13 research outputs found

    A Model of Electronic Customer Relationship Management System Adoption In Telecommunication Companies

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    Employee satisfaction is key to electronic–customer relationship management (E-CRM) systems in telecommunication companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the direct and indirect effect of technological factors, individual factors, and organizational factors on employees' level of satisfaction. For this study, data was collected from 300 employees' workings in Malaysian telecommunication companies; and the data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings revealed that technological, organizational, and individual factors are positively and significantly related to satisfaction and perceived usefulness. The results also supported the direct and positive relationship between perceived usefulness between employees' job satisfaction. The study has contributed to the body of literature by exploring the implications of various significant factors in terms of employee satisfaction. Besides, the management of the telecommunication companies may benefit from this study by adopting strategies that not only employee satisfaction but may also enhance the companies' performance. The limitations and the direction for future research are discussed in the end

    Data Mining Techniques with Electronic Customer Relationship Management for Telecommunication Company

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    Organizations must improve decisional quality, and the continuous usage of data mining techniques is a crucial issue for management. This issue mostly involves an individual's motivation to engage in the behavior. This could perhaps be characterized in terms of the working regimen. technology utilization and employee activity are the two main difficulties that this dilemma revolves around. This study aims to address the aspect associated with data mining and E-CRM in the telecom industry. The methods that are used in the current study,  analysis studies of the data mining techniques are applied to E-CRM that has been identified. Moreover, PHP with the update of the DeLone and McLean methods has been used in the current study. The results show the significance in affecting the continuance used intention of data mining techniques. User satisfaction, technology, and data mining are critical predictors of employment intentions

    Integrating Delone and Mclean and Task Technology Fit Models to Evaluate the Influence of E-CRM on Individual Performance

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    Electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) is a growing technology that has already captured the attention and focus of researchers. The important development in end-user use, users’ satisfaction, and performance outcomes have been one of the most welcome significant developments in E-CRM. The objective of the research is to assess the influence of E-CRM on employees. We propose a framework that integrates the DeLone and McLean Information System (IS) success model with the Task Technology Fit (TTF) framework. The empirical approach is based on 300 open questionnaires. The findings show that utilization and users’ satisfaction are major predictors of individual performance, as well as the significance of TTF's modulating influence on employee performance. User satisfaction is favorably impacted by system quality, information quality, and service quality

    Applied Fuzzy and Analytic Hierarchy Process in Hybrid Recommendation Approaches for E-CRM

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    To create a personalized E-CRM recommendation system, the electronic customer relationship management system needs to investigate low accuracy and lack of personalization through applied hybrid recommendation system techniques such as fuzzy and AHP. The main purpose of this research is to enhance the accuracy and deep understanding of common recommendation techniques in E-CRM. The fuzzy and AHP techniques have been used in the current study to the available information of objects and to extend recommendation areas. The findings indicate that each of these strategies is appropriate for a recommendation system in a technological environment. The present study makes several noteworthy contributions to the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and has the maximum accuracy of any of these approaches, with 66.67% of accuracy. However, AHP outperforms all others in terms of time complexity. We advocate the concept and implementation of an intelligent business recommendation system dependent on a hybrid approval algorithm that serves as a model for E–CRM recommendation systems. This recommendation system's whole design revolves on the hybrid recommendation system. The systems additionally incorporate the recommendation modules and the recommendation measurement updating framework. The recommendation modules include the formulation and development of material recommendation algorithms, element collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms, and demography-based recommendation algorithms

    Blockchain-Based Recommendation System: A Review Focusing On Security Aspect

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    Recently, blockchain technology has caused considerable interest in academic research in the recommendation system domain. These records frequently contain encryption to achieve a comprehensive and reliable recommendation system. These records frequently contain encryption keys. Additionally, recommendation systems concerning suitable evaluation metrics are crucial to providing an accurate recommender system. Despite the attempts to address these issues through various strategies, very few researchers have considered a success in encrypting, especially in safeguarding the subscribers’ data. Currently, blockchain technology has drawn a lot of interest amongst several researchers, including in the area of recommendation system. To define these gaps, the current study aims to review the adoption of blockchain as one significant upside plan to increase data protection in recommendation systems. The systematic literature review (SLR) method was used to analyze publications from different electronic databases and documents of studies from 2019 to 2022. This research contributed to an in-depth comprehension of blockchain-based security techniques for recommending systems in addition to offering an overview of currently available blockchainbased programs within industries. The report emphasizes and examines significant facts and information about the blockchain depends security techniques for recommendation networks. Researchers highlight interest in a higher rate of security data and highlight noteworthy elements determined by an independent evaluation technique

    Analysis of Book Preferences Among Visitors in Library System

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    Library is a place that contains various resources and materials. Many invaluable knowledge can be found in the library. By analysing the library’s data, it is possible to obtain information that can further improve its services. This research aims to extract information from Multimedia University (MMU) library and present insightful visualization of the information to enhance the library administration. At present, the library does not have information on the book preferences of the library users. The book preferences statistics can be relatively helpful as the library will know what books can be imported in the future. By doing so, more people will visit the library and they will have more related books to use as reference or to read. In addition, there are no existing dashboards to display information on all borrowers, no visitor. In the absence of this, this research adopts the data science methodology to determine the book preferences of library users by using machine learning techniques such as clustering and classification. Lastly, a dashboard will be developed to display all the findings which includes statistics on the visitors and book preferences

    Analysis of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in Relation to Employee Performance

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    The adoption of electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) is an important consideration for communication and collaboration companies. Several research efforts have focused on studying the success variables that contribute to the effectiveness of E-CRM systems. This study investigates whether enhanced Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and TAM3 can be used to understand employee adoption of E-CRM. The present study evaluates the scale on two key variables: perceived value and ease of use, are considered the main predictors of acceptability. The results show that perceived usefulness significantly affects 3.83 values out of 5.0, with a confidence interval of 839. Additionally, the employee performance rating is 0.886, which is above the acceptable limit of 0.70. The results indicate that the data fits the extended TAM model effectively. Performance measurement is heavily influenced by perceived ease of use and user satisfaction

    Food Recommender System: A Review on Techniques, Datasets and Evaluation Metrics

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    With the rise of digital platforms and the availability of large amounts of data, food recommender systems have become a powerful tool for helping people discover new and delicious meals. Today, these systems use algorithms and machine learning models to analyze ingredients and recommend meals based on factors such as cuisine, dietary restrictions, and ingredient compatibility. Hence, this paper aims to review the various recommendation techniques employed in the food recommender system. We also discussthe various algorithms that are used in meal recommender systems, including collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid approaches. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art meal recommender systems and to identify the opportunities for future enhancement and development in this field

    Analysis of multi-criteria recommendation system based on fuzzy algorithm

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    There is a gap in defining the multi-criteria decision-making issues and with recommendation techniques and theories that can help develop the modulation coefficient recommenders.The main objective of this research is to identify an in-depth examination of the category of multiple variables recommendation systems. The methodology that is used in the current study is fuzzy multi-critical decision-making to enhance the precision and appropriateness of the recommendations provided to users, and make recommendations by representing an individual's performance for the product as an ordered collection of rankings in addition to different parameters. The techniques used to make forecasts and produce recommendations using multi-criteria rankings are reviewed. In addition, we propose the multiple-criteria ranking algorithms. Experimental evaluations demonstrated that our proposed algorithms can solve the multi-criteria issues. Furthermore, the research considers unresolved problems and upcoming difficulties for the category of recommendations for multiple variables rating

    Content-based Recommender System with Descriptive Analytics

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    A recommendation system (RS) is an information filtering system that provides users with information, which one may be interested in. Ontology modelling has been widely used to conceptualize items and their semantic relationship together. Hence, in this paper, we propose an intelligent CB RS that allows users to not only access the product recommendations, but also the dashboard systems, which contain descriptive analytics, modeled using ontology. The dashboard allows users to have insight into past data. It consists of five main features: (i) Highlight Dashboard, (ii) Customer Dashboard, (iii) Advanced Search, (iv) Pivot Table and Pivot Chart, and (v) Report. Experimental evaluations show that the CB RS can return the accurate recommended product in a real propriety dataset