49 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic placement of OTU 9 with <i>Bodo saltans</i> among a wider set of trypanosomatid genera.

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    <p>Tree construction from 18S rRNA followed the maximum likelihood (ML) method under Kimura’s two-parameter model and gamma-distributed variation among sites (K2 + G). Numbers at nodes indicate support from 1000 bootstrap replicates.</p

    Kinetoplastid OTU distribution among study locations in Guarapari municipality, ES state, Brazil.

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    <p>Sequence reads attributed to each OTU are color-coded by proportions obtained from bats captured at Amarelos (magenta), Buenos Aires (blue) and Rio da Prata (violet) study sites.</p

    Photomicrographs of spleen and liver sections from <i>Leishmania braziliensis</i> or <i>L. infantum</i> infected rodents stained with haematoxylin-eosin.

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    <p>A: <i>L. braziliensis</i>-infected golden hamster (<i>Mesocricetus auratus</i>) 3 months post infection (mpi) – spleen revealed extensive necrosis and inflammation. Note necrotic focus containing amastigotes (arrows). B: <i>L. braziliensis</i>-infected <i>Thrichomys laurentius</i> (7289) 3 mpi – spleen showing architecture of red and white pulp, lack of parasites; C: <i>L. infantum</i>-infected <i>T. laurentius</i> (7548) 12 mpi (liver culture tissue positive) – panoramic view of the liver showing typical architecture with portal (PV) and central vein (CV); D: <i>L. infantum</i>- infected <i>T. laurentius</i> (7538), 12 mpi (liver culture tissue negative) – also illustrated liver showing normal architecture; E: <i>L. infantum</i>-infected <i>T. laurentius</i> (7548), 12 mpi (liver culture tissue positive) – overview of white and red pulp from spleen; F: <i>L. infantum</i>-infected <i>T. laurentius</i> (7538), 12 mpi (liver culture tissue negative) – also illustrated spleen overview of red and white pulp.</p

    Heatmap of kinetoplastid OTU distribution among bats captured in Guarapari municipality, ES state, Brazil.

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    <p>Each column represents the infection profile of one infected bat individual. Cell colour denotes the sequence read intensity attributed to each OTU (left), increasing from purple (zero reads) through yellow into red. Bat species and sample IDs are given above/below. Asterisks indicate samples subjected to nested PCR, of which ten also underwent standard PCR (dashed lines). Phylogenetic relationships inferred from 18S rRNA by maximum likelihood (ML) tree construction are plotted at right.</p

    Kinetics of white blood cell counts in <i>Thrichomys laurentius</i> experimentally infected by <i>Leishmania braziliensis</i> (Lb) or <i>Leishmania infantum</i> (Li).

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    <p>Each point represents the mean values and standard errors. The * indicates the significant difference between values obtained from non-infected rodents (day 0) and and rodents infected by <i>L. braziliensis</i>.</p

    Phylogenetic placement of kinetoplastid OTUs detected in bats of Guarapari municipality, ES state, Brazil.

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    <p>Tree construction from 18S rRNA followed the maximum likelihood (ML) method under Kimura’s two-parameter model and gamma-distributed variation among sites (K2 + G). Numbers at nodes indicate support from 1000 bootstrap replicates. The 14 OTUs clustered into the <i>T</i>. <i>cruzi</i> clade (OTUs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14), a reptile-associated region (OTU 4) and the <i>B</i>. <i>saltans</i> outgroup (OTU 9).</p

    Kinetics of red blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels in <i>Thrichomys laurentius</i> experimentally infected by <i>Leishmania braziliensis</i> (Lb) or <i>Leishmania infantum</i> (Li).

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    <p>Each point represents the mean value and standard errors. The continuous lines indicate the normal range defined by the medium values obtained for each group one-day before the inoculum and two-fold standard errors. The * indicates the significant difference between rodents infected either by <i>L. braziliensis</i> or <i>L. infantum</i>.</p