47 research outputs found
Effect of Facial Skin Temperature on the Perception of Anxiety: A Pilot Study
[EN] The extent of anxiety and psychological stress can impact upon the optimal performance
of simulation-based practices. The current study investigates the association between di erences
in skin temperature and perceived anxiety by under- (n = 21) and post-graduate (n = 19) nursing
students undertaking a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. Thermal facial gradients
from selected facial regions were correlated with the scores assessed by the State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (STAI) and the chest compression quality parameters measured using mannequin-integrated
accelerometer sensors. A specific temperature profile was obtained depending on thermal facial
variations before and after the simulation event. Statistically significant correlations were found
between STAI scale scores and the temperature facial recordings in the forehead (r = 0.579; p < 0.000),
periorbital (r = 0.394; p < 0.006), maxillary (r = 0.328; p < 0.019) and neck areas (r = 0.284; p < 0.038).
Significant associations were also observed by correlating CPR performance parameters with the facial
temperature values in the forehead (r = 0.447; p < 0.002), periorbital (r = 0.446; p < 0.002) and maxillary
areas (r = 0.422; p < 0.003). These preliminary findings suggest that higher anxiety levels result
in poorer clinical performance and can be correlated to temperature variations in certain facial regionsSIThis research was supported by the Innovative Educational Groups’ Support Program (PAGID 2018) from the Universidad de León (ULE
Using Task-Evoked Pupillary Response to Predict Clinical Performance during a Simulation Training
[EN] Training in healthcare skills can be affected by trainees’ workload when completing a
task. Due to cognitive processing demands being negatively correlated to clinical performance,
assessing mental workload through objective measures is crucial. This study aimed to investigate
task-evoked changes in pupil size as reliable markers of mental workload and clinical performance.
A sample of 49 nursing students participated in a cardiac arrest simulation-based practice. Measurements of cognitive demands (NASA-Task Load Index), physiological parameters (blood pressure,
oxygen saturation, and heart rate), and pupil responses (minimum, maximum, and difference diameters) throughout revealed statistically significant differences according to performance scores. The
analysis of a multiple regression model produced a statistically significant pattern between pupil
diameter differences and heart rate, systolic blood pressure, workload, and performance (R2 = 0.280;
F (6, 41) = 2.660; p < 0.028; d = 2.042). Findings suggest that pupil variations are promising markers
to complement physiological metrics for predicting mental workload and clinical performance in
medical practice.S
Rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 and primary health care
Carta al editor[EN] Rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 and primary health careS
Effect of Psychophysiological Stress and Socio-Emotional Competencies on the Clinical Performance of Nursing Students during a Simulation Practice
[EN] Psychophysiological stress can affect the cognitive response and effective learning of
students during medical simulation practices. This study aimed to explore the effect of psychophysiological stress and socio-emotional competencies on clinical performance during a simulation
experience. A pre-test/post-test design was used to assess physiological (blood pressure, heart
rate and blood oxygen saturation) and psychological parameters (stress and anxiety) as well as
socio-emotional skills (cognitive load, self-efficacy and motivation) in nursing students (n = 40) before
and after the simulation of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice. Physiological responses showed
statistically significant differences between pre-test and post-test conditions for blood pressure and
heart rate (p < 0.0001). Moderate and significant correlations were also observed when comparing self-efficacy with stress (r = −0.445, p = 0.004), anxiety (r = −0.467, p = 0.002) and motivation
(r = −0.406, p = 0.009) measures. Similarly, cognitive-load dimensions were significantly associated
with either physiological (r = −0.335, p = 0.034) or psychological (r = −0.448, p = 0.004) indicators.
The analysis of multiple regression models revealed a relationship between the effectiveness of
the simulated experience, post-test blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, workload and self-efficacy
(R2 = 0.490; F (3, 39) = 8.305; p < 0.0001; d = 1.663). Therefore, the evaluation of psychophysiological
parameters and socio-emotional skills seems to provide a promising framework for predicting the
quality of simulated clinical practices.S
Effectiveness of infrared thermography in monitoring ventilation performance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
[EN] Providing reliable systems to assess ventilation outcomes in simulation-based scenarios is paramount to improve the performance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in real situations. The aim of this study is to investigate the reliability of infrared thermography (IRT) in monitoring the quality of resuscitative breaths in undergraduate nursing students during a simulated CPR-based clinical practice. We recruited a convenience sample of 21 volunteer students in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing. Participants were instructed to perform CPR following the European Resuscitation Council guidelines in training manikins from Laerdal Medical® during two consecutive minutes. Demographic and knowledge data about CPR performance were collected with a questionnaire whilst ventilation quality parameters (volume, rate, time spent) were provided by the manikin software. Thermographic images from the manikin´s peripheral mouth region were recorded at the end of each CPR ventilation cycle. The temperature profile was examined at baseline and after 1 and 2 minutes of ventilation performance. A temperture increment of 1.357 ºC was observed when comparing the maximum temperature at minute 1 with regard to baseline, whilst a significative decrease was obtained between minute 1 and minute 2 (0.457ºC) of the study. The comparison between the number of ventilations and the temperature variation after 1 minute of CPR training produced good correlation values (rho = 0.658, p=0.0019). A positive association was also observed between IRT and t ventilation volume values (r = 0.503, p=0.02). Our results indicate that infrared thermography is a promising tool for assessing ventilation performance in CPR practice, thus enabling its potential use as predictor of the quality of resuscitative breaths in simulation-based scenarios
Psychological distress in health sciences college students and its relationship with academic engagement
P. 715-722Objective: To determine the prevalence of
psychological distress and its relationship
with academic engagement (absorption,
dedication and vigor), sex and degree
among students from four public universities.
Method: A non-experimental, comparative
correlational, quantitative investigation
without intervention. Study population:
1840 nursing and physical therapy
students. The data collection tool used was
a questionnaire. Results: A 32.2% prevalence
of psychological distress was found
in the subjects; a correlation between vigor
and psychological distress was found
for all of the subjects and also for women.
High absorption and dedication scores and
low psychological distress scores predicted
higher vigor scores. Conclusion: The risk
of psychological distress is high, especially
for women. Women seem to have a higher
level of psychological distress than men. Vigor,
energy and mental resilience positively
influence psychological distress and can be
a vehicle for better results during the learning
and studying process.S
Los juegos experimentales de aula: una herramienta didáctica en cuidados paliativos = Experimental classroom games: a didactic tool in palliative care
P. 1-8To evaluate the effect of a games-based intervention on palliative care
nursing students’ scores on the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale. The challenge was to
innovate and integrate grief-related theory and experiences into the classroom. Method:
Quasi-experimental study. Before and after the games-based intervention, 101 and 111
students completed the questionnaires, respectively. The intervention was performed in
the context of a palliative care class taught during the first semester of the third year of
the nursing programme. Results: The students obtained moderate mean scores on the
variable fear of death (between 14 and 19) at both time points (pre- and post-intervention).
Both men and women indicated a heightened sense of fear post-intervention and a
decrease in self-perceived emotional preparedness, which support the value of the games
for exposing the student to situations that closely approximated reality. Conclusion: The
use of games as a didactic tool in the classroom context helped the students recognize
the fear generated by proximity to death in the patient and family and in the student
him- or herself.S
Burnout y engagement en estudiantes universitarios de enfermería
P. 131-141Los universitarios se encuentran sometidos a cargas académicas prolongadas que ocuparan la mayor
parte de su tiempo. La capacidad para hacer frente a estas situaciones de estrés durante su formación,
dependerá ente otras cosas, de la disposición personal para afrontar las demandas académicas.
Objetivo: Describir el nivel de burnout (agotamiento, cinismo y eficacia académica) y el compromiso
académico a través de la variable engagement (absorción, dedicación y vigor), además de analizar las
asociaciones, relaciones y predicciones entre estas variables en estudiantes de Enfermería.
Material y método. Estudio descriptivo transversal en 1009 sujetos. Instrumentos de recogida de
datos: Maslach Burnout Inventory y Utrech Work Engagement en versión estudiantes.
Resultados: Las dimensiones del burnout y engagement correlacionan entre sí. A mayor eficacia
académica menos agotamiento y cinismo y mayor puntuación en todas las dimensiones del
engagement académico. El vigor y la dedicación predicen puntuaciones más altas en eficacia
académica. Las mujeres se perciben con puntuaciones más bajas en cinismo y más altas en eficacia
académica, absorción y dedicación.
Conclusiones: Los alumnos muestran más burnout cuando manifiestan altas puntuaciones de
agotamiento y cinismo y bajas en eficacia académica, además valores altos en las tres dimensiones del
engagement indican alto compromiso con sus estudios. La relación entre estas variables pone de
manifiesto la diferencia entre hombres y mujeres y la influencia positiva del engagement en la eficacia
académica del estudiante. El fomento de engagement puede ser una oportunidad para superar las
tareas académicas y para enfrentarse al mundo laboral con mayor probabilidad de éxito.S
Eficacia de una intervención educativa sobre conocimientos en resucitación cardiopulmonar (RCP) en estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria
[ES] Introducción. Las intervenciones educativas en la escuela son esenciales para una
adecuada formación de los niños y adolescentes en Resucitación Cardiopulmonar (RCP).
Para conseguir un aprendizaje completo en RCP se recomienda realizar intervenciones
educativas de dos horas al año. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la eficacia de una
intervención educativa sobre RCP en estudiantes de 1º de Bachillerato.
Material y Métodos. Estudio cuasiexperimental desarrollado durante dos cursos escolares
(2016/17 y 2017/18). La intervención educativa consistió en dos sesiones de formación, una
teórica y otra práctica, impartidas por profesionales sanitarios (2016/17) y docentes
(2017/18). La evaluación se realizó mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados antes y
después de la intervención.
Resultados. La valoración final de los conocimientos adquiridos mejoró tras la intervención
(7.83±2.168 vs. 11.40±1,654; p=.00), independientemente del profesional que impartió la
docencia. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las puntuaciones
obtenidas en función de la modalidad de Bachillerato cursada (p<.00). Asimismo, los
estudiantes con conocimientos previos sobre RCP (7,22±2,095 vs. 8,69±1,977) obtuvieron
mejores resultados en el test previo (p=.000), aunque las diferencias en las puntuaciones se
redujeron después de la intervención (11,62±1,565 vs. 11,24±1,701; p=.071).
Conclusiones. La realización de intervenciones educativas sobre RCP dentro del ámbito
escolar resultan efectivas. Los beneficios derivados de su aplicación y facilidad de
implantación avalan su inclusión como contenido en la formación de los estudiantes
Effectiveness of Oral Sensory-Motor Stimulation in Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Systematic Review
[EN] The aim of this study was to identify and to assess the best evidence currently available
on the effectiveness of oral sensory-motor stimulation in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive
care unit. We performed a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews (PRISMA) statements. The search was conducted using the Pubmed, Web of Science (WOS),
PEDro and Scopus databases. Clinical trials were reviewed and PEDro rating scale was used to
assess the methodological quality of these studies. Results: 1267 studies were found and 11 were
relevant and included in this review. Improvements were obtained in achieving independent feeding,
maturation of the sucking pattern, transition to full feeding, motor function and length of hospital stay
in most studies. Conclusions: there is evidence to support the benefits of the use of oral sensorimotor
stimulation to achieve independent oral feeding in preterm infants, thereby reducing their stay in the
Neonatal Intensive Care UnitS