15 research outputs found

    APOBEC3B Activity Is Prevalent in Urothelial Carcinoma Cells and Only Slightly Affected by LINE-1 Expression

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    The most common mutational signature in urothelial carcinoma (UC), the most common type of urinary bladder cancer is assumed to be caused by the misdirected activity of APOBEC3 (A3) cytidine deaminases, especially A3A or A3B, which are known to normally restrict the propagation of exogenous viruses and endogenous retroelements such as LINE-1 (L1). The involvement of A3 proteins in urothelial carcinogenesis is unexpected because, to date, UC is thought to be caused by chemical carcinogens rather than viral activity. Therefore, we explored the relationship between A3 expression and L1 activity, which is generally upregulated in UC. We found that UC cell lines highly express A3B and in some cases A3G, but not A3A, and exhibit corresponding cytidine deamination activity in vitro. While we observed evidence suggesting that L1 expression has a weak positive effect on A3B and A3G expression and A3B promoter activity, neither efficient siRNA-mediated knockdown nor overexpression of functional L1 elements affected catalytic activity of A3 proteins consistently. However, L1 knockdown diminished proliferation of a UC cell line exhibiting robust endogenous L1 expression, but had little impact on a cell line with low L1 expression levels. Our results indicate that UC cells express A3B at levels exceeding A3A levels by far, making A3B the prime candidate for causing genomic mutations. Our data provide evidence that L1 activation constitutes only a minor and negligible factor involved in induction or upregulation of endogenous A3 expression in UC

    Foamy Viruses, Bet, and APOBEC3 Restriction

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    Non-human primates (NHP) are an important source of viruses that can spillover to humans and, after adaptation, spread through the host population. Whereas HIV-1 and HTLV-1 emerged as retroviral pathogens in humans, a unique class of retroviruses called foamy viruses (FV) with zoonotic potential are occasionally detected in bushmeat hunters or zookeepers. Various FVs are endemic in numerous mammalian natural hosts, such as primates, felines, bovines, and equines, and other animals, but not in humans. They are apathogenic, and significant differences exist between the viral life cycles of FV and other retroviruses. Importantly, FVs replicate in the presence of many well-defined retroviral restriction factors such as TRIM5α, BST2 (Tetherin), MX2, and APOBEC3 (A3). While the interaction of A3s with HIV-1 is well studied, the escape mechanisms of FVs from restriction by A3 is much less explored. Here we review the current knowledge of FV biology, host restriction factors, and FV–host interactions with an emphasis on the consequences of FV regulatory protein Bet binding to A3s and outline crucial open questions for future studies

    Enhancing the Catalytic Deamination Activity of APOBEC3C Is Insufficient to Inhibit Vif-Deficient HIV-1

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    The retroviral restriction factors of the APOBEC3 (A3) cytidine deaminase family catalyze the deamination of cytidines in single-stranded viral DNA. APOBEC3C (A3C) is a strong antiviral factor against viral infectivity factor (vif)-deficient simian immunodeficiency virus Δvif, which is, however, a weak inhibitor against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 for reasons unknown. The precise link between the antiretroviral effect of A3C and its catalytic activity is incompletely understood. Here, we show that the S61P mutation in human A3C (A3C.S61P) boosted hypermutation in the viral genomes of simian immunodeficiency virus Δvif and murine leukemia virus but not in human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1Δvif. The enhanced antiviral activity of A3C.S61P correlated with enhanced in vitro cytidine deamination. Furthermore, the S61P mutation did not change the substrate specificity of A3C, ribonucleoprotein complex formation, self-association, Zinc coordination, or viral incorporation features. We propose that local structural changes induced by the serine-to-proline substitution are responsible for the gain of catalytic activity of A3C.S61P. Our results are a first step toward an understanding of A3C's DNA binding capacity, deamination-dependent editing, and antiviral functions at the molecular level. We conclude that the enhanced enzymatic activity of A3C is insufficient to restrict HIV-1, indicating an unknown escape mechanism of HIV-1

    Structural features of antiviral DNA cytidine deaminases

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    The APOBEC3 (A3) family of cytidine deaminases plays a vital role for innate defense against retroviruses. Lentiviruses such as HIV-1 evolved the Vif protein that triggers A3 protein degradation. There are seven A3 proteins, A3A-A3H, found in humans. All A3 proteins can deaminate cytidines to uridines in single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), generated during viral reverse transcription. A3 proteins have either one or two cytidine deaminase domains (CD). The CDs coordinate a zinc ion, and their amino acid specificity classifies the A3s into A3Z1, A3Z2, and A3Z3. A3 proteins occur as monomers, dimers, and large oligomeric complexes. Studies on the nature of A3 oligomerization, as well as the mode of interaction of A3s with RNA and ssDNA are partially controversial. High-resolution structures of the catalytic CD2 of A3G and A3F as well as of the single CD proteins A3A and A3C have been published recently. The NMR and X-ray crystal structures show globular proteins with six α-helices and five β sheets arranged in a characteristic motif (α1-β1-β2/2'-α2-β3-α3-β4-α4-β5-α5-α6). However, the detailed arrangement and extension of individual structure elements and their relevance for A3 complex formation and activity remains a matter of debate and will be highlighted in this review

    Prototype Foamy Virus Bet Impairs the Dimerization and Cytosolic Solubility of Human APOBEC3G

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    Cellular cytidine deaminases from the APOBEC3 family are potent restriction factors able to block the replication of retroviruses. Consequently, retroviruses have evolved a variety of different mechanisms to counteract inhibition by APOBEC3 proteins. Lentiviruses such as Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) express Vif that interferes with APOBEC3 proteins by targeting the restriction factors for proteasomal degradation, hence blocking their ability to access the reverse transcriptase complex in the virions. Other retroviruses use less well characterized mechanisms to escape APOBEC3s' mediated cellular defence. Here we show that Prototype foamy virus Bet can protect foamy viruses and an unrelated simian immunodeficiency virus against human APOBEC3G (A3G). In our system, Bet binds to A3G and prevents its encapsidation without inducing its degradation. Bet failed to co-immunoprecipitate with A3G mutants unable to form homodimers, and dramatically reduced the recovery of A3G proteins from soluble cytoplasmic cell fractions. The Bet - A3G interaction is probably a direct binding and seems to be independent of RNA. Together, this data suggest a novel model whereby Bet uses two possibly complementary mechanisms to counteract A3G: (1) Bet prevents encapsidation of A3G by blocking A3G dimerization, and (2) sequesters A3G in immobile complexes, impairing its ability to interact with nascent virions

    Tough Way In, Tough Way Out: The Complex Interplay of Host and Viral Factors in Nucleocytoplasmic Trafficking during HIV-1 Infection

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    Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) is a retrovirus that integrates its reverse-transcribed genome as proviral DNA into the host genome to establish a successful infection. The viral genome integration requires safeguarding the subviral complexes, reverse transcription complex (RTC) and preintegration complex (PIC), in the cytosol from degradation, presumably effectively secured by the capsid surrounding these complexes. An intact capsid, however, is a large structure, which raises concerns about its translocation from cytoplasm to nucleus crossing the nuclear membrane, guarded by complex nuclear pore structures, which do not allow non-specific transport of large molecules. In addition, the generation of new virions requires the export of incompletely processed viral RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, an event conventionally not permitted through mammalian nuclear membranes. HIV-1 has evolved multiple mechanisms involving redundant host pathways by liaison with the cell’s nucleocytoplasmic trafficking system, failure of which would lead to the collapse of the infection cycle. This review aims to assemble the current developments in temporal and spatial events governing nucleocytoplasmic transport of HIV-1 factors. Discoveries are anticipated to serve as the foundation for devising host-directed therapies involving selective abolishment of the critical interactomes between viral proteins and their host equivalents

    HDAC5 Expression in Urothelial Carcinoma Cell Lines Inhibits Long-Term Proliferation but Can Promote Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition

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    Class I histone deacetylases (HDACs) generally promote cell proliferation and tumorigenesis, whereas class IIA HDACs like HDAC4 and HDAC5 may promote or impede cancer development in a tissue-dependent manner. In urothelial carcinoma (UC), HDAC5 is often downregulated. Accordingly, HDAC5 was weakly expressed in UC cell lines suggesting a possible tumor-suppressive function. We therefore characterized the effects of stable HDAC5 expression in four UC cell lines (RT112, VM-Cub-1, SW1710 and UM-UC-3) with different phenotypes reflecting the heterogeneity of UC, by assessing proliferation, clonogenicity and migration ability. Further, we detailed changes in the proteome and transcriptome by immunoblotting, mass spectrometry and RNA sequencing analysis. We observed that HDAC5 overexpression in general decreased cell proliferation, but in one cell line (VM-Cub-1) induced a dramatic change from an epitheloid to a mesenchymal phenotype, i.e., epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). These phenotypical changes were confirmed by comprehensive proteomics and transcriptomics analyses. In contrast to HDAC5, overexpression of HDAC4 exerted only weak effects on cell proliferation and phenotypes. We conclude that overexpression of HDAC5 may generally decrease proliferation in UC, but, intriguingly, may induce EMT on its own in certain circumstances

    Determinants of FIV and HIV Vif sensitivity of feline APOBEC3 restriction factors

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    International audienceBackground: Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a global pathogen of Felidae species and a model system for Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-induced AIDS. In felids such as the domestic cat (Felis catus), APOBEC3 (A3) genes encode for single-domain A3Z2s, A3Z3 and double-domain A3Z2Z3 anti-viral cytidine deaminases. The feline A3Z2Z3 is expressed following read-through transcription and alternative splicing, introducing a previously untrans-lated exon in frame, encoding a domain insertion called linker. Only A3Z3 and A3Z2Z3 inhibit Vif-deficient FIV. Feline A3s also are restriction factors for HIV and Simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV). Surprisingly, HIV-2/SIV Vifs can counteract feline A3Z2Z3.Results: To identify residues in feline A3s that Vifs need for interaction and degradation, chimeric human-feline A3s were tested. Here we describe the molecular direct interaction of feline A3s with Vif proteins from cat FIV and present the first structural A3 model locating these interaction regions. In the Z3 domain we have identified residues involved in binding of FIV Vif, and their mutation blocked Vif-induced A3Z3 degradation. We further identified additional essential residues for FIV Vif interaction in the A3Z2 domain, allowing the generation of FIV Vif resistant A3Z2Z3. Mutated feline A3s also showed resistance to the Vif of a lion-specific FIV, indicating an evolutionary conserved Vif-A3 binding. Comparative modelling of feline A3Z2Z3 suggests that the residues interacting with FIV Vif have, unlike Vif-interacting residues in human A3s, a unique location at the domain interface of Z2 and Z3 and that the linker forms a homeobox-like domain protruding of the Z2Z3 core. HIV-2/SIV Vifs efficiently degrade feline A3Z2Z3 by possible targeting the linker stretch connecting both Z-domains.Conclusions: Here we identified in feline A3s residues important for binding of FIV Vif and a unique protein domain insertion (linker). To understand Vif evolution, a structural model of the feline A3 was developed. Our results show that HIV Vif binds human A3s differently than FIV Vif feline A3s. The linker insertion is suggested to form a homeo-box domain, which is unique to A3s of cats and related species, and not found in human and mouse A3s. Together, these findings indicate a specific and different A3 evolution in cats and human