41 research outputs found

    Physiological and pharmacological actions of glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in domestic animals

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    Analogues of glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and other drugs that increase this peptide half-life are used worldwide in human medicine to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and obesity. These molecules can increase insulin release and satiety, interesting effects that could also be useful in the treatment of domestic animals pathologies, however their use in veterinary medicine are still limited. Considering the increasing incidence of DM and obesity in cats and dogs, the aim of this review is to summarize the available information about the physiological and pharmacological actions of GLP-1 in domestic animals and discuss about its potential applications in veterinary medicine. In diabetic dogs, the use of drugs based on GLP-1 actions reduced blood glucose and increased glucose uptake, while in diabetic cats they reduced glycemic variability and exogenous insulin administration. Thus, available evidence indicates that GLP-1 based drugs could become alternatives to DM treatment in domestic animals. Nevertheless, current data do not provide enough elements to recommend these drugs widespread clinical use

    Distribuição espacial e ocupação de tocas do caranguejo fantasma Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) na Praia do Siriú, SC

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    O caranguejo Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) habita as praias arenosas ao longo detoda a costa brasileira e pouco se conhece sobre sua estrutura populacional. Este trabalho tem porobjetivo verificar o padrão de distribuição espacial da espécie, bem como o índice de ocupação dastocas. Nos meses de janeiro a abril de 2005, foram realizadas oito amostragens através dametodologia de ‘quadrats’ (2m X 2m), na Praia do Siriú, Santa Catarina, para analisar o padrãode distribuição da tocas. As tocas encontradas foram escavadas para verificar o grau de ocupaçãodas mesmas. Os resultados obtidos indicam um padrão de distribuição espacial agregado, commaior concentração próxima à linha das dunas. Das 153 tocas cavadas, 94 estavam ocupadas(61,4%) e 59 estavam vazias (38,6%).Palavras-chaves: Ocypode quadrata, distribuição espacial, ocupação de tocas

    Effects of diets based on hydrolyzed chicken liver and different protein concentrations on the formation and deamination of biogenic amines and total antioxidant capacity of dogs

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    Biogenic amines are synthesized through the bacterial decarboxylation of amino acids, commonly found in high levels in animal by-product meals due to spoilage. Furthermore, biogenic amines and other metabolites can be produced by the fermentation of proteins in the hindgut according to the protein source and concentration of crude protein (CP) in the diet. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate two protein sources (poultry by-product meal (PBPM) and hydrolyzed chicken liver powder (HCLP)) and three CP concentrations (24, 32, and 40%) and their effects on the consumption and fecal excretion of biogenic amines, plasma monoamine oxidase (MAO) and diamine oxidase (DAO) activities, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of healthy adult dogs after 30 days of feeding the experimental diets. Twelve dogs were randomly distributed into six treatments (n = 6/treatment): PBPM24 (PBPM with 24% CP); PBPM32 (PBPM with 32% CP); PBPM40 (PBPM with 40% CP); HCLP24 (HCLP with 24% CP); HCLP32 (HCLP with 32% CP); HCLP40 (HCLP with 40% CP). The PBPM and PBPM-based diets had higher concentrations of putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine, histamine, agmatine, and total biogenic amines. In contrast, HCLP and HCLP-based diets contained higher concentrations of spermidine, phenylethylamine, and spermine. The PBPM and PBPM-diets had higher biogenic amine index (BAI) indicating lower quality due to the high content of putrescine, cadaverine and tyramine. Dogs fed diets with PBPM and higher protein concentrations consumed more putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine, agmatine, and total amines (p < 0.0001), while dogs fed with HCLP consumed more spermidine, phenylethylamine, and spermine (p < 0.0001). Fecal excretion of phenylethylamine was greater in dogs fed HCLP32 and HCLP40 diets (p = 0.045). Although we did not evaluate the intestinal activities of MAO and DAO, our results suggest that healthy adult dogs have an efficient deamination process on the gut epithelium


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    O Hormônio Hiperglicemiante de Crustáceos (CHH) é considerado o principal hormônio controladordo metabolismo de carboidratos em crustáceos. Este hormônio é produzido no órgão X e armazenado naglândula do Seio, localizados nos pedúnculos oculares destes animais. Monoaminas como a serotonina, adopamina e a adrenalina, já identificadas em crustáceos, podem agir perifericamente como neurohormôniosou como neurotransmissores ou ainda como neuromoduladores no S.N.C., regulando a secreção deneuropeptídeos. Estas monoaminas apresentam efeitos variáveis sobre os níveis de glicose circulante emcrustáceos, podendo provocar tanto hiperglicemia como hipoglicemia. Este trabalho tem como objetivoverificar o efeito de injeções de serotonina e dopamina sobre os níveis de glicose hemolinfáticos e de glicoselivre e glicogênio no hepatopâncreas de caranguejos Chasmagnathus granulata intactos e apedunculadosalimentados com dieta RC (rica em carboidratos) ou RP (rica em proteínas). Foram utilizados caranguejosmachos, em intermuda, aclimatados durante um período de 15 dias com as dietas RC ou RP adlibitum. No final desse período eram feitos os experimentos, onde os animais recebiam 100μl de Serotonina(2,6 x10-6 moles/caranguejo) ou Dopamina (5,3 x 10-7 moles/caranguejo) ou solução Ringer para crustáceos. Aos 60 e 120 minutos após as injeções, amostras de hemolinfa e de hepatopâncreas eram colhidas.A remoção dos pedúnculos oculares era realizada 48 h antes dos experimentos.Nas amostras dehepatopâncreas foram determinadas as concentrações de glicogênio e de glicose livre. Nas amostras dehemolinfa, a concentração de glicose era determinada pela técnica da glicose-oxidase. Os resultadosobtidos sugerem que, tanto a dieta como as monoaminas, regulam o metabolismo de carboidratos nocaranguejo Chasmagnathus granulata

    Metabolic and molecular subacute effects of a single moderate-intensity exercise bout, performed in the fasted state, in obese male rats

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    Introduction and objectives: Obesity represents a major global public health problem. Its etiology is multifactorial and includes poor dietary habits, such as hypercaloric and hyperlipidic diets (HFDs), physical inactivity, and genetic factors. Regular exercise is, per se, a tool for the treatment and prevention of obesity, and recent studies suggest that the beneficial effects of exercise can be potentiated by the fasting state, thus potentially promoting additional effects. Despite the significant number of studies showing results that corroborate such hypothesis, very few have evaluated the effects of fasted-state exercise in overweight/obese populations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the subacute effects (12 h after conclusion) of a single moderate-intensity exercise bout, performed in either a fed or an 8 h fasted state, on serum profile, substrate-content and heat shock pathway–related muscle protein immunocontent in obese male rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats received a modified high-fat diet for 12 weeks to induce obesity and insulin resistance. The animals were allocated to four groups: fed rest (FER), fed exercise (FEE), fasted rest (FAR) and fasted exercise (FAE). The exercise protocol was a 30 min session on a treadmill, with an intensity of 60% of VO2max. The duration of the fasting period was 8 h prior to the exercise session. After a 12 h recovery, the animals were killed and metabolic parameters of blood, liver, heart, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were evaluated, as well as SIRT1 and HSP70 immunocontent in the muscles. Results: HFD induced obesity and insulin resistance. Soleus glycogen concentration decreased in the fasted groups and hepatic glycogen decreased in the fed exercise group. The combination of exercise and fasting promoted a decreased concentration of serum total cholesterol and triglycerides. In the heart, combination fasting plus exercise was able to decrease triglycerides to control levels. In the soleus muscle, both fasting and fasting plus exercise were able to decrease triglyceride concentrations. In addition, heat shock protein 70 and sirtuin 1 immunocontent increased after exercise in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Conclusions: An acute bout of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, when realized in fasting, may induce, in obese rats with metabolic dysfunctions, beneficial adaptations to their health, such as better biochemical and molecular adaptations that last for at least 12 h. Considering the fact that overweight/obese populations present an increased risk of cardiovascular events/diseases, significant reductions in such plasma markers of lipid metabolism are an important achievement for these populations