11 research outputs found

    Soroepidemiologia de Neospora Caninum e Toxoplasma Gondii em bovinos da raça curraleiro curraleiro cattle breed health status for neosporosis and toxoplasmosis.

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    RESUMO: Este estudo comparou a soroprevalência de N. caninum e T. gondii em bovinos Curraleiros ao de outras raças bovinas (Nelore, Girolando, Guzerá e Caracu). Foram utilizadas 119 fêmeas bovinas adultas provenientes de quatro propriedades localizadas nos estados de Goiás e Tocantins e na divisa entre Goiás, Minas Gerais e Bahia. Animais soropositivos para N. caninum foram encontrados em todas as propriedades e o número de Curraleiros reagentes foi significativamente maior em relação aos bovinos Guzerá e Nelore. Também foram identificados anticorpos anti-T. gondii nos animais em todas as propriedades. A prevalência de soropositivos para T. gondii foi semelhante entre Curraleiros e bovinos das raças Nelore, Girolando e Guzerá; entretanto, foi significativamente maior em relação à raça Caracu. ABSTRACT: This study compared the health status of Curraleiro cattle and other breeds (Nellore, Girolando, Guzera, and Caracu) for toxoplasmosis and neosporosis screening against anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, respectively. We used 119 female bovines of Curraleiro, Guzera, Nellore, Caracu, and Girolando breeds from four farms in Goias and Tocantins states and in the border of Goias, Minas Gerais, and Bahia states. All the farms had seropositive bovines for N. caninum. The number of seropositive Curraleiro cattle was significantly higher than the number of Guzera and Nellore cattle. Also, antibodies against toxoplasmosis were found in animals from all properties. There was no significant difference between the number of seropositive Curraleiro cattle and the breeds Nellore, Girolando, and Guzerá; however, it was significantly higher than the number of seropositive animals of Caracu breed

    Antimicrobial and Chemotactic Activity of Scorpion-Derived Peptide, ToAP2, against Mycobacterium massiliensis

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    Mycobacterium massiliense is a rapid growing, multidrug-resistant, non-tuberculous mycobacteria that is responsible for a wide spectrum of skin and soft tissue infections, as well as other organs, such as the lungs. Antimicrobial peptides had been described as broad-spectrum antimicrobial, chemotactic, and immunomodulator molecules. In this study we evaluated an antimicrobial peptide derived from scorpion Tityus obscurus as an anti-mycobacterial agent in vitro and in vivo. Bioinformatics analyses demonstrated that the peptide ToAP2 have a conserved region similar to several membrane proteins, as well as mouse cathelicidin. ToAP2 inhibited the growth of four M. massiliense strains (GO01, GO06, GO08, and CRM0020) at a minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 200 µM. MBC concentration used to treat infected macrophages was able to inhibit 50% of the bacterial growth of all strains. ToAP2 treatment of infected mice with bacilli reduced the bacterial load in the liver, lung, and spleen, similarly to clarithromycin levels (90%). ToAP2 alone recruited monocytes (F4/80low Gr1), neutrophils (F4/80− Gr1), and eosinophils (F4/80+ Gr1+). ToAP2, together with M. massiliense infection, was able to increase F4/80low and reduce the percentage of F4/80high macrophages when compared with infected and untreated mice. ToAP2 has in vitro anti-microbial activity that is improved in vivo due to chemotactic activity

    Influência do óleo de Copaifera langsdorffii no reparo de ferida cirúrgica em presença de corpo estranho Influence of Copaifera langsdorffii oil on the repair of a surgical wound in the presence of foreign body

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    A Copaifera langsdorffii é uma leguminosa nativa do Brasil, da qual pode ser extraído um óleo, popularmente conhecido como óleo de copaíba. Este óleo é amplamente utilizado para tratamento de feridas cutâneas por ser reconhecido como antiinflamatório e cicatrizante. Apesar disso, poucas comprovações científicas do verdadeiro efeito terapêutico desta planta medicinal foram produzidas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento tópico com C. langsdorffii no processo de reparo quando um corpo estranho é o indutor da inflamação. Para isso, 60 camundongos da linhagem BALB/c foram submetidos à incisão cirúrgica linear de 1cm no dorso para realizar o implante de uma lamínula de vidro com 12mm de diâmetro no tecido subcutâneo. Quatro tratamentos para a ferida foram estabelecidos: controle (C) tratado com solução salina estéril, controle veículo (CV) tratado com óleo mineral estéril, tratamento 1 (T1) tratado com diluição (v:v) de óleo mineral estéril e óleo de C. langsdorffii, tratamento 2 (T2) tratado com óleo de C. langsdorffii puro. As avaliações foram realizadas em períodos de tempo pré-determinados (1, 3, 5, 7 e 14 dias). Era possível perceber características da fase proliferativa como a reepitelização, a presença de fibroblastos e a neovascularização, porém os grupos tratados com o óleo (T1 e T2) não apresentavam reepitelização aos três dias. Esses grupos aos 5 e 7 dias apresentavam no exame macroscópico maior intensidade de edema, hiperemia e permanência de crostas. Na microscopia, a reepitelização ainda não estava completa e a crosta era serocelular. Nos grupos C e CV, apesar de discreta, era predominante a presença de mononucleares, enquanto nos grupos T1 e T2 o infiltrado inflamatório era misto e com maior intensidade que nos outros grupos. Quatorze dias depois da incisão cirúrgica, os aspectos macroscópicos dos grupos C e CV eram semelhantes e os grupos T1 e T2, apesar de a ferida estar completamente fechada e sem crostas, a pele desses animais estava espessada e na derme do grupo T2 parecia ter fibrose mais acentuada do que nos outros grupos. Esses resultados demonstraram que o tratamento tópico com óleo de C. langsdorffii prejudicou o processo de reparação normal de ferida na presença de corpo estranho.<br>Copaifera langsdorffii is a Brazilian native leguminosae that produce resin-oil, popularly known as copaíba oil. This oil is used for the treatment of skin wound due to its recognized antiinflammatory and wound healing effects. Despite, its popular use, there are few published data about the therapeutic effect of this medicinal plant. The aim of the study was to evaluate the topic treatment effect of the Copaíba oil on the process of skin repair inflammation induced by a foreign body subcutanously implanted. Sixty BALB/c mice were submitted to a 1cm linear incision and a 12mm circle coverslip was subcutaneously implanted. Four treatments groups were established: control, sterile saline (C); vehicle control, sterile mineral oil, (VC); treatment 1 (T1), mineral oil plus copaiba oil (V/V), and treatment 2 (T2) copaiba oil. The evaluations were performed at pre-determined time points (1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days). It was possible to find fibroblasts, epithelial cells proliferation, re-epithelization and newly formed blood vessels in all groups, however, all oil treated groups (T1 and T2) did not present re-epithelization at three days post surgical incision. On days 5 and 7, a higher intensity of edema and hyperemia on the groups T1 and T2 was observed, besides that, the T1 and T2 groups presented a serous cellular scab on the wounds that was absent on the C and VC groups. The inflammatory reactions among the groups C and VC showed more mononuclear cells than the T1 and T2 groups that presented a mixed cell patter composed from both mono and polymorphonuclear cells. Although the surgical wounds were re-epithelizaded, in the groups T1 and T2, they were covered by a serous cellular crust and the dermis tissue still presented an intense mononuclear cell inflammatory focus. Fourteen days after of the surgical incision, the gross aspects on groups C and VC were similar and on groups T1 and T2, despite wound to be completely closed and without crusts, the skin those animals was thickened. Furthermore, the dermis on group T2 presented moderate fibrosis, while the other groups presented slightly ones. The results demonstrated that topical treatment with C. langsdorffii oil debilitated the normal process of a wound repair in the presence of a foreign body

    Humoral response to HspX and GlcB to previous and recent infection by <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</it>

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major world health problem. Around 2 billions of people are infected by <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</it>, the causal agent of this disease. This fact accounts for a third of the total world population and it is expected that 9 million people will become infected each year. Only approximately 10% of the infected people will develop disease. However, health care workers (HCW) are continually exposed to the bacilli at endemic sites presenting increased chance of becoming sick. The objective of this work was to identify LTBI (latent tuberculosis infection) among all asymptomatic HCW of a Brazilian Central Hospital, in a three year follow up, and evaluate the humoral response among HCW with previous and recent LTBI to recombinant HspX and GlcB from <it>M. tuberculosis</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four hundred and thirty seven HCW were screened and classified into three different groups according to tuberculin skin test (TST) status: uninfected, previous LTBI and recent LTBI. ELISA test were performed to determine the humoral immune response to HspX and GlcB.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The levels of IgG and IgM against the HspX and GlcB antigens were the same among HCW with recent and previous LTBI, as well as among non infected HCW. However, the IgM levels to HspX was significantly higher among HCW with recent LTBI (OD = 1.52 ± 0.40) than among the uninfected (OD = 1.09 ± 0.50) or subjects with previous LTBI (OD = 0.96 ± 0.51) (p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IgG and IgM humoral responses to GlcB antigens were similar amongst all studied groups; nevertheless IgM levels against HspX were higher among the recent LTBI/HCW.</p

    L'Égypte. [3], Ankh / Serge Grave, réal. ; Josette Niel-Poinssac, aut. ; Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt, cons. scient., présent. ; Alain Cuny, voix

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    Collection : Histoire ancienneCollection : Histoire ancienneRésumé : Le terme ankh serait à l'origine un hiéroglyphe symbole de l'Égypte et plus précisément du Nil, source de vie. Cette émission fixe une tranche de vie de la foule anonyme à l'aide de documents figurés ou écrits. C'est ainsi que sont évoqués : la vie rurale axée sur le régime du fleuve, la vie urbaine liée aux boutiques, aux petits métiers et à l'habitat d'une classe aisée (source : Média-Scérén)Durée : 00:25:10Thème : Histoir