight among preschool children. Study design was a cross sectional survey. Sample in this study was 90 children aged 3–6 years old in Bina Putik Kindergarten School in Cempaka Putih District (total sampling). The prevalence of overweight and obesity in this sample were 24.4% and 13.3% respectively. There were significant relationships between overweight and some variables using chi-square test such as: age of the children, having overweight parents, nutritional knowledge of the mother, duration of breast feeding, frequency of fast food consumption (p<0.05). In Cox Regression analysis, only the age of children and nutritional knowledge of mothers were found as determinant factors influencing childhood overweight after adjusting other variables. Younger aged children (<5 years) had a greater risk of being overweight than older children (>5 years old). It could be concluded that mother’s knowledge on nutrition played an important role in preventing overweight children. Suggested recommendation in order to prevent overweight since childhood was by increasing mother’s knowledge through optimizing relevant programs in the Puskesmas

    Critical Realist Autoethnography in International Scholarships Impact Research: An Illustrative Proposal

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    International higher education scholarships can be an impactful tool of development. They have demonstrable potential to advance the knowledge, skills, and networks of individuals, who may then be able to use these outcomes in making significant contributions in their workplaces and societies. This evolving theory of change has rightly guided the growing body of academic research and professional evaluations in this area. However, this academic and grey literature tends to limit investigations to the post-completion stage, often focusing on exploring impact through such neoliberal indicators such as economic return, career progress, and links to the foreign country of study. This exploratory scope and methodological-theoretical design demonstrably limit the extent to which scholarships impact may be understood in terms of its emergence or appreciated in terms of its manifestation. I try to respond to this limitation in this paper; I pilot a critical realist autoethnography methodology in explaining how two recent graduate scholarships have impacted me. The study makes three contributions to this area of research and practice. Empirically, it extends support for current research findings in the area by offering the first scholarly account of a Palestinian's scholarship experiences and impact. Drawing on empirical findings, it demonstrates that scholarships impact is a dynamic, contingent, and co-constitutive process. Methodologically, it illuminates the practice of critical realist autoethnography in both exploring and explaining this process of scholarship impact. Practically, it proposes this alternative conceptual-methodological approach may be a powerful tool of evaluating—and simultaneously optimizing—scholarships impact

    Identifikasi Potensi dan Analisis Masalah Sumber Daya Perikanan di Kecamatan Nambo Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Tujuan ulasan studi literatur keanekaragaman hayati dan konservasi ikan air tawar ini adalah untuk mendalami keanekaragaman hayati ikan di perairan tawar dan masalah eksistensi sebagian spesiesnya yang mulai terancam punah, serta faktor kesalahan pengelolaaan yang terjadi. Strategi global yang ditawarkan dalam ulasan studi literatur ini didasarkan atas pemilihan langkah konservasi sebagai jawaban untuk mengatasi ancaman kepunahan tersebut. Konservasi adalah perlindungan dan pelestarian kehidupan akuatik yang penting dalam menata keseimbangan alam dan mendukung ketersediaan sumberdaya bagi generasi yang akan datang. Tercatat spesies ikan yang ada di Indonesia berjumlah 1193 spesies dan keanekaragaman spesies ikan air tawar Indonesia nomor tiga terkaya di dunia. Ikan endemik adalah ikan yang keberadaannya hanya ada pada satu tempat tertentu, dan tidak ada di tempat lain. Ikan endemik di Indonesia berjumlah sekitar 120 spesies.Ditinjau dari sudut iktiogeografis, ikan air tawar di Indonesia mendiami tiga daerah sebaran geografis (Paparan Sunda, Daerah Wallace, dan Paparan Sahul) yang dibatasi oleh dua garis maya: Garis Wallace dan Garis Weber. Menetapkan tujuan dan sasaran konservasi; Merancang langkah- langkah pelaksanaan; Menyiapkan sarana dan prasarana pendukung yang diperlukan; Menentukan kriteria atau tolok ukur keberhasilan konservasi; dan Memantau serta mengevaluasi hasil berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan

    Efketifitas Simpang Bersinyal Dengan Sistem Pengaturan Dua Fase Pada Jalan Utama Di Kota Palu (Studi Kasus: Simpang Samratulangi – Sudirman- Cik Ditiro- Haji Hayyun)

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    The growth of vehicle every year give impact to traffic intersection performance. The impact of trrafic such as vehicle queueing , traffic jam , rise in delay time and also increase travel time could be caused by traffic control system no effective because the increasing by traffic volumeThis research is conducted in one of Major Street in Palu, namely at Samratulangi – Sudirman Street street is the intersection between Hj. Hayyun – Cik Ditiro Street.In this research, the analyzed by using Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia ( MKJI).From result of analysis by using MKJI , got intersection performance at condition of morning peak reside at service of level C with queue length is equal to 38,73, in the peak day has level of service F with queue length is equal to 65,04 m and afternoon peak with level of service E where the queueing length is 70,07 m. According to value of level of service on the this intersection had shown that traffic control system 2 (two) stage was not effective agai

    Mass spectrometric approaches for the analysis of phytosterols in biological samples.

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    Agriculture Development Fund grant, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Saskatchewan, Canada.Peer ReviewedPlant sterols (phytosterols) are important structural components of plant cellular membranes and they play a major role during development and metabolism. They have health-associated benefits, especially in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Due to their many health claims, there is a growing interest in their analysis. Although various analytical strategies have been employed in analyzing phytosterols, chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (MS) is superior due to its sensitivity. Furthermore, specificity and selectivity are enhanced by utilizing tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). This article reviews the various mass spectrometric strategies used for the analysis of phytosterols. It highlights the applications and limitations associated with each MS strategy in various sample matrices such as plant, human, animal, food, and dietary supplements. GC-MS was historically the method of choice for analysis; however, the derivatization step rendered it tedious and time-consuming. On the other hand, liquid chromatography coupled to MS (LC-MS) simplifies the analysis. Many ionization techniques have been used namely electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI). APCI showed superiority in terms of ion intensity and consistency in ion formation, primarily forming [M+H-H2O]+ ions rather than [M+H]+. In addition, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) as well as ambient mass spectrometry such as direct analysis in real time (DART) have also been evaluated

    Oriental Family Law: Case Study within a Gendered-Citizenship/Inequality Perspective: From Concept to Analytical Status

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    This article presents key findings and empirical work of basic research in Bahrain in regards to active citizenship and gender equality where it analyses the claimed liberal citizenship. The article focuses on pre-existing inequality in the family code and also discusses a significant issue where there is a Sunni-Shi’ite division in Bahrain. This is relevant to citizenship and gender equality for how family codes are debated in regards to women’s rights within the legislative authority. Furthermore, this article analyses the parliamentary organizational structure which attributes and influences the legislation process and decision-making particularly on gender-friendly policies, where the legal system can be used to encourage a liberal plan for all people and in particular women to have equal access to opportunities and resources

    Inequality Analyses of Gendering Jordanian Citizenship and Legislative Rights

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    Awareness has been recently increased about gender-based rights and citizenship in Jordan. Many of the issues concerning gender equality arise in the private sphere. Therefore, focusing on the politics of family law is important with regards to women’s rights in particular. Family law is the law related to matters such as polygamy, divorce, inheritance, child custody, guardianship and obedience. The effects are observed especially when Jordanian women try to exercise their granted constitutional political rights. It is the family (personal status) law that runs individual affairs within the private sphere in a patriarchal society where it affects also on exercising others’ rights in the public sphere. It still embodies and reinforces explicit discrimination against women and is enshrined in national legislations. For example, in private sphere family issues, women have to address the religious court, where decisions are based on the judge\u27s perspective. This study is an attempt to analyze the current personal status (family) law. Much of the available local literature in Jordan is purely theoretical, and systematic empirical studies with strong gender analyses are devastatingly absent. Therefore, semi-structured interviews using purposeful sampling that encompassed a range of elite actors involved in these issues–from academics to politicians and civil society activists – were conducted. A reputation-based snowball sampling method, a technique for finding research subjects by referral from one subject to the next, was used. Interviews of elite actors were conducted to collect the qualitative primary data, while the secondary sources represent document analyses, such as national and international documents like the Jordanian Constitution, agreements, laws, regulations, articles and books. This study concluded that Jordan has to establish both a public sphere and private sphere (e.g. the family domain, where women are primarily located) as an ideology in the corresponding laws and Constitution, because the modernization or liberalization of laws is an essential process for empowering individuals, particularly women in Jordan. This means that the laws and basic human rights need to be taken seriously and reconstructed for each development or evolution era for the citizens\u27 benefit rather than just as a display for the international community showing fake modernity
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