17 research outputs found

    Autismo; Iniciación al juego

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    El siguiente trabajo pretende acercar a la comprensión de lo que es el Autismo y como éste puede ser trabajado a través del juego para conseguir un aprendizaje ciertamente funcional. En primer lugar se hace una revisión histórica del Trastorno desde su aparición, con Leo Kanner (1943). De la misma forma se habla de los criterios diagnósticos, características, posibles causas e importancia de la Atención Temprana. En segundo lugar se realiza una revisión histórica sobre el juego, nombrando a los autores más importantes, las características y sobre todo su importante aportación al desarrollo. Se hace una integración de los dos puntos anteriores y se realiza una propuesta didáctica que se compone de una batería de diferentes juegos adaptados a un caso práctico concreto, también expuesto en el trabajo

    Infància i participació política : recull d'experìències de consells d'infants i/o adolescents a Catalunya

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    Fa ja uns quants anys que a Catalunya es va posar en marxa un projecte engrescador, un repte per a nens, nenes, polítics, tècnics i dinamitzadors de diversos municipis. Aquest repte, encara vigent, era incloure als nenes i les nenes en el disseny de la ciutat com a ciutadans i ciutadanes que són. Repte fortament vinculat a fer efectiu el seu dret a exercir la seva ciutadania i prendre part activa de la ciutat que habiten i de la qual en formen part. Els Consells d’infants i/o adolescents s’han anat constituint en un òrgan de participació política municipal que reconeix que els nens i nenes poden incidir en la ciutat, pensar-la i transformar-la. Podem afirmar que aquests consells han estat una oportunitat que ens ha enfortit col·lectivament, ja que ens permet avançar junts i ens fa créixer a tots. Cadascun dels implicats incorpora una mirada diferent sobre la ciutat des d’on codecidir i codissenyar creativament el municipi. La incorporació dels infants i adolescents en els òrgans municipals permet incloure necessitats sentides, mirades fresques de la ciutat i enfortir el compromís d’uns i uns altres. Entenem que la seva participació, i especialment la seva participació política, ha de prendre formes diferents, es pot dur a terme en espais i llocs diversos i es desenvolupa al voltant de múltiples temàtiques. En aquest llibre centrem la nostra atenció en els Consells d’infants i/o adolescents municipals entenent que són òrgans de participació política vinculats a l’equip de govern, que actuen a nivell d’un territori concret per abordar les qüestions que els preocupen i els interessen amb la finalitat de contribuir a la millora del municipi.Recercaixa: programa impulsat per l'Obra Social ”la Caixa" i l’Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP

    Development of a Clinic Screening Tool to Identify Burdensome Health-Related Issues Affecting People Living With HIV in Spain

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    BackgroundNumerous health-related issues continue to undermine the health and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people living with HIV (PLHIV). We developed a clinic screening tool (CST-HIV) for the purpose of identifying these issues in routine specialist clinical care in Spain.MethodsWe used the following established instrument development procedures: (1) a literature review; (2) four focus group discussions (FGDs), two that convened 16 expert HIV care providers, and two that convened 15 PLHIV; (3) prioritisation, selection and definition of constructs (health-related issues) to include in the CST-HIV and drafting of initial item pool; and (4) a pilot study to analyse psychometric properties and validity of items and to determine which to retain in the final CST-HIV. The FGD interview scripts incorporated an exercise to prioritise the health-related issues perceived to have the greatest negative effect on HRQoL. The online questionnaire used for the pilot study included the pool of CST-HIV items and validated measures of each construct.ResultsWe identified 68 articles that reported on factors associated with the HRQoL of PLHIV. The most burdensome health-related issues identified in the FGDs related to stigma, socioeconomic vulnerability, sleep/fatigue, pain, body changes, emotional distress, and sexuality. Based on the literature review and FGD findings, we selected and defined the following constructs to include in the initial CST-HIV: anticipated stigma, emotional distress, sexuality, social support, material deprivation, sleep/fatigue, cognitive problems, and physical symptoms. Two researchers wrote six to eight items for each construct. Next, 18 experts rated 47 items based on their clarity, relevance, and representativeness. Pilot testing was carried out with 226 PLHIV in Spain. We retained 24 items based on empirical criteria that showed adequate psychometric properties. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the eight-factor structure with a good fit to the data (RMSEA = 0.035, AGFI = 0.97, CFI = 0.99). We found strong positive correlations between the instrument’s eight dimensions and validated measures of the same constructs. Likewise, we found negative associations between the dimensions of the CST-HIV and HRQoL.ConclusionThe CST-HIV is a promising tool for use in routine clinical care to efficiently identify and address health-related issues undermining the HRQoL of PLHIV

    Avaluació del Programa Audiència Pública de nois i noies de Barcelona : informe

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    Sol·licitant de l’informe: Institut Municipal d'Educació (Barcelona)Podeu consultar la versió resum de l'Informe d'avaluació del Programa Audiència Pública de Nois i Noies de Barcelona a: http://hdl.handle.net/11703/10606

    Political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior:The mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality

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    Identity leadership captures leaders efforts to create and promote a sense of shared group membership (i.e., a sense of “we” and of “us”) among followers. The present research report tests this claim by drawing on data from 26 countries that are part of the Global Identity Leadership Development (GILD) project to examine the relationship between political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior (N = 6787). It also examines the contributions of trust and economic inequality to this relationship. Political leaders' identity leadership (PLIL) was positively associated with respondents' people-oriented civic citizenship behaviors (CCB-P) in 20 of 26 countries and civic citizenship behaviors aimed at one's country (CCB-C) in 23 of 26 countries. Mediational analyses also confirmed the indirect effects of PLIL via trust in fellow citizens on both CCB-P (in 25 out of 26 countries) and CCB-C (in all 26 countries). Economic inequality moderated these effects such that the main and indirect effects of trust in one's fellow citizens on CCB-C were stronger in countries with higher economic inequality. This interaction effect was not observed for CCB-P. The study highlights the importance of identity leadership and trust in fellow citizens in promoting civic citizenship behavior, especially in the context of economic inequality.</p

    Dual inhibition of MEK and PI3Kβ/δ–a potential therapeutic strategy in PTEN-wild-type docetaxel-resistant metastatic prostate cancer

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    Background: Docetaxel remains the standard treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). However, resistance frequently emerges as a result of hyperactivation of the PI3K/AKT and the MEK/ERK pathways. Therefore, the inhibition of these pathways presents a potential therapeutic approach. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of simultaneous inhibition of the PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK pathways in docetaxel-resistant mCRPC, both in vitro and in vivo.Methods: Docetaxel-sensitive and docetaxel-resistant mCRPC cells were treated with selumetinib (MEK1/2 inhibitor), AZD8186 (PI3Kβ/δ inhibitor) and capivasertib (pan-AKT inhibitor) alone and in combination. Efficacy and toxicity of selumetinib+AZD8186 were tested in docetaxel-resistant xenograft mice. CRISPR-Cas9 generated a PTEN-knockdown docetaxel-resistant cell model. Changes in phosphorylation of AKT, ERK and downstream targets were analyzed by Western blot. Antiapoptotic adaptations after treatments were detected by dynamic BH3 profiling.Results: PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK pathways were hyperactivated in PTEN-wild-type (wt) docetaxel-resistant cells. Selumetinib+AZD8186 decreased cell proliferation and increased apoptosis in PTEN-wt docetaxel-resistant cells. This observation was further confirmed in vivo, where docetaxel-resistant xenograft mice treated with selumetinib+AZD8186 exhibited reduced tumor growth without additional toxicity.Conclusion: Our findings on the activity of selumetinib+AZD8186 in PTEN-wt cells and in docetaxel-resistant xenograft mice provide an excellent rationale for a novel therapeutic strategy for PTEN-wt mCRPC patients resistant to docetaxel, in whom, unlike PTEN-loss patients, a clinical benefit of treatment with single-agent PI3K and AKT inhibitors has not been demonstrated. A phase I-II trial of this promising combination is warranted

    Psychosocial determinants of HIV testing across stages of change in Spanish population: a cross-sectional national survey

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    Abstract Background The goal of this research is to study the psychosocial determinants of HIV-testing as a function of the decision or change stage concerning this health behavior. The determinants considered in the major ongoing health models and the stages contemplated in the Precaution Adoption Process Model are analysed. Methods A cross-sectional survey was administered to 1,554 people over 16 years of age living in Spain by a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI). The sample design was randomised, with quotas of sex and age. The survey measured various psychosocial determinants of health behaviors considered in the main cognitive theories, the interviewees' stage of change concerning HIV-testing (lack of awareness, decision not to act, decision to act, action, maintenance, and abandonment), and the signal for the action of getting tested or the perceived barriers to being tested. Results Approximately two thirds of the population had not ever had the HIV test. The predominant stage was lack of awareness. The most frequently perceived barriers to testing were related to the health system and to the stigma. We also found that the psychosocial determinants studied differed depending on the respondents' stage of change. Perception of risk, perceived self-efficacy, proximity to people who had been tested, perceived benefits of knowing the diagnosis, and a positive instrumental and emotional attitude were positively associated with the decision and maintenance of testing behavior. However, unrealistic underestimation of the risk of HIV infection, stereotypes about the infection, and the perceived severity of HIV were associated with the decision not to be tested. Conclusions There are various sociocognitive and motivational profiles depending on people’s decision stage concerning HIV-testing. Knowing this profile may allow us to design interventions to influence the psychosocial determinants that characterise each stage of change

    Additional file 1: of Psychosocial determinants of HIV testing across stages of change in Spanish population: a cross-sectional national survey

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    “Telephone interview questionnaire” contains the translation into English of the questionnaire used in the telephone interviews. (DOC 201 kb

    Informe d'avaluació del Programa Audiència Pública de Nois i Noies de Barcelona : resum executiu [versió presentació]

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    Sol·licitant de l’informe: Institut Municipal d'Educació (Barcelona)Podeu consultar la versió completa de l'Informe Avaluació del Programa Audiència Pública de nois i noies de Barcelona a: http://hdl.handle.net/11703/10606