66 research outputs found

    Intraoperative thrombolitic therapy

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to show that auxilliary drug therapy associated with a mechanical desobstruction in acute arterial occlusions will result better treatment. METHOD: The impossibility of complete surgical desobstruction in arterial occlusion, would been a great deal of amputations. The author presents a surgical treatment with Fogarty catheter, local intra arterial thrombolitic therapy and in sequence the use of heparinized cold dialysis soluctions. RESULTS: The little group of patients (n = 9) show us that the use of the fibrinolitic agent with sequencial perfusion of preservation solution gets us surgical success with anatomic and fisiologic preservation of the members.The follow up would been 48,77 months (24-76 months). CONCLUSION: The local intra arterial thrombolitic therapy and the use of heparinized cold dialysis solution, associated at the mechanical desobstruction with Fogarty catheter presents 88,88% of success in cases treated.OBJETIVO: Apresentar um tratamento coadjuvante à desobstrução mecânica, nas oclusões arteriais agudas de membros. MÉTODO: A impossibilidade de desobstrução mecânica cirúrgica completa dos vasos tem levado a altas taxas de amputações. Utilizamos como coadjuvante desta a aplicação de agente trombolítico intra-operatório, intra-arterial regional, seguida da infusão de solução de diálise peritoneal à baixa temperatura. RESULTADO: Neste pequeno grupo de doentes, verificamos que o uso de fibrinolítico seguido da lavagem da árvore arterial com solução preservadora, à baixa temperatura, aumenta a taxa de sucesso cirúrgico com preservação do membro e sua função. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia trombolítica intra-arterial regional, associada ao uso de solução de diálise peritoneal heparinizada, apresentou um percentual de sucesso de 88,88% dos casos tratados com este método.27527

    Angiography for Renal Artery Diseases

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    Renal Artery disease is one of the main causes of systemic arterial hypertension. Among its etiologies are atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia, Takayasu arteritis, among others. These diseases may evolve into stenosis, occlusion or aneurysms of the renal arteries. In the last decades, technological advances in both imaging diagnosis and treatment, have improved prognosis of patients, leading to earlier medical interventions. For the identification of renal vascular diseases, the adequate angiography technique as well as the capture of quality images are of utter importance. This chapter aims to address the main aspects of the renal artery diseases and their arteriographic findings

    Cost analysis of saphenous vein stripping in an academic hospital

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this paper is to evaluate the economical and operational advantages of ambulatory saphenectomy as opposed to the standart procedure. METHODS: From January 1992 to January 1998 we observed 152 patients (average age 41.9 years old) submitted to saphenous vein stripping. Some were operated in the Main Operating Room, and others in the Outpatient Operating Room. The follow up of both groups was performed at the Outpatient Vascular Surgery Ambulatory, and included ethical, financial and safety analysis of the process. RESULTS: The medium cost of an ambulatory surgery was US63.13whilethesameprocedureperformedintheMainOperatingRoomcostedUS63.13 while the same procedure performed in the Main Operating Room costed US 162.41 and needed an average of hospital lenght of stay of 2.3 days. CONCLUSION: The results show that the ambulatory procedures are ethically and economically advantageous when compared to regular surgical procedures performed in the Main Operating Room.OBJETIVO: O trabalho objetiva avaliar as vantagens econômicas e de racionalização do procedimento nas safenectomias ambulatoriais MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 152 doentes com idade média de 41,9 anos, no período de janeiro de 1992 a janeiro de 1998. Esses doentes foram operados no centro cirúrgico ambulatorial e no centro cirúrgico central e acompanhados no ambulatório de Cirurgia Vascular Simplificada. Foram analisados os aspectos éticos, segurança e análise financeira do procedimento. RESULTADOS: O custo médio de uma cirurgia ambulatorial foi de R176,79comparadocomocustomeˊdiodecirurgianocentrociruˊrgicocentraldeR 176,79 comparado com o custo médio de cirurgia no centro cirúrgico central de R 454,75, computando-se apenas os gastos do centro cirúrgico. Além disso os doentes cujas cirurgias foram realizadas no centro cirúrgico central tiveram uma média de internação de 2,3 dias. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados obtidos demonstram que esse procedimento ambulatorial é viável do ponto de vista ético e economicamente vantajoso pelo baixo custo apresentado, quando comparado ao tratamento do doente internado.18018

    Splenic artery aneurysm associated with anatomic variations in origin

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    Splenic artery aneurysm was first described by Beaussier in 1770, and the first successful treatment was reported by McLeod in 1940. The splenic artery aneurysm is considered the most common splanchnic site for aneurysm formation, affecting 46 to 60% of patients with visceral aneurysms. Most patients are asymptomatic, and splenic artery aneurysm is often found during imaging investigation of other abdominal diseases. We describe an unusual case of a 31-year-old female patient with a large splenic artery aneurysm originating from the superior mesenteric artery.O aneurisma de artéria esplênica foi descrito pela primeira vez por Beaussier em 1770, e o primeiro tratamento bem-sucedido foi apresentado por McLeod em 1940. O aneurisma da artéria esplênica é considerado o mais comum do território esplâncnico, afetando 46 a 60% dos doentes com aneurismas viscerais. A maioria dos doentes é assintomática, e o achado do aneurisma de artéria esplênica costuma ser casual, durante a investigação de outra doença abdominal por imagem. Descrevemos o caso incomum de uma doente do sexo feminino, com 31 anos de idade, com um grande aneurisma de artéria esplênica que se originava da artéria mesentérica superior.17718

    Hystopathological study of the intestinal epithelium submitted to different times of programmed ischemia and twenty four hours reperfusion

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the changes in the intestinal epithelium of rats, when submitted to the ischemia of varied time and scheduled reperfusion. METHODS: For this purpose, the following groups were established six groups: control, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 minutes of ischemia and reperfusion time (24 hours). Their intestines being resected for histopathological analysis: the length and width of the villus, and mitotic index. The nonparametric test Kruskal-Wallis and multiple comparisons test were applied. RESULTS: The qualitatively the intestinal epithelium is regenerated when submitted to different ischemia, and 24 hours reperfusion time. It was observed that morphometry analyzing taking villus length and width and mitotic index as parameter, meaningful alterations were detected. CONCLUSION: The epithelium is regenerated, when subjected to different time planned of ischemia and reperfusion. It was observed: decrease the length and increase the width of the villi, when compared Group VI with I and II, and Group VI with I; increased mitotic index when compared Groups III with I. Every analysis was statistically significant.28829

    Glomus tumor of digital artery of thumb: case report

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    We report on a case of glomus tumor in the branch of the radial artery of the right thumb. The tumor had a 4-year clinical history. The patient reported the development of a 2.0-cm tumor in the interdigital region between the first and second fingers of the right hand on the short flexor muscle of thumb. The patient also complained of severe and progressive pain. Tests using bidirectional Doppler and echo-color-Doppler revealed a presumptive diagnosis of arteriovenous malformation based on the turbulence of the flow and absence of stenosis. The tumor was removed by open surgery and sent for histopathological examination, which showed a diagnosis of glomangioma. The present report describes a rare arterial disease causing extreme discomfort to the patient, which may be treated with surgical resection without sequelae.Os autores relatam um caso de tumor glômico em ramo da artéria radial que irriga o polegar direito, com história clínica de 4 meses. O doente referia o aparecimento de tumoração de aproximadamente 2,0 centímetros na região interdigital, entre o primeiro e o segundo quirodactilos da mão direita, sobre o músculo flexor curto do polegar, extremamente dolorosa e com dor em progressão. Os exames com aparelho de Doppler bidirecional e o eco-color-Doppler apresentaram, como diagnóstico presuntivo, malformação arteriovenosa, pelo turbilhonamento do fluxo e ausência de estenoses. A tumoração foi retirada por cirurgia aberta e encaminhada para exame histopatológico, com diagnóstico de glomangioma. Este relato descreve uma doença arterial pouco frequente, que causa extremo desconforto ao seu portador, mas que é solucionada pela exerese cirúrgica, sem sequelas.32032

    Thoracic aortic aneurysm in a patient with tuberous sclerosis

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    A esclerose tuberosa é uma doença genética de transmissão autossômica dominante. Caracteriza-se, na sua apresentação clássica, por epilepsia, deficiência mental e adenomas sebáceos. Aneurismas de aorta podem acometer desde crianças com poucos meses de vida até adultos jovens portadores de esclerose tuberosa. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente jovem com diagnóstico de aneurisma sacular de aorta torácica e esclerose tuberosa tratada com sucesso por via endovascular18Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic disease with autosomal dominant transmission. Its classic presentation comprises epilepsy, mental deficiencies, and sebaceous adenomas. Aneurysms of the aorta can be detected in people with tuberous sclerosis ranging from children a few months old to young adults. We report the case of a young patient diagnosed with a saccular thoracic aortic aneurysm and tuberous sclerosis who was successfully treated using an endovascular approac

    Endovascular treatment of renal stenosis in solitary kidney

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    BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment of hypertensive renal disease in patients with a solitary kidney secondary to renal artery stenosis proved to be effective to prevent organ failure and function, as well as hypertension control. When indicated after judicious evaluation using both biochemical methods and the patient's images and signs, endovascular treatment has effective clinical benefits and is little invasive. OBJECTIVE: To study renal artery stenosis with hypertension and evaluate the effectiveness of endovascular treatment in the control of hypertension, renal failure secondary to renal artery stenosis, and in the prevention of renal failure in patients with a solitary kidney. METHODS: This study was performed at the Reference Center of High Complexity in Endovascular Surgery of Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade de Campinas from April 1997 through June 2005 using a previously developed protocol. Ten patients with renal artery stenosis and solitary kidney submitted to endovascular treatment were included. Improvement in hypertension and renal function was assessed through clinical follow-up and laboratory tests using measurements of blood pressure, serum urea levels, creatinine and clearance. Color-flow Doppler ultrasound was performed 30, 90, 180 days after the surgery and yearly thereafter. Aortography and selective renal arteriography were performed in case of doubt as to images or signs. For this population, 90% had hypertension, 70% were smokers, 40% had hyperlipidemia, 30% had carotid artery occlusive disease, 60% had chronic lower limb arterial occlusion, and 20% had diabetes mellitus. RESULTS: Immediate success was 100%. Mean follow-up time was 40 months. Control of blood pressure occurred in 90% of the cases, and in 10% there was significant reduction in urea and creatinine levels and worsening of hypertension after the procedure. CONCLUSION: Endovascular treatment of renal artery stenosis is a technique that has clinical benefits in hypertension control, preserving renal function and progression of this disease, but without improvement in renal function.CONTEXTO: O tratamento endovascular da doença renal hipertensiva, em doentes com rim único, conseqüente à estenose de artéria renal, mostrou ser efetivo na prevenção da falência do órgão, sua função e controle da hipertensão. Quando indicado após avaliação criteriosa, tanto bioquímica como por imagens e sinais do doente, o tratamento endovascular apresenta benefícios clínicos de forma efetiva e pouco invasiva. OBJETIVO: Estudar a doença hipertensiva renovascular e avaliar a eficácia do tratamento endovascular no controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica e da insuficiência renal secundárias à estenose da artéria renal e como medida de prevenção de falência renal em doentes com rim único funcionante. MÉTODO: Estudo realizado com protocolo de atendimento previamente elaborado, no Centro de Referência de Alta Complexidade em Cirurgia Endovascular do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade de Campinas, de abril de 1997 a junho de 2005, em 10 doentes com diagnóstico de estenose da artéria renal em rim único funcionante, submetidos ao tratamento endovascular. Foi avaliada a melhora da hipertensão e função renal através de seguimento clínico e laboratorial com medidas de pressão arterial, dosagens séricas de uréia, creatinina e clearance. Exames pelo eco-color-Doppler foram realizados no pós-operatório de 30 dias, 3 meses, 6 meses e anualmente; no caso de haver alguma dúvida na obtenção de imagens ou sinais, foi realizada a aortografia e arteriografia seletiva renal. Nesta casuística, 90% dos doentes apresentavam hipertensão arterial, 70% eram tabagistas, 40%, hiperlipidêmicos, 30% apresentavam doença oclusiva cerebral extracraniana, 60%, obstrução arterial crônica nos membros inferiores, e 20%, diabetes melito. RESULTADOS: O sucesso inicial foi de 100%. O seguimento médio foi de 40 meses. Houve controle da pressão arterial em 90%, diminuição significativa dos níveis de uréia e creatinina após procedimento e piora do quadro de hipertensão em 10%. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento endovascular da estenose da artéria renal é uma técnica que apresenta benefícios clínicos no controle da hipertensão arterial, preserva a função renal e desacelera a progressão da insuficiência renal crônica de origem renovascular, porém sem melhora desta.9910

    Extracranial vertebral artery aneurysm during the puerperium in women with neurofibromatosis type 1

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    A 26-year-old patient, on the 10th day of the puerperium, presented sudden pain in the left cervical region irradiated to the supraclavicular region on the same side, followed by the presence of a pulsatile mass. She reported a mean systolic hypertension of 160 mmHg, and mean diastolic hypertension of 130 mmHg in pregnancy and neurofibromatosis. At physical examination, she presented a pulsatile mass in the left supraclavicular region, without thrill and/or murmur. A widening of the mediastinum was detected by a thoracic X-ray. A computed tomography (cervical and thoracic region) showed a pulsatile mass in the territory of the left subclavian artery in its proximal portion, without having limits defined by contrast extravasation, besides a giant hemothorax on the left. The patient evolved with hypovolemic shock and was submitted to an urgent surgery, undergoing thoracotomy followed by cervicotomy, in which a ruptured aneurysmal lesion of the left vertebral artery was shown right after its emergency. After controlling the bleeding, a ligation was performed. The patient progressed satisfactorily, having an outpatient follow-up.Paciente de 26 anos, no 10º dia de puerpério, apresentou dor súbita em região cervical esquerda irradiada para região supraclavicular do mesmo lado, seguida de aparecimento de massa pulsátil. Relatava hipertensão sistólica média de 160 mmHg, e diastólica média de 130 mmHg na gravidez e neurofibromatose. Ao exame físico, apresentava massa pulsátil em região supraclavicular esquerda, sem frêmitos e/ou sopros. Um alargamento do mediastino foi detectado através de raio-x de tórax. Uma tomografia computadorizada (região cervical e torácica) evidenciou tumoração em território de artéria subclávia esquerda na sua porção proximal, sem limites definidos pelo extravasamento de contraste, além de hemotórax gigante à esquerda. A paciente evoluiu com choque hipovolêmico, sendo submetida à cirurgia de urgência, com toracotomia seguida de cervicotomia, onde se evidenciou lesão aneurismática rota da artéria vertebral esquerda logo após sua emergência. Após controle do sangramento, procedeu-se à sua ligadura. A paciente evoluiu satisfatoriamente, estando em acompanhamento ambulatorial.29730
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