536 research outputs found

    Advocacy of Global Diversity and Sustainable Development in Arundhati Roy’s Writings

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    Arundhati Roy is a globally celebrated author and political activist involved in human rights and environmental causes. She is a social justice advocate and vehement critic of globalization and neo-imperialism. She has been voicing the concerns of millions of tribal people living in Bustar, villages in Orissa, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand. She has brought forth the other side of the Naxal narrative, the narrative of human rights and their violation in her book Walking with the Comrades and the mainstream media is silent about this on account of class or state interests

    EEG Cortical Source Feature based Hand Kinematics Decoding using Residual CNN-LSTM Neural Network

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    Motor kinematics decoding (MKD) using brain signal is essential to develop Brain-computer interface (BCI) system for rehabilitation or prosthesis devices. Surface electroencephalogram (EEG) signal has been widely utilized for MKD. However, kinematic decoding from cortical sources is sparsely explored. In this work, the feasibility of hand kinematics decoding using EEG cortical source signals has been explored for grasp and lift task. In particular, pre-movement EEG segment is utilized. A residual convolutional neural network (CNN) - long short-term memory (LSTM) based kinematics decoding model is proposed that utilizes motor neural information present in pre-movement brain activity. Various EEG windows at 50 ms prior to movement onset, are utilized for hand kinematics decoding. Correlation value (CV) between actual and predicted hand kinematics is utilized as performance metric for source and sensor domain. The performance of the proposed deep learning model is compared in sensor and source domain. The results demonstrate the viability of hand kinematics decoding using pre-movement EEG cortical source data


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    Background: Obesity is a significant risk factor for metabolic syndrome in adults. Central fat distribution greatly alters the lipid profile and induces atherogenic dyslipidemia even in normoglycaemic, non-hypertensive subjects. Aim and Objectives: Hence, the aim of the present study to assess lipid profile changes in non-obese hypertensive subjects. Obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia are the three highly significant risk factor for the deranged lipid profile. Obesity can be defined as excess accumulation of body fat arising from a sustained or a periodic positive energy balance that when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure [1]. Indicators of overweight are useful in the diagnosis and management of obesity in both children and adults. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on newly diagnosed cases of essential hypertension attending medical outdoor of M.G.M. Medical College, Kisanganj. A complete clinical examination including laboratory investigation was done to exclude any systemic or other diseases which are likely to affect blood lipid levels directly or indirectly. Results: The association between dyslipidaemia, obesity and hypertension is well established and all have been found to be major risk factor for the development of CAD, a leading cause of visits to physician  and cause of death . Conclusion: Our study was carry out to know the effect of obesity on lipid profile profile only in hypertensive and not in general population, and the study found some definite but paradoxical effects. These are that in obesity on a background of hypertension, the total and LDL cholesterol as also the HDL cholesterol are decreased, but on use other hand, the value of VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides are grossly and significantly increased. These finding have two major Clinical implications in that obese hypertensives will be more prone to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and steps should be taken to prevent them accordingly and also apart from statins one should treat the obese hypertensives with fibrates, fat restriction and physical exercise also

    Mobility Adaptive Density Connected Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Clustering is one of the popular topology management approaches that can positively influence the performance of networks. It plays significant role in VANETs. However, VANETs having highly mobile nodes lead to dynamic topology and hence, it is very difficult to construct stable clusters. More homogeneous environment produces more stable clusters. Homogeneous neighbourhood for a vehicle is strongly driven by density and standard deviation of average relative velocity of vehicles in its communication range. So, we propose Mobility Adaptive Density Connected Clustering Algorithm (MADCCA), a density based clustering algorithm. The Cluster Heads (CHs) are selected based on the standard deviation of average relative velocity and density matrices in their neighbourhood. Vehicle, which is having more homogeneous environments, will become the cluster heads and rest of the vehicles in their communication range will be the Cluster Members (CMs). The simulation results demonstrates the better performance of MADCCA over other clustering algorithms new ALM and MOBIC

    The Isomorphism Problem of Power Graphs and a Question of Cameron

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    The isomorphism problem for graphs (GI) and the isomorphism problem for groups (GrISO) have been studied extensively by researchers. The current best algorithms for both these problems run in quasipolynomial time. In this paper, we study the isomorphism problem of graphs that are defined in terms of groups, namely power graphs, directed power graphs, and enhanced power graphs. It is not enough to check the isomorphism of the underlying groups to solve the isomorphism problem of such graphs as the power graphs (or the directed power graphs or the enhanced power graphs) of two nonisomorphic groups can be isomorphic. Nevertheless, it is interesting to ask if the underlying group structure can be exploited to design better isomorphism algorithms for these graphs. We design polynomial time algorithms for the isomorphism problems for the power graphs, the directed power graphs and the enhanced power graphs arising from finite nilpotent groups. In contrast, no polynomial time algorithm is known for the group isomorphism problem, even for nilpotent groups of class 2. We note that our algorithm does not require the underlying groups of the input graphs to be given. The isomorphism problems of power graphs and enhanced power graphs are solved by first computing the directed power graphs from the input graphs. The problem of efficiently computing the directed power graph from the power graph or the enhanced power graph is due to Cameron [IJGT'22]. Therefore, we give a solution to Cameron's question.Comment: 23 page

    Almost periodic motion in complete space

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    It is interesting that in a complete space an almost periodic motion is periodic if the null set Ď• is closed and if Ď• is not closed then every point of its trajectory is a limit point

    The empire strikes back: die postkoloniale indische Literatur von auĂźen nach innen

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    Does such a thing as Indian Writing in English exist? Im Aufsatz, der in fünf Absätze gegliedert ist, möchte der Verfasser vor allem die Schwierigkeit dieser speziellen Genrebestimmung beleuchten. Die Werke der untersuchten Autoren und Autorinnen der Indischen Diaspora unterscheiden äußerst voneinander, sowohl in thematischer als auch stilistischer Hinsicht. Unter ihnen gibt es Romane und Erzählungen im klassischen Erzählstil von Autoren wie Naipaul, Ghosh, Lahiri, ... hauptsächlich gruppiert um Immigrationsthemen. Zugleich bemühen sich dagegen Autoren wie Rushdie, Roy, Tharoor, ... um Sprachzertrümmerung und um die Weiterentwicklung moderner Erzähltechniken. Nicht nur wird der große mannigfaltige geographische Raum Indien mit seinen Stärken und Schwächen geschildert, sondern es entstehen synchron Rave-Geschichten und Pop-Romane bei Rushdie und Kureishi. Die einzige echte homogene Eigenschaft dutzender besprochener Werke und deren Schöpfer liegt in der Sprache: Alle Werke wurden ausschließlich in Englisch verfasst. Eine wichtige Anmerkung ist, dass Englisch nicht die Muttersprache dieser Autoren ist. Die englische Sprache wird als Instrument des sprachlichen bzw. künstlerischen Ausdrucks eingesetzt. Eine zweite Homogenität untergeordneter Bedeutung besteht darin, dass fast allen diesen Autoren eine Immigrationserfahrung gemein ist. Im Essay wird unter anderem anhand von Beispielen erläutert, wodurch sich die "Indian Writing in English" von "Der Indischen Romantik" europäischer Literatur unterscheidet. Die postkolonialen Schreiber richten ihre gehobenen Zeigefinger auf die Wunden Indiens, und sie mockieren sich schonungslos über die menschenfeindlichen Regierungen von Thatcher und Bush. Ein Absatz wird der bizarren Geschlechterliebe gewidmet, die sich während der Lektüre für Irritationen sorgt.Does such a thing as Indian Writing in English exist? In the article, which is divided into five sections, the Indianborn author of German language attempts to illustrate illuminate the particular hurdles to determining this subject as a genre. The works discussed by male and female authors vary tremendously one from another both in theme and in style. Among them are novels and stories in traditional narrative style by Naipaul, Ghosh, Lahiri… primarily grouped by major themes of immigration. At the same time that authors such as Rushdie, Roy, Tharoor... have been endeavoring to expand the vocabulary and conventions of the English language and to further modern narrative technique. Not only is the complex Indian subcontinent and its positive and negative realities portrayed and redefined, but as a parallel occurrence, rave stories and pop novels are being written by Rushdie and Kureishi. The sole common characteristic of the some dozen works and authors reviewed in this essay lies in their all being written in the English language. One must note here that English is not the mother tongue of any of these writers. The English language is used as an instrument of literary and artistic expression. A further homogeneity of secondary importance lies in the fact that nearly all of these writers have some sort of diaspora experience1. This essay also expounds on examples of how "Indian Writing in English” differentiates itself clearly from "The Indian Romanticism” of European literature. The postcolonial writers point an admonishing finger to the wounds of India and they ruthlessly mock the inhumane regimes of Mrs. Thatcher and of Mr. Bush. One segment is devoted to the bizarre portrayal of love, gender and sex relations that makes the reading of the books in question vexing

    Linear Space Data Structures for Finite Groups with Constant Query-Time

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