262 research outputs found

    A reconfigurable dual output low power digital PWM power converter

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    This versatile power converter controller provides dual outputs at a fixed switching frequency and can regulate either output voltage or target system delay (using an external L-C filter). In the voltage regulation mode, the output voltage is monitored with an A/D converter, and the feedback compensation network is implemented digitally. The generation of the PWM signal is done with a hybrid delay line/counter approach, which saves power and area relative to previous implementations. Power devices are included on chip to create the two independently regulated output PWM signals. The key features of this design are its low power dissipation, reconfigurability, use of either delay or voltage feedback, and multiple outputs

    A Resolution-Reconfigurable 5-to-10-Bit 0.4-to-1 V Power Scalable SAR ADC for Sensor Applications

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    A power-scalable SAR ADC for sensor applications is presented. The ADC features a reconfigurable 5-to-10-bit DAC whose power scales exponentially with resolution. At low resolutions where noise and linearity requirements are reduced, supply voltage scaling is leveraged to further reduce the energy-per-conversion. The ADC operates up to 2 MS/s at 1 V and 5 kS/s at 0.4 V, and its power scales linearly with sample rate down to leakage levels of 53 nW at 1 V and 4 nW at 0.4 V. Leakage power-gating during a SLEEP mode in between conversions reduces total power by up to 14% at sample rates below 1 kS/s. Prototyped in a low-power 65 nm CMOS process, the ADC in 10-bit mode achieves an INL and DNL of 0.57 LSB and 0.58 LSB respectively at 0.6 V, and the Nyquist SNDR and SFDR are 55 dB and 69 dB respectively at 0.55 V and 20 kS/s. The ADC achieves an optimal FOM of 22.4 fJ/conversion-step at 0.55 V in 10-bit mode. The combined techniques of DAC resolution and voltage scaling maximize efficiency at low resolutions, resulting in an FOM that increases by only 7x over the 5-bit scaling range, improving upon a 32x degradation that would otherwise arise from truncation of bits from an ADC of fixed resolution and voltage.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Joint Algorithm-Architecture Optimization of CABAC

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    This paper uses joint algorithm and architecture design to enable high coding efficiency in conjunction with high processing speed and low area cost. Specifically, it presents several optimizations that can be performed on Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC), a form of entropy coding used in H.264/AVC, to achieve the throughput necessary for real-time low power high definition video coding. The combination of syntax element partitions and interleaved entropy slices, referred to as Massively Parallel CABAC, increases the number of binary symbols that can be processed in a cycle. Subinterval reordering is used to reduce the cycle time required to process each binary symbol. Under common conditions using the JM12.0 software, the Massively Parallel CABAC, increases the bins per cycle by 2.7 to 32.8× at a cost of 0.25 to 6.84% coding loss compared with sequential single slice H.264/AVC CABAC. It also provides a 2× reduction in area cost, and reduces memory bandwidth. Subinterval reordering reduces the critical path delay by 14 to 22%, while modifications to context selection reduces the memory requirement by 67%. This work demonstrates that accounting for implementation cost during video coding algorithms design can enable higher processing speed and reduce hardware cost, while still delivering high coding efficiency in the next generation video coding standard.Texas Instruments Incorporated (Graduate Women's Fellowship for Leadership in Microelectronics)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    An embedded energy monitoring circuit for a 128kbit SRAM with body-biased sense-amplifiers

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    Embedded energy monitoring of critical system components can be used to enable better power management by capturing run time system conditions such as temperature and application load. In this work, an energy sensing circuit that provides digitally represented absolute energy per operation of a 128kbit SRAM is presented. Designed in a 65nm low-power CMOS process, SRAMs can operate down to 370 mV. Energy sensing circuit consumes 16.7μW during sensing at 1.2V (only 0.28% of SRAM active power at the same voltage). For improved performance, SRAMs utilize body-biased PMOS input strong-arm type sense amplifiers that can achieve 45% tighter input offset distribution for only ~3.5% of total SRAM area overhead.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The Ubiquitous High Performance Computing Progra

    Rapid Wireless Capacitor Charging Using a Multi-Tapped Inductively-Coupled Secondary Coil

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    This paper presents an inductive coupling system designed to wirelessly charge ultra-capacitors used as energy storage elements. Although ultra-capacitors offer the native ability to rapidly charge, it is shown that standard inductive coupling circuits only deliver maximal power for a specific load impedance which depends on coil geometries and separation distances. Since a charging ultra-capacitor can be modeled as an increasing instantaneous impedance, maximum power is thus delivered to the ultra-capacitor at only a single point in the charging interval, resulting in a longer than optimal charging time. Analysis of inductive coupling theory reveals that the optimal load impedance can be modified by adjusting the secondary coil inductance and resonant tuning capacitance. A three-tap secondary coil is proposed to dynamically modify the optimal load impedance throughout the capacitor charging interval. Measurement results show that the proposed architecture can expand its operational range by up to 2.5 × and charge a 2.5 F ultra-capacitor to 5 V upwards of 3.7 × faster than a conventional architecture.Semiconductor Research Corporation. Interconnect Focus Cente

    Application-Specific SRAM Design Using Output Prediction to Reduce Bit-Line Switching Activity and Statistically Gated Sense Amplifiers for Up to 1.9x Lower Energy/Access

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    This paper presents an application-specific SRAM design targeted towards applications with highly correlated data (e.g., video and imaging applications). A prediction-based reduced bit-line switching activity scheme is proposed to reduce switching activity on the bit-lines based on the proposed bit-cell and array structure. A statistically gated sense-amplifier approach is used to exploit signal statistics on the bit-lines to reduce energy consumption of the sensing network. These techniques provide up to 1.9 × lower energy/access when compared with an 8T SRAM. These savings are in addition to the savings that are achieved through voltage scaling and demonstrate the advantages of an application-specific SRAM design.Texas Instruments Incorporate

    An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable DTLS Cryptographic Engine for End-to-End Security in IoT Applications

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    This paper presents a reconfigurable cryptographic engine that implements the DTLS protocol to enable end-to-end security for IoT. This implementation of the DTLS engine demonstrates 10x reduction in code size and 438x improvement in energy-efficiency over software. Our ECC primitive is 237x and 9x more energy-efficient compared to software and state-of-the-art hardware respectively. Pairing the DTLS engine with an on-chip RISC-V allows us to demonstrate applications beyond DTLS with up to 2 orders of magnitude energy savings.Comment: Published in 2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC

    An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable DTLS Cryptographic Engine for End-to-End Security in IoT Applications

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    This paper presents a reconfigurable cryptographic engine that implements the DTLS protocol to enable end-to-end security for IoT. This implementation of the DTLS engine demonstrates 10x reduction in code size and 438x improvement in energy-efficiency over software. Our ECC primitive is 237x and 9x more energy-efficient compared to software and state-of-the-art hardware respectively. Pairing the DTLS engine with an on-chip RISC-V allows us to demonstrate applications beyond DTLS with up to 2 orders of magnitude energy savings.Comment: Published in 2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC

    An SRAM using output prediction to reduce BL-switching activity and statistically-gated SA for up to 1.9× reduction in energy/access

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    Mobile applications such as tablets pack increasingly more processing capability comparable to workstations or laptops but can do little for cooling or extending the battery life in their form factors. SRAMs account for a large fraction of chip area and are critical in this context. Recent work has focused on voltage scaling in SRAMs, which is an effective way of achieving energy efficiency [1,2]. These conventional SRAMs are mostly general-purpose in the sense that they are designed without considering the specific features of the data they will store. However, application-specific features such as statistics of storage data can be exploited and incorporated into the transistor-level design to provide a new dimension towards achieving the next level of energy savings in addition to the savings provided through voltage scaling. The work in [3] is an example where an inversion bit is added for each word to reduce read-bitline (RBL) transitions in an 8T-cell-based design with a single-ended read port. Similarly, the work in [4] stores only the LSBs of each word in 6T SRAMs where occasional bit-errors at low voltages are tolerable for its application. In this work, we focus on video; however, the ideas can be generalized to different applications. In video encoders, pixel processing is performed over large partitions of image frames (e.g., 192×192 pixels), which are stored in on-chip SRAMs and accessed frequently. Image frames generally consist of smooth backgrounds or large objects where the intensity of pixels is spatially correlated. For the video image frame in Fig. 18.2.1, the deviation of each pixel's intensity from its block average for a 16×16 block shows that 76% of pixels lie within 3 LSB of the average. This additional information can be used to design an SRAM where correlation of data is used to reduce bitline activity factor which, for an 8T SRAM in a 65nm low-power CMOS process, accounts for ~50% of total energy consumption during read a- cesses at 0.6V. In this work, we present a prediction-based reduced-bitline-switching-activity (PB-RBSA) scheme along with a hierarchical sensing network with statistical sense-amplifier gating to exploit the correlation of storage data. Reduction of switching activity on the bitlines and in the sensing network of the memory provide up to 1.9× reduction in energy/access.Texas Instruments Incorporate

    Gazelle: A Low Latency Framework for Secure Neural Network Inference

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    The growing popularity of cloud-based machine learning raises a natural question about the privacy guarantees that can be provided in such a setting. Our work tackles this problem in the context where a client wishes to classify private images using a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained by a server. Our goal is to build efficient protocols whereby the client can acquire the classification result without revealing their input to the server, while guaranteeing the privacy of the server's neural network. To this end, we design Gazelle, a scalable and low-latency system for secure neural network inference, using an intricate combination of homomorphic encryption and traditional two-party computation techniques (such as garbled circuits). Gazelle makes three contributions. First, we design the Gazelle homomorphic encryption library which provides fast algorithms for basic homomorphic operations such as SIMD (single instruction multiple data) addition, SIMD multiplication and ciphertext permutation. Second, we implement the Gazelle homomorphic linear algebra kernels which map neural network layers to optimized homomorphic matrix-vector multiplication and convolution routines. Third, we design optimized encryption switching protocols which seamlessly convert between homomorphic and garbled circuit encodings to enable implementation of complete neural network inference. We evaluate our protocols on benchmark neural networks trained on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets and show that Gazelle outperforms the best existing systems such as MiniONN (ACM CCS 2017) by 20 times and Chameleon (Crypto Eprint 2017/1164) by 30 times in online runtime. Similarly when compared with fully homomorphic approaches like CryptoNets (ICML 2016) we demonstrate three orders of magnitude faster online run-time
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