4 research outputs found

    Spatial cognition of the Mediterranean in Croatia

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    Iako se Sredozemlje smatra jednom od najstarijih prostornih cjelina u svijetu, njegove su granice još uvijek predmet istraživanja i rasprava. Ovaj rad nastoji pridonijeti definiranju Sredozemlja ili Mediterana kroz ispitivanje percepcije njegova prostornog obuhvata u Hrvatskoj i povezanosti s fizičkim i sociokulturnim obilježjima prostora. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom kognitivnih karata na uzorku od dvjesto ispitanika. Kao rezultat dobivena je široka granična zona koja razdvaja tzv. \u27\u27pravo\u27\u27 Sredozemlje od područja koja nisu dijelovi Sredozemlja. Ta zona u određenoj mjeri ima svojstva neizrazitog skupa (engl. fuzzy set) koji predstavlja postupni prijelaz između polova pripadnosti određenom skupu. Rezultati istraživanja na ispitanicima pokazali su da je najveća podudarnost percipiranih granica Sredozemlja s dinarskim smjerom pružanja reljefa (sjeverozapad-jugoistok), osim u Istri, te s obalnom crtom u čitavom hrvatskom primorju. Rezultati također pokazuju da su pri odabiru percipirane granice Sredozemlja čimbenici prirodne sredine važniji od sociokulturnih.Although the Mediterranean is considered to be one of the oldest regions in the world, its borders are still the subject of discussion and research. This paper aims to contribute to the definition of the Mediterranean by studying the perception of its spatial coverage in Croatia and its links to the physical and socio-cultural attributes of space. The research was conducted by using the cognitive map method on the sample of 200 participants. The result was a broad border zone separating the so-called "real" Mediterranean from areas which are not part of the Mediterranean. This zone is somewhat similar to a fuzzy set, representing a gradual transition between two ends belonging to a certain set. The research indicates that the congruence of perception of the borders of the Mediterranean is the largest along the Dinaric Alps (northwest – southeast), except in Istria, and the coastal spread along the entire Croatian littoral. The results also indicate that factors relating to the natural environment take precedence over socio-cultural factors in the perception of borders of the Mediterranean

    Demografske promjene u Puli nakon Drugog svjetskog rata

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    Demographic Resources and Potentials and Quality of Life in Pula

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    U radu su istražene demografske karakteristike Grada Pule, demografski resursi i potencijali svih gradova Istarske županije (Pula, Buje, Buzet, Labin, Novigrad, Pazin, Poreč, Rovinj, Umag i Vodnjan) te kvaliteta života, također, u Gradu Puli. Osnovni metodološki pristup u izradi ovoga rada čini analiza znanstvene literature i statističkih izvora te prikaz podataka izradom određenih grafičkih priloga. Provedeno je i terensko anketno istraživanje u trinaest kvartova Grada Pule (Veli Vrh, Šijana, Kaštanjer, Centar, Monvidal, Monte Zaro, Valdebek, Gregovica, Vidikovac, Veruda, Nova Veruda, Veruda Porat i Stoja) u svibnju 2013. i sakupljeno je 167 anketa na slučajnom uzorku. Pula, naime, bilježi pad broja stanovnika nakon popisa 1991. godine te se taj pad nastavlja i dalje. Od popisa 1991. zbog nepovoljnih demografskih kretanja uočavaju se promjene u strukturi stanovništva. Međutim, za sada Pula ima povoljne demografske resurse. Rezultati anketnog istraživanja pokazuju da stanovnici Grada Pule niti jesu, niti nisu zadovoljni kvalitetom života.This paper explores the demographic characteristics of the City of Pula, demographic resources and potentials of all the cities of Istria (Pula, Buje, Buzet, Labin, Novigrad, Pazin, Poreč, Rovinj, Umag, Vodnjan) and also, the quality of life in the City of Pula. The basic methodology used to write this paper is actually an analysis of the scientific literature and statistical sources including the data displayed by creating specific graphical illustrations. A field survey was conducted in thirteen districts of the City of Pula (Veli Vrh, Šijana, Kaštanjer, Centar, Monvidal, Monte Zaro, Valdebek, Gregovica, Vidikovac, Veruda, Nova Veruda, Veruda Porat and Stoja) in May, 2013. and 167 random sample polls were collected. Pula, in fact, decreased in population after the index in the year 1991., and the aforementioned decline in population continues. From the census in 1991. due to unfavorable demographic trends, population structure has shown changes. However, for now Pula has favorable demographic resources. Survey results show that residents of the City of Pula are neither satisfied nor displeased with the quality of life in the City of Pula

    Spatial cognition of the Mediterranean in Croatia

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    Although the Mediterranean is considered to be one of the oldest regions in the world, its borders are still the subject of discussion and research. This paper aims to contribute to the definition of the Mediterranean by studying the perception of its spatial coverage in Croatia and its links to the physical and socio-cultural attributes of space. The research was conducted by using the cognitive map method on the sample of 200 participants. The result was a broad border zone separating the so-called "real" Mediterranean from areas which are not part of the Mediterranean. This zone is somewhat similar to a fuzzy set, representing a gradual transition between two ends belonging to a certain set. The research indicates that the congruence of perception of the borders of the Mediterranean is the largest along the Dinaric Alps (northwest – southeast), except in Istria, and the coastal spread along the entire Croatian littoral. The results also indicate that factors relating to the natural environment take precedence over socio-cultural factors in the perception of borders of the Mediterranean