3 research outputs found

    Identification keys for the fish of continental and insular waters of Costa Rica. Part I: Families

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    Introducción: El conocimiento sobre la composición taxonómica de la fauna de peces de agua dulce de Costa Rica ha cambiado sustancialmente en las últimas dos décadas. No solamente por la adición de nuevas especies y táxones supra-específicos, sino también por reordenamientos y cambios taxonómicos en los diferentes niveles jerárquicos. Las claves taxonómicas disponibles se publicaron hace más de 20 años y están desactualizadas. Objetivo: Brindar información actualizada, en lenguaje sencillo, para la identificación de todas las familias costarricenses de peces continentales e insulares. Métodos: Utilizamos literatura especializada, colecciones de museos y especímenes recolectados recientemente para actualizar las claves disponibles tomando como referencia una lista de familias del 2013. Resultados: La clave dicotómica ilustrada, que cubre 53 familias, se basa en características externas relativamente fáciles de identificar. También incluimos información sobre la composición de especies, distribución general y uso del hábitat. Conclusión: Esta clave permite la identificación de 274 especies de peces costarricenses a nivel de familia, como base para su identificación a categorías más bajasIntroduction: Knowledge about the taxonomic composition of the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna has changed substantially in the last two decades. Not only due to the addition of new species and supra-specific taxa, but also due to rearrangements and taxonomic changes at the different hierarchical levels. The available taxonomic keys were published more than 20 years ago and are outdated. Objective: To provide up-to-date information, in a friendly language, for the identification of all Costa Rican families of continental and insular fishes. Methods: We used the literature, museum collections and recently collected specimens to update a 2013 family list. Results: The key covers 53 families. The illustrated dichotomous key is based on external characters that are relatively “easy” to identify. We also include information about species composition, general distribution and habitat use. Conclusion: This key allows the identification of 274 fish species to family level, as a basis for further identification.Universidad de Costa Rica/[808-C1-125]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical (CIBET)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR

    Ictioplancton en la zona portuaria de Limón, Costa Rica

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    <abstract language="eng">Four sampling stations were set 200-500m off Limon Port, Costa Rica, at an average depth of 20 m. From October 1996 to May 1997 horizontal subsuperficial trawls were done for 12 minutes at a speed of 1.853 Km/h, with a 1 000 µm net were surveyed with. A total of 28 samples were processed and 104 physical-chemistry parameter measurements were taken. Average salinity was 30.1 + 3.7 and dissolved oxygen 6.9 + 0.6 mg l-1 reflecting good aeration throughout the sampling period. This suggests good mixture and a highly dynamic hydrography. Temperature showed no drastic variations (28.0 + 1.7 °C), possibly because of the constant mixing with shallow water. The highest larval counts were for November and early January and include families from reefs and estuaries (Balistidae, Lutjanidae) and from coastal areas (Centropomidae, Gerreidae, Haemulidae, Carangidae, Engraulidae, Hemirramphidae, and representative Pleuronectiformes) existing in a common area

    Ictioplancton en la zona portuaria de Limón, Costa Rica

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    Four sampling stations were set 200-500m off Limon Port, Costa Rica, at an average depth of 20 m. From October 1996 to May 1997 horizontal subsuperficial trawls were done for 12 minutes at a speed of about 2KmIh, with a 1 OOO¡.tm plancton neto A total of 28 samples were processed and 104 physieal-chemistry parameter measurements were taken. Average salinity was 30.1 ± 3.7 and dissolved oxygen 6.9 ± 0.6 mg 1-1 reflecting good aeration throughout the sampling périod. This suggests good mixture and a highly dynamic hydrography. Temperature showed no drastic variations (28.0 ± 1.7 OC), possibly because of the constant mixing with shallow water. The highest larval counts were for November and early January and inelude families common to reefs and estuaries (BaJistidae, Lutjanidae) and to coastal areas (Centropomidae, Gerreidae, Haemulidae, Carangidae, Engraulidae, Hemiramphidae, and representative Pleuronectiforrnes) existing in a common area