21 research outputs found

    <資料>看護教育における救急車見学乗車の学習内容の検討 : 演習後レポートの内容分析から

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    救急医療における看護の認識を深めることを目的として, 救急車見学乗車と救急救命士によるデモンストレーションの演習を試みた。38名の学生が提出したレポートから, 本演習における学生の学びの内容を分析した。その結果, 演習内容として, 【装備資器材の特異性・利便性】【装備資器材の種類】【利用者への安全・安楽の配慮】【搬送器具・搬送方法の特異性】【救急救命士への認識】【救急医療への認識】【学習への意欲】【医療施設との連携】【車内環境の安全管理】【親密感】【救急救命士の法的規制】【イメージとの隔たり】のカテゴリーが抽出された。本演習の成果として, 医療施設に搬送されるまでの救急救命活動の実際と救急看護の認識を深め, 学習の動機づけになったことが伺えた。As a part of their studies, we gave our students an opportunity to deepen their understanding about the significance for nursing of First Aid Medication. The students rode in an ambulance and observed a demonstration by paramedics. 38 students submitted reports after the above study. We analyzed their awareness of the significance and the actual process of the First Aid Medication carried out in the ambulance. We classified their understandings in the following categories; "Characteristics and Convenience of Built-in Devices", "Kinds of Built-in Devices", "Safety & Comfort Conditions For Patients and Other Riders", "Characteristics of Transporting Facility & Method", "Understanding About Paramedics", "Increased awareness of First Aid Medication", "Motivation for Nursing Study", "Closeness of Cooperation with Hospitals", "Safety Management of In-Ambulance Circumstances", "Feeling of Closeness Between Paramedics and Nurses", "Paramedic Regulations", and "Differences Between Their Previous Ideas and the Actual Process of In-Ambulance First Aid". Judging from their reports, the students were able to observe and the actual situation and process of First Aid Medical Activity which was performed until the patient arrived at hospital. Furthermore, this opportunity motivated them to study more about First Aid Medication and Nursing.国立情報学研究所で電子


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    急性期看護実習における手術室実習の有用性を検討するために,当該実習における学修内容を示す主要語と構成概念を明らかにすることが目的である。急性期看護実習における手術室実習の学修内容について,学生が記述した課題レポートをテキストマイニングで分析した。言及頻度分析で上位20 位以内の名詞は『患者』を筆頭に,以下『手術』『看護師』『手術室』『医師』などであった。主成分分析とクラスター分析による類型化から,【医師の確認下で行われる器械・ガーゼ類の安全管理】【手術を受ける患者の不安軽減】【外回り看護師に求められる知識・技術】【看護ケアをめぐる医療従事者間のコミュニケーションの大切さ】【外回り看護師と器械出し看護師の役割分担】【術中の麻酔管理と術式】【患者の負担軽減に資する医療従事者間の連携】の構成概念が抽出された。一般の急性期・外科病棟では学び難い部分を強化することができるなど,本実習成果が示された。This study examined primary words and constructs representing the learning contents of operating room nursing practice in acute care nursing practice to confirm their usefulness. Reports submitted after operating room nursing practice in acute care nursing practice were analyzed using text mining. “Patients” was the most frequently appearing word, followed by “surgery,” “nurse,” “operating room,” and “doctor,” which were among the top 20. The constructs extracted through typification using principal component and cluster analyses include: “Safety management of equipment / gauze under the supervision of the doctor,” “the alleviation of anxiety in surgical patients,” “knowledge and skills needed by circulating nurses,” “importance of communication among medical professionals in nursing care,” “role-sharing between circulating and scrub nurses,” “intraoperative anesthetic management/ surgical procedure,” and “collaboration among medical professionals to reduce patients’ burdens.” Learning contents of this practice included being able to strengthen the medical team’s skills regarding difficult tasks that cannot be learned in acute and surgical wards.報