254 research outputs found

    Digital Centricity and Innovation Performance

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    This paper examines the shift toward more digital-centric innovations experienced by US firms. By digital centricity, we refer to the increasing proportion of ICT patents in the overall patent portfolio of a firm. Using data from U.S public firms between 1980 and 2012, we document the growing digital centricity of firm innovations and test the subsequent impact of this shift on innovation performance and firm valuation. Results show that firms with higher digital-centricity in their innovation portfolio are able to achieve higher innovation efficiency and effectiveness. We further show that innovation efficiency and effectiveness are salient to the market valuation of firms. While innovation effectiveness or the value of new product introductions is completely incorporated in current market valuation, innovation efficiency is not fully priced in current market value, but is accounted for in the long-run abnormal returns for the firm


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the effect of 50% ethanolic extract of the dried Punica granatum peel (PGE) on the healing of acetic acid-induced colitis in rats. Methods: Colitis was induced in rats using 50% acetic acid and then PGE extract was administered by oral route daily for 14 days to those rats. Optimal healing was observed by the administration of a 100 mg/kg dose of PGE extract. Effectiveness of the above-mentioned dosage of PGE on biochemical parameters, basically free radicals – nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation was studied on 18 hours fasting rats on the 15th day of the experiment. Results: The results were suggestive of the healing properties of PGE extract by reduction of the inflammation and mucosal damage in the colon of those rats. The healing effects were established by the estimation and study of free radicals taken from the mucosal samples of the rat’s colon. The safety of extract was established by the effective administration of 10 times the therapeutic dose, that is, 1000 mg/kg dosage of the PGE extract with no noticeable adverse effects or side effects related to ANS or central nervous system. Conclusion: PGE extract was found to be effective in healing mucosal damage due to colitis by controlling the infection and reducing the inflammation

    A case series of oleander poisoning: challenges faced by emergency physicians in developing countries

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    Objective: Through the reporting of this case series, we aim to establish whether a conservative approach, through managing arrhythmias and vital signs, can be reliably used as a treatment modality for oleander poisoning in developing countries. Methods: This study is a case series of 11 patients who presented with oleander poisoning and were conservatively managed in the absence of standard antidote. Results: All 11 patients treated with conservative approach survived. Conservative approach included use of atropine for management of symptomatic bradycardia followed by Dopamine infusion, correction of serum potassium and magnesium levels, standby defibrillation, and transvenous pacing. Conclusion: The absence of reliable dosage of poison ingested, the lack of facilities for serum digoxin estimation, and the unavailability of digoxin fab antibodies pose challenges for the management of patients with oleander poisoning. Patients can, however, be managed conservatively following the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) algorithm in a setting that lacks the standard treatment of this poison

    Customized News Filtering and Summarization System Based on Personal Interest

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    AbstractAbstract_ In the World Wide Web the information consists large amount of news contents. In Web intelligence Recommendation, filtering, and summarization of Web news have received much attention and also aims to find interesting news to the users .In this paper we present Customized news filtering and summarization system based on personal interest and it summarizes concise content for users .A user interest model induced by embedded learning component of CNFS and it also recommends customized news. Retrieving useful Web news involves both filtering and keyword extraction and also maintains key word knowledge base. The non-news content irrelevant to the news Webpage is filtered out .This extraction method substantially outperforms methods based on term frequency and lexical chains to represent semantic relation between words

    Auto-amputation of an Entire Foot with Ankle in a Diabetic Patient

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    A 62-year-old male came to emergency department (ED) with a complaint of “separation of foot” during sleep at night. He noticed he lost his foot while getting up from bed to go to toilet at midnight. Upon arrival in ED, his blood pressure was 218/96 mmHg and random blood sugar 556mg/dl. The patient had large ketone bodies in urine. He was a known case of diabetes and hypertension for many years. He was on homeopathic medications for his diabetes, hypertension and diabetic foot. He refused any form of invasive treatment and hospitalization. The patient was adamant on not getting admitted and wanted to continue his homeopathic medications as before. He only wanted his leg stump covered with a dressing after which he was discharged

    Sparse Spatial Smoothing: Reduced Complexity and Improved Beamforming Gain via Sparse Sub-Arrays

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    This paper addresses the problem of single snapshot Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) estimation, which is of great importance in a wide-range of applications including automotive radar. A popular approach to achieving high angular resolution when only one temporal snapshot is available is via subspace methods using spatial smoothing. This involves leveraging spatial shift-invariance in the antenna array geometry, typically a uniform linear array (ULA), to rearrange the single snapshot measurement vector into a spatially smoothed matrix that reveals the signal subspace of interest. However, conventional approaches using spatially shifted ULA sub-arrays can lead to a prohibitively high computational complexity due to the large dimensions of the resulting spatially smoothed matrix. Hence, we propose to instead employ judiciously designed sparse sub-arrays, such as nested arrays, to reduce the computational complexity of spatial smoothing while retaining the aperture and identifiability of conventional ULA-based approaches. Interestingly, this idea also suggests a novel beamforming method which linearly combines multiple spatially smoothed matrices corresponding to different sets of shifts of the sparse (nested) sub-array. This so-called shift-domain beamforming method is demonstrated to boost the effective SNR, and thereby resolution, in a desired angular region of interest, enabling single snapshot low-complexity DOA estimation with identifiability guarantees.Comment: \copyright 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Auto-amputation of an Entire Foot with Ankle in a Diabetic Patient

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    A 62-year-old male came to emergency department (ED) with a complaint of “separation of foot” during sleep at night. He noticed he lost his foot while getting up from bed to go to toilet at midnight. Upon arrival in ED, his blood pressure was 218/96 mmHg and random blood sugar 556mg/dl. The patient had large ketone bodies in urine. He was a known case of diabetes and hypertension for many years. He was on homeopathic medications for his diabetes, hypertension and diabetic foot. He refused any form of invasive treatment and hospitalization. The patient was adamant on not getting admitted and wanted to continue his homeopathic medications as before. He only wanted his leg stump covered with a dressing after which he was discharged

    Subcutaneous Zygomycosis Due to Basidiobolus ranarum: A Case Report from Maharastra, India

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    Entomophthoromycosis is a rare entity. We hereby report a case of entomophthoromycosis in a three-year-old Asian child who presented with a painless, nontender, rapidly increasing large swelling on the thigh of six months duration, which was initially misdiagnosed as a soft tissue tumor and resected. The cause of misleading diagnosis was rapid growth of the lesion in a short duration of time, indicating the possibility of a tumor. Histopathological examination revealed an inflammatory lesion with aseptate fungal hyphae and the characteristic Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. Microbiological examination identified the fungus as Basidiobolus ranarum. Complete excision of the lesion followed by antifungal therapy was associated with complete recovery. Entomophthoromycosis should be considered early when children from endemic areas present with unusual, rapid-growing lesions of the subcutaneous region. In order to emphasize tumor-like presentation of zygomycosis, we are presenting this case

    Direct numerical simulation of electrokinetic transport phenomena: variational multi-scale stabilization and octree-based mesh refinement

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    Finite element modeling of charged species transport has enabled the analysis, design, and optimization of a diverse array of electrochemical and electrokinetic devices. These systems are represented by the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations coupled with the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) to accurately capture the spatio-temporal variation of ion concentration and current flux remains challenging due to the (a) small critical dimension of the electric double layer (EDL), (b) stiff coupling, large advective effects, and steep gradients close to boundaries, and (c) complex geometries exhibited by electrochemical devices. In the current study, we address these challenges by presenting a direct numerical simulation framework that incorporates: (a) a variational multiscale (VMS) treatment, (b) a block-iterative strategy in conjunction with semi-implicit (for NS) and implicit (for PNP) time integrators, and (c) octree based adaptive mesh refinement. The VMS formulation provides numerical stabilization critical for capturing the electro-convective instabilities often observed in engineered devices. The block-iterative strategy decouples the difficulty of non-linear coupling between the NS and PNP equations and allows using tailored numerical schemes separately for NS and PNP equations. The carefully designed second-order, hybrid implicit methods circumvent the harsh timestep requirements of explicit time steppers, thus enabling simulations over longer time horizons. Finally, the octree-based meshing allows efficient and targeted spatial resolution of the EDL. These features are incorporated into a massively parallel computational framework, enabling the simulation of realistic engineering electrochemical devices. The numerical framework is illustrated using several challenging canonical examples
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