494 research outputs found

    Ruptured Uterus Requiring Emergency Hysterectomy for Saving Mother

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    A 26 years woman with G3P2L0AO at 40 weeks and 6 days of gestation,but no antenatal clinic visit history presented to Gynecology and Obstetricsout patient clinic complaining decreased feeling of fetal movement since2 days. Ultrasonography examination revealed fetal demise with amnioticfluid volume of 28 cm. Emergency lower segment caesarean section for antepartum hemorrhage was done. A vertical rupture of the posterior aspect ofthe uterus from fundus upto the level of cervix with hemoperitoneum oftwo liters was detected. A macerated dead fetus weighing 3.5 Kg was lyingin the peritoneal cavity and the placenta was already partially separated.The mother after hysterectomy was treated in ICU for two days withantihyperglycemic agent additionally and discharged.Keywords: hemoperitoneum, hysterectomy, misoprostol, rupture uteru

    Nine years review of emergency peripartum hysterectomy at tertiary care university teaching hospital

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    Introductions: This study documented the frequency, indications, and outcome of emergency obstetric hysterectomies in a tertiary care hospital in Nepal. Methods: This was a nine years retrospective study of peripartum hysterectomy at Patan Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal, during 2006 to 2014. Patients’ charts were retrieved from the medical record section for review. Study variables included previous obstetric history, details of the index pregnancy, indications for peripartum hysterectomy, outcome of the hysterectomy and infant morbidity. Results: There was total of 73,130 deliveries. Emergency peripartum hysterectomies was performed in 28 (0.04%),of which 23 (82%) after cesarean and 5 (18%) after vaginal delivery. The primary indication for hysterectomy was uterine atony with postpartum hemorrhage, and placental causes with PPH and uterine rupture. Twelve (43%) patients had postoperative complications. There was one maternal and two neonatal mortalities, and one stillbirth. Conclusion: The rate of emergency peripartum hysterectomy in our institute is low at 0.04%, primarily due to uterine atony with postpartum hemorrhage. Keywords: maternal morbidity mortality, peripartum hysterectomy, postpartumhemorrhage, uterineatonyÂ

    Postpartum hemorrhage: clinical features and management in a tertiary care center of Nepal

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    Introduction: Obstetric hemorrhage continues to account for a substantial proportion of maternal deaths in Nepal, despite implementation of different strategies. The most common type of obstetric hemorrhage is postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), mainly primary. Understanding its burden in the health care setting was the objective of this study by assessing its prevalence, associated factors and management. Method: This was a retrospective study conducted at Patan Academy of Health Sciences from March 2019 to March 2022. Demographic, obstetrical, medical factors and management of primary PPH was collected from medical record. Statistical analysis was done using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS-20). Results were expressed using frequencies, tables and figures. Result: From a total 17,770 deliveries, primary PPH was seen in 84(0.47%). Most of them 49(58.3%) were multipara. The frequency and impact of PPH can be effectively reduced by reducing avoidable risk factors, especially those related to obstetric interventions as increased caesarean section rate which was 48(57.1%) among primary PPH. Other associated risk factors were induction of labor 32(38.1%), pre-existing medical diseases 32(38.1%), history of antepartum hemorrhage 15(17.9%), previous caesarean section 19(22.6%). Uterine atony 43(51.2%), abnormal placentation disorder 16(19%), genital trauma 9(10.71%), retained tissue 5(5.95%) were the leading causes of PPH. PPH in morbidly adherent placenta like placenta accreta spectrum was 8(9.5%) and placenta increta 1(1.2%). PPH was controlled by conservative management in 24(28.6%). Surgical intervention was required in 34(40.5%) including hysterectomy in 14(16.7%). Conclusion: PPH can be minimized by extra vigilance and planned conjoined management

    Analysis of cesarean section using Robson’s criteria in tertiary care center

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    Introduction: This study aims to analyze all the women delivering in our institute according to the Robson’s classification. Robson’s ten group classification system (TGCS) endorsed by WHO, is a global standard tool for assessing, monitoring and comparing cesarean section rates at all levels. Method: This cross sectional study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Patan hospital, Patan academy of health sciences (PAHS), Lalitpur, Nepal over 12 months’ period. All women who delivered during this period were classified according to the Robson’s classification (TGCS) into a specific group. Relative size and overall cesarean section rate of each group were calculated. Result: A total of 4,985 cases were analyzed. The cesarean section rate was 57.7%. Group 1+2 represented nearly half (49%) of the obstetric population served during the study period. Group 2A was found to be the highest contributor (27.4%) followed by Group 5 (22.8%) and Group 1 (13.0%). In terms of indication for cesarean section -Fetal distress and previous cesarean section were found to be the most common indications. Similarly, nulliparous women were three to four times more likely to be delivered by cesarean section when labor was induced. Conclusion:  From this study, we can conclude that for an effective reduction in the overall high cesarean section rate in our Institution, we need to focus on a more stringent protocol for inducing labor especially among nulliparous women and to practice evidence based guidelines. Redefining failed induction needs to be considered critically as well

    A Outcome of breech delivery: caesarean section versus vaginal delivery at Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Patan

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    Introductions: Obstetricians have long debated the role of caesarean section as a potentially safer mode of delivery for the fetus with breech presentation. However, the experience of the health care provider remains a critical element in the decision to pursue a vaginal breech delivery, and it may still be a viable option. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence of breech delivery at Patan Hospital and compare maternal and neonatal outcomes subjected to either vaginal or caesarean section. Methods: A five-year retrospective study of breech deliveries covering the year 2010 to 2014. Patient’s charts were retrieved from the medical record section and reviewed.Results: There were 896 breech deliveries out of a total 44,842 deliveries giving an incidence of 1.99%. One hundred thirteen (12.61%) of breech deliveries were through vaginal route while 431 (48.10%) and 352 (39.28%) were through emergency and elective caesarean sections respectively. There were 154(17.18% preterm intrauterine death. Among term pregnancy, there were 3-neonate deaths not associated with mode of delivery. There were 154(17.18%) preterm breech deliveries including 27(17.5%) preterm intrauterine death. Among term pregnancy, there were 3 neonatal deaths not associated with mode of delivery. None of the term infant had neurological morbidity comprising neonatal seizures, brachial plexus injury, chephalohematoma. Maternal blood loss was significantly higher is caesarean section group. Conclusions: In well-selected cases, the neonatal outcome following assisted vaginal breech delivery and caesarean section may not be different.Keywords: Breech delivery; Maternal and perinatal outcom

    Antepartum hemorrhage at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Nepal

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    Introductions: Antepartum hemorrhage (APH) is a serious obstetrical emergency and is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Incidence varies from 2-5% of all deliveries. The maternal and perinatal complications of APH are anemia, postpartum hemorrhage, shock, low birth weight, intrauterine fetal death and birth asphyxia. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Patan Hospital, a tertiary care teaching hospital of Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS), Lalitpur, Nepal. All patients who were admitted after 22 weeks of gestation with diagnosis of antepartum hemorrhage from April 2012 to April 2016 were included. Results: The incidence of APH was 0.23% in the present study. Out of 84 patients, 39.3% were in age group of 25-29 years, 63% were multigravidae, 63% had placenta previa, 92.3% lower segment caesarean section done in new onset APH and 53.1% done in previous admitted cases of APH, 23.8% developed hypovolemic shock, 14.3% needed blood transfusion, 9.5% had postpartum hemorrhage, 1.2% had caesarean hysterectomy, 54.8% had preterm delivery, 9.5% were admitted in neonatal intensive care unit and perinatal mortality was 10.7%. Conclusions: APH is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. In our study, the most common cause of APH was placenta previa. The commonest mode of delivery was caesarean section. The major maternal complication was hypovolemic shock with consequent high blood transfusion rate and fetal complication in prematurity. Keywords: antepartum hemorrhage, placenta previa, perinatal mortality Nepa

    Relaparatomy after caesarean section

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    Introductions: Relaparotomy after caesarean section is rare and literature are scanty. The decision requires a good clinical judgment to save mother’s life. Our objective was to analyse the outcome of relaparotomy after caesarean section at Patan hospital.Methods: This was a cross sectional study done at the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Patan Hospital, Nepal. Charts of caesarean section from January 2010 to December 2014 were reviewed to analyze the cases of relaparotomy for incidence, indication, management and outcome. Descriptive analysis was done using SPSS.Results: During 5 years, there were 17,538 caesarean deliveries, 39.15% of total 44,788 deliveries. Relaparotomy was done in 15 cases, 0.085% of 17538 caesarean. Mean age was 26.6±4.7 years, 14 (93.3%) were between 25-35 years, 12 (80%) were primigravida. Indications of relaparotomy were pyoperitonium (40%), hemoperitoneum (33.3%) and rectus sheath hematoma (26.7%). Out of 15 relaparotomy, 14 were conservative surgery and one required hysterectomy. There was no maternal mortality. Conclusions: Relaparotomyin our study the rate was eight in 10,000. Those requiring relaparatomy had fetal distress as indication for first caesarean.Keywords: caesarean section, pyoperitoneum, relaparotom

    Balancing authority, deference and trust across the public-private divide in health care: Tuberculosis health visitors in western Maharashtra, India

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    While concepts such as 'partnership' are central to the terminology of private-public mix (PPM), little attention has been paid to how social relations are negotiated among the diverse actors responsible for implementing these inter-sectoral arrangements. India's Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) has used intermediary agents to facilitate the involvement of private providers in the expansion of Directly Observed Therapy, Short-Course (DOTS). We examine the roles of tuberculosis health visitors (TB HVs) in mediating working relationships among private providers, programme staff and patients that underpin a PPM-DOTS launched by the RNTCP in western Maharashtra. In addition to observations and informal interactions with the programme and participating health providers, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with senior programme officers and eight TB HVs. Framed by a political discourse of clinical governance, working relationships within the PPM are structured by the pluralistic context, social and professional hierarchies and paternalism of health care in India. TB HVs are at the nexus of these relationships, yet remain undervalued partly because accountability is measured through technical rather than social outcomes of the 'partnership'. Close attention to the dynamics of power relations in working practices within the health system can improve accountability and sustainability of partnerships. 2014 2014 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.sch_iih9pub3557pub

    Prevalence of suicide risk and its associated factors in patients presenting in antenatal clinic

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    Introduction: Suicide during the antenatal period is one of the major indirect causes of maternal death. This study aims to determine the prevalence of suicidal risk and its related factors among the patients attending the antenatal clinic of a tertiary care center. Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the antenatal clinic Patan Hospital, Lalitpur, Nepal among 124 pregnant patients using purposive sampling and face-to-face interviews applying a semi-structured proforma and P4 suicide screener. Ethical approval was obtained. The percentage of patients with suicide risk was calculated and stratified into minimal, lower, and higher risk of suicide. The association between suicide risk and different sociodemographic and clinical variables was done using the Chi-square test. A p-values ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result: The prevalence of suicide risk was 32 out of 124 patients (25.8%). When risk stratification was done a maximum of 22(17.7%) had a higher risk for suicide. The risk was associated the employment status (p=0.039), history of previous suicide attempts (p=0.04), and diagnosed mental disorder (p=0.027). Conclusion: Our study shows the suicide risk among antenatal females was 25.8% reaffirming the need for proper screening and referral

    Implementation of Improved IR System through Swarm Intelligence Technique

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    Information retrieval is concept related to various optimization techniques and clustering algorithms.High dimensional Textual dataset is required for information retrieval .swarm intelligence is one of the most important technique under evolutionary algorithms.Evolutionary algorithm and Swarm Intelligence Technique are used for the optimization.Swarm intelligence technique includesalgorithm for optimization.Comparative study of thos gives best algorithm on the basis of there computational time and efficiency.This best algorithm is using for implementation of information retrieval system
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