26 research outputs found

    Antioxidant capacity and physicochemical parameters of rape honey (Brassica sp.)

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    Zadatak ovog rada bio je karakterizirati med od uljane repice (Brassica sp.) s naglaskom na antioksidativni kapacitet. Antioksidativni kapacitet meda ovisi prvenstveno o njegovu botaničkom podrijetlu, a najčeŔće se povezuje s udjelom fenola i bojom. Od fizikalno-kemijskih parametara određeni su: udio vode, električna provodnost, boja, aktivnost dijastaze, udio HMF-a, omjer fruktoze i glukoze te njihov zbroj. Udio fenola određen je modificiranom Folin-Ciocalteu metodom dok je antioksidativni kapacitet određen FRAP i DPPH metodama. Rezultati analiza pokazali su da med od uljane repice karakterizira nizak omjer fruktoze i glukoze s prosječnom vrijednosti 1,00Ā±0,03 te da spada u kategoriju jako svijetlo žutih medova prema Pfund-ovoj skali (prosječna vrijednost 37,5Ā±7,9 mm Pfund). Udio ukupnih fenola nalazio se u rasponu 108,2-152,6 mg galne kiseline/kg meda, dok je antioksidativni kapacitet određen FRAP metodom bio 144,6-232,3 Ī¼M Fe(II), a onaj određen DPPH metodom 17,51-29,09 mg/ml.The aim of this study was characterisation of rape honey (Brassica sp.) with emphasis on antioxidant capacity. Antioxidant capacity of honey primarily depends on its botanical origin and generally is correlated with phenolic content and honey colour. Following physicochemical parameters were determined: water content, electrical conductivity, colour, diastase activity, HMF content, fructose (F) and glucose (G) ratio and their sum. Total phenolic content was determined by modified Folin-Ciocalteu method while antioxidant capacity of honey was determined by FRAP and DPPH methods. Results showed that rape honey has low F/G ratio with average value of 1,00Ā±0,03 and according to the Pfund scale belongs to category extra light amber (the average value 37,5Ā±7,9 mm Pfund). Total phenolic content was 108,2-152,6 mg gallic acid/kg of honey, while antioxidant capacity determined by FRAP method was 144,6-232,3 Ī¼M Fe(II) and antioxidant capacity which was determined by DPPH method was 17,51-29,09 mg/ml

    The influence of the process parameters and the addition of antioxidants on the utilization and stability of plum kernel oil

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    KoÅ”tica Å”ljive je nusproizvod prehrambene industrije iz kojeg se preÅ”anjem može dobiti jestivo ulje, a njegova konzumacija može smanjiti rizik obolijevanja od kroničnih bolesti. KoÅ”tice Å”ljive pribavljene s područja Slavonije i Baranje preÅ”ane su na pužnoj preÅ”i te je dobiveno sirovo ulje. Sedimentacijom i filtracijom dobiveno je hladno preÅ”ano ulje koÅ”tice Å”ljive kojemu su određeni osnovni parametri kvalitete: peroksidni broj, slobodne masne kiseline, udio vode i udio netopljivih nečistoća. Prilikom preÅ”anja ispitivao se utjecaj procesnih parametara: temperature zagrijavanja glave preÅ”e, veličina otvora glave preÅ”e i frekvencija elektromotora na iskoriÅ”tenje ulja. Ispitan je i utjecaj dodatka antioksidansa na oksidacijsku stabilnost ulja primjenom Testa održivosti na 98 Ā°C. KoriÅ”teni su prirodni antioksidansi ekstrakt zelenog čaja, ekstrakt ružmarina i eterično ulje primorskog vriska te sintetski antioksidans oktil-galat. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitivani procesni parametri hladnog preÅ”anja utječu na iskoriÅ”tenje ulja. Dodatkom prirodnih antioksidanasa postignuta je bolja zaÅ”tita ulja od oksidacijskog kvarenja, nego dodatkom sintetskog antioksidansa. Eterično ulje primorskog vriska imalo je najbolji antioksidacijski utjecaj.Plum kernel is byproduct of the food industry which can be used to produce edible oil through pressing. Also, its consumption is associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases. Kernels from territory of Slavonia and Baranja were used for production of oil. Raw oil was produced by using screw pressing and cold-pressed oil was obtained by sedimentation and filtration. Quality parameters such as peroxide value, free fatty acids, moisture content and insoluble impurities were determined. Aim of this study was to examine the influence of process parameters: press head temperature at cake exit, size of the press head hatch and electromotor frequency on the utilization of oil. Oxidative stability of oil with added antioxidants was determined by the Test of sustainability at 98Ā°C. Natural antioxidants such as green tea extract, rosemary extract, winter savory essential oil and synthetic antioxidant octyl gallate were used. Results showed that natural antioxidants have greater protection of oil in comparison to synthetic antioxidants. Winter savory essential oil had the best antioxidant effect

    The production and stabilization of cold-pressed plum kernel oil

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    Postupkom hladnog preÅ”anja iz koÅ”tice Å”ljive (Prunus domestica L.) dobije se kvalitetno jestivo ulje. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj procesnih parametara preÅ”anja koÅ”tice Å”ljive na efikasnost proizvodnje hladno preÅ”anog ulja te njegovu kvalitetu. Prilikom preÅ”anja mijenjani su sljedeći procesni parametri: frekvencija elektromotora (brzina pužnice), temperatura zagrijavanja glave preÅ”e i nastavak za izlaz pogače. PreÅ”anje je provedeno s kontinuiranom pužnom preÅ”om. Primjenom standardnih metoda određeni su osnovni parametri kvalitete proizvedenog hladno preÅ”anog ulja. Ispitan je i utjecaj dodatka antioksidanasa na oksidacijsku stabilnost ulja primjenom Testa održivosti na 98 Ā°C. KoriÅ”teni su sljedeći prirodni antioksidansi: ekstrakt zelenog čaja, ekstrakt ružmarina i eterično ulje primorskog vriska te sintetski antioksidans oktil galat. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da procesni parametri hladnog preÅ”anja značajno utječu na iskoriÅ”tenje ulja koÅ”tice Å”ljive. Veće iskoriÅ”tenje sirovog ulja i hladno preÅ”anog ulja postignuto je kod temperature zagrijavanja glave preÅ”e 100 Ā°C, frekvencije elektromotora 35 Hz i nastavka za izlaz pogače 10 mm. Dodatkom prirodnih antioksidanasa postignuta je bolja zaÅ”tita ulja od oksidacijskog kvarenja nego dodatkom sintetskog antioksidansa. Eterično ulje primorskog vriska pokazalo je najbolji antioksidacijski utjecaj.The cold pressing of the plum kernel (Prunus domestica L.) is used to obtain high-quality edible oil. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of process parameters of pressing plum kernel on the efficiency of production of cold-pressed oil and its quality. Following process parameters were investigated: electromotor frequency, temperature of head presses, and nozzle size. Pressing was carried out with a continuous screw press. Using standard methods, the basic quality parameters of produced cold pressed oil were determined. Oxidative stability of oil with added antioxidants was determined by the test of sustainability at 98Ā°C. Natural antioxidants such as green tea extract, rosemary extract, winter savory essential oil and synthetic antioxidant octyl gallate were used. The results showed that the process parameters of cold pressing had a significant impact on the yield of plum kernel oil. Higher yield of crude oil and cold-pressed oil was obtained at a temperature of heating head presses 100Ā°C, electromotor frequency of 35 Hz and using nozzle size of 10 mm. The results showed that natural antioxidants have greater protection of oil in comparison to synthetic antioxidants. Winter savory essential oil had the best antioxidant effect

    Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Tobacco Waste using Deep Eutectic Solvents

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    Duhanski otpad je kruti otpad, a njegove vrste međusobno se razlikuju po granulaciji i mjestu izdvajanja u procesu proizvodnje. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinkovitost eutektičkih otapala u ekstrakciji bioaktivnih komponenti iz duhanskog industrijskog otpada (refabrikat, rebro i praÅ”ina). Ispitan je utjecaj procesnih parametara (vrijeme mijeÅ”anja, temperatura i udio vode u otapalu) na svojstva samog ekstrakta (ukupne fenole, antiradikalnu aktivnost, udio klorogenske kiseline i rutina). Metodom odzivne povrÅ”ine određeni su optimalni parametri ekstrakcije (30 min, 70 Ā°C, 29,99 % vode). Provedeno istraživanje ogleda se u maksimalnom iskoriÅ”tavanju nusproizvoda duhanske industrije, a rezultira visokovrijednim ekstraktima koji se mogu implementirati u druge procese i proizvode. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Tobacco waste is a solid waste highly diverse in granulation and point of separation in the manufacturing process. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of eutectic solvents in the extraction of bioactive compounds from tobacco waste. Influence of extraction parameters on the properties of the obtained extracts (total phenol, antioxidant activity, chlorogenic acid, and rutin) has been determined. Using response surface methodology, optimal parameters were defined (30 min, 70 Ā°C, 29.99 % water). The meaning of the proposed research is reflected in the maximum utilization of the tobacco by-product in order to obtain extracts that can be implemented in other products and processes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Macroalgae in the Food Industry ā€“ Opportunities and Challenges

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    The industry recognized macroalgae not only as a very important source of bioactive compounds but also as ā€˜super- foodsā€™ due to their nutritional value. They can be used as raw food acting as an alternative source of vegetable proteins, fibres, vitamins and minerals but also they can be commercialized in many forms and incorporated in other food products. The aim of this review is to emphasize the importance of macroalgae application in the food industry. They are already used for different purposes, from food products to medicine. Among mentioned compounds, the special emphasis was given to macroalgal polysaccharides that are present in many products consumed on daily basis. Their importance in texture stability of the food products, as well as their functional properties are evaluated

    In Vivo and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Less Polar Fractions of Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser 1898 and the Chemical Composition of Fractions and Macroalga Volatilome

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    The present research is a comprehensive investigation of Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser 1898 from the Adriatic Sea (Croatia) regarding volatilomeā€“volatile organic compounds (VOCs, mostly nonpolar compounds) and less polar nonvolatile compounds for the first time. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and hydrodistillation (HD) were used showing the great volatilome variability among fresh (HS-FrDV and HD-FrDV) and dried (HS-DrDV and HD-DrDV) samples after GCā€“MS analysis. Aromatic aldehydes were dominant in both fresh and air-dried HS samples with benzaldehyde as the most abundant in fresh samples and decreasing 2.7ā€“3.7 times after drying together with 2-phenylbut-2-enal that was not present after drying. Aliphatic compounds (unsaturated hydrocarbons in HS-FrDV ; saturated hydrocarbons in HS-DrDV) were also present. C11-hydrocarbons (dictyopterpene Cā€™ and dictyopterpene Dā€™) were detected in HS-FrDV. (E)- Phytol was the most dominant compound in HD-FrDV and HD- DrDV. Diterpene alcohols (cembra-4, 7, 11, 15- tetraen-3-ol and (Z)-falcarinol) and sesquiterpene alcohol, cubenol, were dominant in HD-FrDV, and their abundance decreased after drying. C13- norisoprenoides (alpha-ionone and beta -ionone) increased after drying. Aliphatic compounds were present in both HD-FrDV and HD-DrDV samples. The less polar nonvolatile compounds in the obtained fractions F3 and F4 were analysed and identified by UHPLC-ESI(+)-HRMS. Identified compounds belonged to a group of pigments (7 compounds), fatty acid derivatives (13 compounds), as well as steroids and terpenes (10 compounds). Porphyrinbased compounds (C55H74N4O5ā€“7), xanthophylls, sphingolipid compounds, fatty acid amides, and phytosterols represented the majority of identified compounds. By implementing both in vitro and in vivo assays for antioxidant activity determination, F3 showed a higher activity than F4. Inhibitory concentrations (IC50) for F3 and F4 were 498.00 Ā± 0.01 Āµg/mL and 798.00 Ā± 0.81 Āµg/mL, respectively, while a 1.5-fold reduction in the ROS level was observed after pre-treatment of zebrafish larvae with 45 Āµg/mL of F3

    Bioprospecting of Less-Polar Fractions of Ericaria crinita and Ericaria amentacea: Developmental Toxicity and Antioxidant Activity

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    Ericaria crinita and Ericaria amentacea from the Adriatic Sea (Croatia) were investigated with respect to the presence of less-polar compounds for the first time after fractionation by solid-phase extraction (SPE). The composition of less-polar fractions of freeze-dried E. crinita (FdEc) and E. amentacea (FdEa) were analyzed by high- performance liquid chromatographyā€“high-resolution mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (UHPLC-ESI-HRMS). The major identified compounds were: amides of higher aliphatic acids (palmitoleamide, linoleamide, palmitamide, oleamide and erucamide) and related compounds, carotenoid (fucoxanthin), chlorophyll derivatives (pheophytin a and b and their derivatives) and higher terpenes (loliolide, isoamijiol with its oxidation product), Ī²-stigmasterol and (3Ī², 6Ī±)-14- methylergosta-8, 24(28)-diene-3, 6-diol). The toxic effects observed on the less-polar fractions obtained from Ericaria species on zebrafish Danio rerio embryos could be associated with the high abundance of all five detected amides. The antioxidant activity of the fractions was evaluated by means of five independent assays, including the reduction of the radical cation (ABTS), the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), the 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) assay and the Folinā€“Ciocalteu method. A higher antioxidant activity of E. amentacea in comparison to that of the E. crinita fractions was found with IC50 concentrations of 0.072 and 1.177 mg/mL, respectively. The correlation between the activity and the chemical composition revealed that the synergistic effect of different compounds impacted their antioxidant response

    Bioprospecting of Coralline Red Alga Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux: Volatiles, Fatty Acids and Pigments

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    Due to the lack of phytochemical composition data, the major goals of the present study on Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux were to: (a) investigate and compare volatilome profiles of fresh and air-dried samples obtained by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and hydrodistillation (HD) followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis ; (b) determine fatty acids profile by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) ; (c) obtain the pigment profiles of semipurified extracts by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and (d) evaluate the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of its less polar fractions. The comparison of headspace of fresh (FrAr) and air-dried (DrAr) samples revealed many similarities regarding the presence and abundance of the major (heptadecane and pentadecane) and minor compounds. The hydrodistillate (HD) of DrAr profile was quite different in comparison to HD-FrAr. The predominant compound in HD-FrAr was (E)-phytol. In HD-DrAr, its percentage was approximately one-half reduced, but the abundance of its degradation product phytone and of unsaturated and oxygenated compounds increased indicating more intense fatty acid decomposition and oxidation during drying. The fatty acid determination revealed that the most dominant was palmitic acid (42.86%) followed by eicosapentaenoic acid (19.14%) and stearic acid (11.65%). Among the pigments, A. rigida contained fucoxanthin (0.63 mg gāˆ’1 of dry fraction), lutein (5.83 mg gāˆ’1), Ī²-carotene (6.18 mg gāˆ’1) and chlorophyll a (13.65 mg gāˆ’1). The analyzed less polar fractions of A. rigida exhibited antioxidant scavenging activity with diammonium salt of 2, 2ā€²-azino-bis (3- ethylbenzthiazolin-6-yl) sulfonic acid (ABTS) assay up to 3.87 mg gāˆ’1 trolox equivalents (TE), and with the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay up to 825.63 Ī¼mol gāˆ’1 TE (with carotenoids as the major contributors)