21 research outputs found

    Projeto Semana Nacional do Cérebro: uma proposta neurocientífica

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    A Semana Nacional do Cérebro é uma campanha global de divulgação dos avanços resultantes do estudo do cérebro. O objetivo dessa proposta foi sensibilizar os escolares de Santa Maria sobre a importância do cérebro. Os escolares foram questionados acerca de conhecimentos básicos do cérebro; trocas de experiências ocorreram e Capacetes de Cérebro foram confeccionados, promovendo-se o despertar da curiosidade sobre as neurociências. O público-alvo alcançado foi de cinco professores e mais de sessenta alunos; a avaliação realizada mostrou que a escola julgou positiva a proposta, considerou-se satisfeita com os objetivos e aspirou a novas edições

    Curso de Metodologia Científica: Promoção do Interesse pela Pesquisa

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    The Academic League of Neurosciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria developed the Extension Project entitled Scientific Methodology Course in 2010. With the objective of presenting to university students the general principles employed in the preparation of research projects, the initiative addresses the project structuring, the obtaining of research funding for its feasibility and the procedures to be covered by the project until the achievement of the permission for its execution. The target audience reached over four editions were 438 students. The evaluation showed that the participants considered the proposal positive, considered themselves satisfied with the objectives of the course, and aspired to new editions.La Liga Académica de Neurociencias de la Universidade Federal de Santa Maria desarrolló el Proyecto de Extensión intitulado Curso de Metodología Científica en 2010 con el objetivo de presentar a los estudiantes universitarios los principios generales empleados en la preparación de proyectos de investigación, abordando la estructuración del proyecto, la obtención de fondos para la viabilidad del proyecto y los procedimientos hasta el logro del permiso para la ejecución del proyecto. El público objetivo alcanzado a lo largo de 4 ediciones fue de 438 alumnos. La evaluación mostró que los participantes consideraron positiva la propuesta, se consideraron satisfechos con los objetivos del curso y aspiraban a nuevas ediciones.A Liga Acadêmica de Neurociências da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria desenvolveu o Projeto de Extensão intitulado Curso de Metodologia Científica em 2010 com o objetivo de apresentar aos estudantes universitários os princípios gerais empregados na preparação de projetos de pesquisa, abordando a estruturação do projeto, a revisão bibliográfica, a obtenção de financiamentos para a viabilidade do projeto e os trâmites a serem percorridos pelo projeto até a obtenção da autorização para a execução do mesmo. O público-alvo alcançado ao longo de 4 edições foi de 438 alunos. A avaliação realizada mostrou que os participantes julgaram como positiva a proposta, se consideraram satisfeitos com os objetivos do curso e aspiraram a novas edições

    Cenobamate (YKP3089) and Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: A Review of the Literature

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    Cenobamate (CNB), ([(R)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(2H-tetrazol-2-yl)ethyl], is a novel tetrazole alkyl carbamate derivative. In November 2019, the Food and Drug Administration approved Xcopri®, marketed by SK Life Science Inc., (Paramus, NJ, USA) for adult focal seizures. The European Medicines Agency approved Ontozry® by Arvelle Therapeutics Netherlands B.V.(Amsterdam, The Neatherlands) in March 2021. Cenobamate is a medication that could potentially change the perspectives regarding the management and prognosis of refractory epilepsy. In this way, this study aims to review the literature on CNB’s pharmacological properties, pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety. CNB is a highly effective drug in managing focal onset seizures, with more than twenty percent of individuals with drug-resistant epilepsy achieving seizure freedom. This finding is remarkable in the antiseizure medication literature. The mechanism of action of CNB is still poorly understood, but it is associated with transient and persistent sodium currents and GABAergic neurotransmission. In animal studies, CNB showed sustained efficacy and potency in the 6 Hz test regardless of the stimulus intensity. CNB was revealed to be the most cost-effective drug among different third-generation antiseizure medications. Also, CNB could have neuroprotective effects. However, there are still concerns regarding its potential for abuse and suicidality risk, which future studies should clearly assess, after which protocols should be changed. The major drawback of CNB therapy is the slow and complex titration and maintenance phases preventing the wide use of this new agent in clinical practice

    Gepants for Acute and Preventive Migraine Treatment: A Narrative Review

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    Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonists are a class of medications that act as antagonists of the CGRP receptor or ligand. They can be divided into monoclonal antibodies and non-peptide small molecules, also known as gepants. CGRP antagonists were the first oral agents specifically designed to prevent migraines. The second generation of gepants includes rimegepant (BHV-3000, BMS-927711), ubrogepant (MK-1602), and atogepant (AGN-241689, MK-8031). Zavegepant (BHV-3500, BMS-742413) belongs to the third generation of gepants characterized by different administration routes. The chemical and pharmacological properties of this new generation of gepants were calculated. The clinical trials showed that the new generation of CGRP antagonists is effective for the acute and/or preventive treatment of migraines. No increased mortality risks were observed to be associated with the second- and third-generation gepants. Moreover, the majority of the serious adverse events reported probably occurred unrelated to the medications. Interesting facts about gepants were highlighted, such as potency, hepatotoxicity, concomitant use with monoclonal antibodies targeting the CGRP, comparative analysis with triptans, and the “acute and preventive” treatment of migraine. Further studies should include an elderly population and compare the medications inside this class and with triptans. There are still concerns regarding the long-term side effects of these medications, such as chronic vascular hemodynamic impairment. Meanwhile, careful pharmacovigilance and safety monitoring should be performed in the clinical practice use of gepants

    Action Myoclonus Secondary to Donepezil: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Movement disorders associated with donepezil have been only rarely reported. Herein, we describe an older woman who developed myoclonus secondary to donepezil. A 61-year-old female presented with brief involuntary twitching. The patient reported that she consulted a general practitioner about 1 month before due to memory complaints. A diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment was made. Donepezil was started. After 4 weeks, she presented to our emergency department due to significant twitching. Multifocal myoclonus was observed. These movements occurred during rest and voluntary movement. Laboratory exams and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were normal. A cranial computed tomography and brain magnetic resonance imaging were unremarkable. Electroencephalography did not show epileptic activity. Electromyography revealed burst durations varying between 50 and 100 ms. Diazepam intravenous was started, which improved her abnormal movement within 1 hour. On the next day, she developed the same clinical symptoms of presentation. Donepezil was discontinued, and clonazepam was started. The patient had a complete recovery from her myoclonus. To the authors’ knowledge, there are six reports of myoclonus secondary to donepezil/galantamine. There is no report of rivastigmine-induced myoclonus. The most frequent presentation was multifocal myoclonus. The management was the discontinuation of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. All the individuals recovered within 3 weeks

    Oromandibular dystonia secondary to methylphenidate: A case report and literature review

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    Methylphenidate (MTP) is a first-line treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults and as a second-line treatment for narcolepsy in adults. We report a case of a young adult male who presented with abnormal orofacial movements after MTP use for the management of ADHD. Laboratory tests were within normal limits. His family history was unremarkable and negative for neurological diseases. A dose of MTP was given during the neurological examination, and abnormal facial movements suggestive of oromandibular dystonia (DTN) were observed. MTP was withdrawn and the symptoms recovered. The oromandibular DTN secondary to MTP probably occurs due to influences in the dopaminergic pathway, and these dyskinetic movements may be associated with a disbalance state of the dopamine, in which an increase or decrease of this neurotransmitter could lead to abnormal movements

    Pasteurella multocida meningitis following mastoidectomy: A case report and literature review

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    Pasteurella multocida (PM) is part of the normal nasopharyngeal flora of many animals. The most common PM infections occur in soft tissue, secondary to animal contact. Meningitis is rarely associated. An adult female developed chronic right-sided otorrhea and tympanic membrane perforation. Elective mastoidectomy was performed. On the postoperative day 2, the patient experienced a decreased level of consciousness, headache, nausea, and seizures. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed low glucose, high protein, and high cellularity. Blood tests were within normal limits, except for high leukocyte count. Two days after the neurological manifestations, bacteria, identified as PM, grew in the aerobic cultures of CSF and preoperative ear swab. The isolate was sensitive to penicillins. She was started on intravenous penicillin G. The patient had a full recovery. On further questioning, she admitted having a dog, which licks on her face frequently

    Myoclonus Secondary to Amantadine: Case Report and Literature Review

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    The usual adverse events of amantadine are dizziness, dry mouth, and peripheral edema. Postmarketing experience has revealed abnormal movements such as tremors, involuntary muscle contractions, and gait abnormalities. Herein, we report a case of an elderly male who presented with generalized twitching associated with amantadine. A 64-year-old male presenting with jerking movements within one day of onset was admitted. Sudden and involuntary distal lower and upper limb muscle twitching was observed. The subject presented subsequent brief movements when attempting to stand or hold arms antigravity. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago. Eight days before the presentation to the emergency department, he consulted with his primary care physician, who prescribed amantadine to improve his motor symptoms. On the seventh day, he developed brisk abnormal movements. Laboratory exams, neuroimaging, and electroencephalogram were unremarkable. Amantadine was discontinued. After three days, the patient reported that his jerking movements had fully recovered. To the authors’ knowledge, 22 individuals with amantadine-associated myoclonus had already been reported in the literature. The pathophysiology of amantadine-induced myoclonus is probably related to serotoninergic pathways. Myoclonus secondary to amantadine was slightly more common in men. The population affected was elderly, with a mean and median age of 67.7 and 64 years

    Campanha Nacional de Combate ao AVC e Dia Mundial do AVC em Santa Maria

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    O AVC (Acidente Vascular Cerebral) é a segunda causa de mortalidade no Brasil. O conhecimento dos fatores de risco e dos sinais do AVC pela população brasileira é essencial para que haja uma redução na alta morbimortalidade por doenças cerebrovasculares no país. Dessa maneira, foram organizadas as campanhas de Combate ao AVC em Santa Maria. Nesse estudo, se objetivou relatar como foram estruturadas essas campanhas dos anos de 2010 a 2017. Ao longo de oito anos: 283 pessoas ajudaram diretamente na organização e divulgação deste projeto; 1886 foram atendidas em todas as ``Estações do AVC`` e receberam orientações individualizadas de acordo com seu perfil de fatores de risco; 3220 receberam panfletos informativos e orientações gerais a respeito de AVC