3 research outputs found

    Establishing a digital presence and strategic model for SMBs using Google tools in Romania

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    The purpose of this thesis is to create a rollout model for SMBs in Romania using Google tools.The paper is going to identify, analyze and address the variables of a digital implementation plan,preempting possible knowledge gaps. In order to do so, the paper is analyzing first Romania‘ssituation and benchmarking it to the European Union through statistical interpretation, correlatingthe levels of digitalization, R&D development, and technology acceptance in the country.Secondly, the structure and particularities of SMBs are interpreted, with an emphasis on theirdigitalization path and online marketing processes. In the third, Google‘s standpoint as the biggestprovider of SMB tailored tools is explained. Each of the resulted findings represents a SMB needwhich will be addressed through a Google tool and the expected outcome of using them. Thedigitalization rollout will have 6 phases, each corresponding to the onboarding of one of thedigital tools in question: Digital Garage, My Business, Test My Speed, AdWords, Analytics andYouTube. The findings of this thesis are relevant to SMBs and subjects interested inentrepreneurship or building an online presence. As the online environment is developing at a fastpace, scientific papers to give an updated perspective are incredibly relevant.The purpose of this thesis is to create a rollout model for SMBs in Romania using Google tools.The paper is going to identify, analyze and address the variables of a digital implementation plan,preempting possible knowledge gaps. In order to do so, the paper is analyzing first Romania‘ssituation and benchmarking it to the European Union through statistical interpretation, correlatingthe levels of digitalization, R&D development, and technology acceptance in the country.Secondly, the structure and particularities of SMBs are interpreted, with an emphasis on theirdigitalization path and online marketing processes. In the third, Google‘s standpoint as the biggestprovider of SMB tailored tools is explained. Each of the resulted findings represents a SMB needwhich will be addressed through a Google tool and the expected outcome of using them. Thedigitalization rollout will have 6 phases, each corresponding to the onboarding of one of thedigital tools in question: Digital Garage, My Business, Test My Speed, AdWords, Analytics andYouTube. The findings of this thesis are relevant to SMBs and subjects interested inentrepreneurship or building an online presence. As the online environment is developing at a fastpace, scientific papers to give an updated perspective are incredibly relevant