2 research outputs found
The Antitumor Activity of Piplartine: A Review
Cancer is a worldwide health problem with high mortality in children and adults, making searching for novel bioactive compounds with potential use in cancer treatment essential. Piplartine, also known as piperlongumine, is an alkamide isolated from Piper longum Linn, with relevant therapeutic potential. Therefore, this review covered research on the antitumor activity of piplartine, and the studies reported herein confirm the antitumor properties of piplartine and highlight its possible application as an anticancer agent against various types of tumors. The evidence found serves as a reference for advancing mechanistic research on this metabolite and preparing synthetic derivatives or analogs with better antitumor activity in order to develop new drug candidates
Uma história de conceitos na saúde pública: integralidade, coordenação, descentralização, regionalização e universalidade A history of public health concepts: integrity, coordination, decentralization, regionalization, and universality
O Sistema Único de Saúde conferiu visibilidade a uma série de conceitos próprios da organização de sistemas de saúde. Entre eles a integralidade, que delimita fronteiras comuns com quase todos os demais princípios do Sistema, tem sido objeto de ampla literatura no Brasil. Com base em extensa revisão de fontes primárias e secundárias, este artigo apresenta uma recuperação histórica dos conceitos de integralidade, descentralização, regionalização e universalidade - ideias e conceitos que em grande parte se conformam e se interligam no ideário da organização dos serviços sanitários pelo modelo dos Centros de Saúde distritais.<br>Brazil's Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde) has highlighted a series of concepts specific to the organization of healthcare systems. Among these, integrity - which shares boundaries with almost all other System principles - has been the object of much academic production in Brazil. Based on an extensive review of primary and secondary sources, the article offers a historical recovery of the concepts of integrity, decentralization, regionalization, and universality - ideas and concepts that in good measure are shaped by and interlinked with the set of ideals of the organization of sanitary services according to the district health centers model