406 research outputs found

    As relações entre a escola e as famílias: a participação das famílias no jardim de infância

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-EscolarEste trabalho foi realizado no âmbito da Prática Profissional Supervisionada II em contexto de Jardim-de-infância. O estágio foi realizado com um grupo de crianças heterogéneo de uma escola pública inserida num contexto rural e ocorreu durante cerca de quinze semanas, entre setembro de 2016 e janeiro de 2017. Pretende-se apresentar de forma reflexiva e fundamentada todo o processo que sustentou a minha prática pedagógica. A caracterização realizada ao contexto onde se insere a prática foi fundamental para delinear um conjunto de intenções educativas que se refletiram numa prática pedagógica sustentada e refletida. Numa perspetiva de melhoramento e adequação de uma prática pedagógica de qualidade, efetuou-se uma investigação sobre a importância das relações entre o jardim-de-infância e as famílias. Fruto de modificações ocorridas na sociedade, onde a escola pretende dar respostas às necessidades das famílias, é importante promover e desenvolver um trabalho de parceria e cooperação entre os dois contextos. É necessário reconhecer as famílias como primordiais para a educação das crianças e incuti-las em todo o seu processo pedagógico. Para operacionalizar a investigação, pretendeu-se promover uma participação mais ativa das famílias na vida escolar dos seus educandos e envolvê-las nos diferentes momentos da ação educativa. Para além de se colocar em prática algumas estratégias, foram também conhecidas as conceções sobre os diferentes intervenientes, a equipa educativa, as famílias e as crianças, através da realização de entrevistas e questionários. Todo o processo vivenciado na prática permitiu uma profícua aprendizagem e crescimento, refletindo-se numa saudável construção da profissionalidade em educação de infância, complementando com a minha evolução pessoal.ABSTRAT This work was carried out within the scope of Supervised Professional Practice II in the context of kindergarten. The internship was done with a heterogeneous group of children from a public school inserted in a rural context, which took place within approximately fifteen weeks, between September 2016 and January 2017. It is intended to present the process in a reflective and grounded manner that sustains my pedagogical practice. The characterization of the context, where the practice is inserted, was fundamental to delineate a set of educational intentions that were reflected and sustained in a pedagogical practice. With a view to improving and adapting a quality pedagogical practice, an investigation was made on the importance of the relationship between the kindergarten and the families. As a result of changes in society, where the school intends to respond to the needs of families, it is important to promote and develop a work of partnership and cooperation between the two contexts. It is necessary to recognize families as primordial in the children’s’ education and instill them throughout their pedagogical process. In order to operationalize the research, it was intended to promote a more active participation of the families in the school life and involve them in all the different moments of the educational process. In addition to putting into practice some strategies, the concepts of the different parties, the educational team, families and children were also known through interviews and questionnaires. The whole process experienced allowed for a profitable learning and growth, reflected in a healthy construction of professionalism in childhood education, complementing with my personal development.N/

    Leveraging data analytics in the assessment of water quality parameters on salmon mortality in aquaculture: A case study from a fish farm in Norway

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    This thesis delves into the application of data analytics in the aquaculture industry, specifically focusing on identifying water quality parameters that influence salmon mortality rates in fish farms. Given the significant economic and environmental implications of high salmon mortality rates, understand and mitigate these rates is paramount. A comprehensive dataset from a Norwegian fish farm is analyzed, encompassing water quality parameters and mortality rates. This research focus is examining a five-year dataset thoroughly exploring the impact of nine key water quality variables - pH, redox, salinity, temperature, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity, and carbon dioxide - on mortality rates. Following the CRISP-DM methodology, emphasis is placed on data preparation, correlation analysis, and modelling. The objective is to uncover meaningful patterns and correlations between these parameters and salmon mortality, providing valuable insights into the complex dynamics between water quality and mortality, and ultimately contributing to fish farms' sustainable and efficient management. The results reveal intrinsic relationships between analyzed variables, and it is validated that nitrate and nitrite exhibit parallel behaviour and are inverse to redox and pH. The mortality rate presents the highest correlation with nitrate, and the lowest with temperature. It shows the potential of data analytics in enhancing the sustainability and profitability of the aquaculture industry by underscoring the importance of study the data in aquaculture to be used as a proactive management tool for fish welfare. By continuing this work, researchers can enhance knowledge, develop practical solutions, and ensure productivity and quality of fish populations created in aquaculture systems.Esta tese investiga a aplicação da análise de dados na indústria da piscicultura, centrando-se especificamente na identificação dos parâmetros de qualidade da água que influenciam as taxas de mortalidade do salmão. O foco desta investigação é examinar um conjunto de dados de cinco anos, explorando minuciosamente o impacto de nove variáveis-chave da qualidade da água - pH, redox, salinidade, temperatura, amónio, nitrato, nitrito, alcalinidade e dióxido de carbono - nas taxas de mortalidade. Seguindo a metodologia CRISP-DM, o ênfase é colocado na preparação de dados, análise de correlações e modelação. O objetivo é descobrir padrões e correlações significativos entre estes parâmetros e a mortalidade do salmão, fornecendo informações valiosas sobre a complexa dinâmica entre a qualidade da água e a mortalidade e, em última análise, contribuindo para a gestão sustentável e eficiente das explorações piscícolas. Os resultados revelam relações intrínsecas entre as variáveis analisadas, sendo validado que o nitrato e o nitrito apresentam um comportamento paralelo e inverso ao redox e ao pH. A taxa de mortalidade apresenta a maior correlação com o nitrato, e a menor com a temperatura. Este estudo mostra o potencial da análise de dados para melhorar a sustentabilidade e a rentabilidade desta indústria, sublinhando a importância do estudo dos dados em piscicultura para serem utilizados como uma ferramenta de gestão proactiva para o bem-estar dos peixes. Ao ser dada continuidade a este trabalho, os investigadores podem desenvolver soluções práticas e garantir a produtividade e a qualidade das populações de peixes criadas em sistemas de aquacultura

    The impact of social media on consumer behaviour

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    Over the years, social media has become one of the most important tools for branding. Despite the increasing number of companies using this for communicate, how this communication influences consumer-brand relationship and how impacts the decision purchase remains unclear. The aim of this thesis is to understand how online brand communities’ influences consumers to buy cosmetic products concerning Instagram and YouTube. The study is conducted through netnography methodology, where the engagement of brands-consumers is measured by the number of likes and comments. The four cosmetic brands analysed were Dior, Estée Lauder, Revlon and L’Oréal. These brands can be divided in luxury brands (Dior, Estée Lauder) and mass market brands (Revlon, L’Oréal). First, the study answers to how the brands behave in the two social media platforms. Second, it responds to how social media influences consumers to buy luxury and mass market products. The data collection and data analysis are divided in three stages: the first corresponds to a general analysis of six months (January to June of 2019) of each Instagram account and YouTube channel; the second stage is the observation of the posts of one month (January); and the third stage is the comparison of each online community. The analysis of the results reaches three main conclusions: (1) Brands have more engagement on Instagram and Bloggers have more interactivity on YouTube; (2) Luxury Brands have a better communication than Mass Market Brands; (3) French Brands (Dior and L’Oréal) are more well-known, creating more engagement and impacting more consumers.Ao longo dos anos, as redes sociais têm-se tornado numa das ferramentas mais importantes para a gestão da comunicação das marcas. Apesar do crescente número de empresas a usar as redes socias para comunicarem ainda não está bem claro como é que essa comunicação influencia a decisão de compra de um consumidor. O objetivo desta tese é entender como é que comunidades online, como o Instagram e o YouTube, influenciam os consumidores a comprar produtos de cosmética. O estudo é realizado através da metodologia netnografia, onde é medida a interatividade das marcas com os consumidores pelo número de gostos e comentários. As quatro marcas de cosmética analisadas foram Dior, Estée Lauder, Revlon e L´Oréal, divididas em marcas de luxo (Dior, Estée Lauder) e marcas de mass market (Revlon, L´Oréal). Primeiro, é analisado o comportamento das marcas nas duas redes socias e em seguida, é examinada a influência das redes socias nos consumidores em comprar produtos de luxo e produtos de mass market. A análise dos dados é dividida em 3 fases. A primeira corresponde a um estudo geral de cada rede social; a segunda é a observação específica e a terceira é a comparação de cada comunidade online. Com este estudo foi concluído o seguinte: (1) As marcas têm mais interatividade com os consumidores no Instagram e as Bloggers têm mais interatividade no YouTube; (2) As marcas de luxo têm uma comunicação melhor que as marcas mass market; (3) As marcas francesas são mais conhecidas e impactam mais os consumidores

    Estudo da libertação de lisozima usando implantes lipídicos como sistemas de veiculação

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    Orientação: Marisa Helena Fonseca NicolaiO sector da biotecnologia tem apresentado um avanço considerável conduzindo a um aumento do número de fármacos peptídicos e proteicos, encontrando-se muito em franco desenvolvimento. A administração oral pode ser problemática para alguns fármacos, de tal modo que, é necessário considerar outras alternativas eficazes e a pele é um candidato promissor. Consequentemente, a administração transdérmica de fármacos tem sido alvo de pesquisas e desenvolvimentos. Os implantes lipídicos são sistemas promissores para o tratamento de diversas patologias, uma vez que, permitem uma libertação controlada do fármaco ao longo do tempo e são vantajosos em relação a outras vias de administração, de modo que, em muito casos não necessitam de administrações constantes. Por conseguinte, os implantes lipídicos foram usados com o objectivo de estudar a libertação de uma proteína – a lisozima.The biotechnology sector has shown considerable progress leading to an increase in the number of peptide and protein drugs, lying very rapidly developing. Oral administration can be problematic for some drugs, so that it is necessary to consider other effective alternatives and skin is a promising candidate. Consequently, transdermal drug delivery has been the subject of research and development. The lipid implants are a promising systems for the treatment of various disorders since they allow a controlled release of the drug over time and are advantageous over other routes of administration, so that in many cases does not require constant administration. Therefore, lipid implants were used in order to study the release of a protein - lysozyme

    Predictive Modelling of the Bitcoin Price: A Comprehensive Analysis of Time Series Models - The usage of time-based models in predicting the price of Bitcoin in both the short and long term future

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe extraordinary volatility of Bitcoin is attributed to a multitude of external factors that are difficult to identify and monitor for predictive modeling. The impact of the Bitcoin halving introduces still another level of complexity, implying possible stability in the far future, subject to discernible seasonality indicators. This thesis aims to identify what variables influence the value of bitcoin and what kind of models better forecast its price. Following the CRISP-DM methodology, data was collected from online sources, analyzed, and treated accordingly as means to be fed to different types of models: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Vector Autoregressive (VAR), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Layers and Prophet. The variables that were found to have the greatest potential for inclusion in prediction models were Bitcoin volume, the VT index, and currencies like the Israeli New Shekel and Euro, as well as silver and copper. Although Prophet showed potential, it was clear that it had limitations, especially when it came to predicting long-term outcomes with variables other than Bitcoin. Furthermore, in these models, regressors appeared to be a promising technique, but could only be used to anticipate known futures. While the RNN model with LSTM layers seemed reliable for short-term forecasts, it was not practical for making large-scale, long-term investment decisions. These results highlight how difficult it is currently to develop predictive models that accurately predict Bitcoin values, particularly for large-scale, long-term decision-making in the investment market

    Addition of a histone deacetylase inhibitor increases recombinant protein expression in Medicago truncatula cell cultures

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    Plant cell cultures are an attractive platform for the production of recombinant proteins. A major drawback, hindering the establishment of plant cell suspensions as an industrial platform, is the low product yield obtained thus far. Histone acetylation is associated with increased transcription levels, therefore it is expected that the use of histone deacetylase inhibitors would result in an increase in mRNA and protein levels. Here, this hypothesis was tested by adding a histone deacetylase inhibitor, suberanilohydroxamic acid (SAHA), to a cell line of the model legume Medicago truncatula expressing a recombinant human protein. Histone deacetylase inhibition by SAHA and histone acetylation levels were studied, and the effect of SAHA on gene expression and recombinant protein levels was assessed by digital PCR. SAHA addition effectively inhibited histone deacetylase activity resulting in increased histone acetylation. Higher levels of transgene expression and accumulation of the associated protein were observed. This is the first report describing histone deacetylase inhibitors as inducers of recombinant protein expression in plant cell suspensions as well as the use of digital PCR in these biological systems. This study paves the way for employing epigenetic strategies to improve the final yields of recombinant proteins produced by plant cell cultures.publishersversionpublishe

    A classification of infinite staircases for Hirzebruch surfaces

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    The ellipsoid embedding function of a symplectic manifold gives the smallest amount by which the symplectic form must be scaled in order for a standard ellipsoid of the given eccentricity to embed symplectically into the manifold. It was first computed for the standard four-ball (or equivalently, the complex projective plane) by McDuff and Schlenk, and found to contain the unexpected structure of an "infinite staircase," that is, an infinite sequence of nonsmooth points arranged in a piecewise linear stair-step pattern. Later work of Usher and Cristofaro-Gardiner--Holm--Mandini--Pires suggested that while four-dimensional symplectic toric manifolds with infinite staircases are plentiful, they are highly non-generic. This paper concludes the systematic study of one-point blowups of the complex projective plane, building on previous work of Bertozzi-Holm-Maw-McDuff-Mwakyoma-Pires-Weiler, Magill-McDuff, Magill-McDuff-Weiler, and Magill on these Hirzebruch surfaces. We prove a conjecture of Cristofaro-Gardiner--Holm--Mandini--Pires for this family: that if the blowup is of rational weight and the embedding function has an infinite staircase then that weight must be 1/31/3. We show also that the function for this manifold does not have a descending staircase. Furthermore, we give a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of an infinite staircase in this family which boils down to solving a quadratic equation and computing the function at one specific value. Many of our intermediate results also apply to the case of the polydisk (or equivalently, the symplectic product of two spheres).Comment: 56 pages, 7 figure

    Connectedness in fair division of circle and star cakes between two agents with unequal entitlements

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    Austin's moving knife procedure is used to divide a cake equitably between two agents: each agent believes that they received exactly half of the cake. This short note deals with the case when the two agents have unequal (rational) entitlements to the cake and seek a weighted equitable division -- one where each agent believes that they received exactly the share that they are entitled to -- and also minimizes the number of connected components that each agent receives. First, we adapt Austin's moving knife procedure to produce a weighted equitable division of a circular cake that gives exactly one connected piece to each agent (recovering a result of Shishido and Zeng's). Next, we use it to produce a weighted equitable division of a star graph cake that gives at most two connected pieces to each agent -- and show that this bound on the number of connected pieces is tight

    Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Implications for Marketing

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    Goncalves, A. R., Pinto, D. C., Rita, P., & Pires, T. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Implications for Marketing. Emerging Science Journal, 7(2), 313-327. https://doi.org/10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-01 --- Funding: This paper received support from the Management of Information Research Center (MagIC), project UIDB/04152/2020, and from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT Portugal), project DSAIPA/DS/0113/2019.Despite the recent developments in AI, ethical questions arise when consumers contemplate how their data is being treated. This paper develops a conceptual model building on the theory of acceptance, risk, trust, and attitudes towards AI to understand the drivers that lead consumers to accept AI, considering consumers' ethical concerns. The model was empirically tested with 200 consumers of AI marketing services. The findings reveal that perceived risk significantly impacts attitudes toward AI, ethical concerns, and perceived trust and suggest a significant association between perceived risk, ethical concerns, and social norms. This research provides important theoretical and managerial implications for the ethical aspects of AI in marketing by highlighting the ethical and moral questions surrounding AI's acceptance.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin