8 research outputs found

    Checklist of the species of Neoechinorhynchus (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in fishes and turtles in Middle-America, and their delimitation based on sequences of the 28 S rDNA

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    Pinacho-Pinacho, Carlos Daniel, Sereno-Uribe, Ana L., León, Gerardo Pérez-Ponce De, García-Varela, Martín (2015): Checklist of the species of Neoechinorhynchus (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in fishes and turtles in Middle-America, and their delimitation based on sequences of the 28 S rDNA. Zootaxa 3985 (1): 98-116, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3985.1.

    Mayarhynchus karlae n. g., n. sp. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae), a parasite of cichlids (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in southeastern Mexico, with comments on the paraphyly of Neoechynorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905

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    Mayarhynchus n. g. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) is erected for Mayarhynchus karlae n. g, n. sp. described from the intestine of four species of cichlid fishes distributed from southeastern Mexico. The new genus placed in the family Neoechinorhynchidae (Ward, 1917) Van Cleave, 1928, is readily distinguished from the other 17 genera in the family by having a small proboscis armed with 45–46 relatively weak rooted hooks arranged in nine longitudinal rows of five hooks each. In addition, Mayarhynchus n. g., n. sp. is diagnosed by the presence of a short trunk, body wall with five dorsal and one ventral giant hypodermal nuclei, proboscis receptacle nearly cylindrical with single layered wall, lemnisci broad and flat with large nuclei, testes in tandem, cement gland with eight large nuclei, and eggs elongate to oval. Partial sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 + 5.8S + ITS2), and the D2-D3 domains of the large subunit rRNA gene (28S) were obtained for five specimens of the new species and other species belonging to the Neoechinorhynchidae. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the new genus belongs to the Neoechynorhynchidae and indicated that the genus Neoechynorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905 is not monophyletic. Comparison between three populations of the new species yielded nine variable sites for cox1, 11 for ITS and four for 28S.Fil: Pinacho Pinacho, Carlos D.. Universidad de la Sierra Sur; MéxicoFil: Hernández Orts, Jesús Servando. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni". - Provincia de Río Negro. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni". - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni"; ArgentinaFil: Sereno Uribe, Ana L.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Pérez Ponce de León, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: García Varela, Martín. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    Checklist of the helminth parasites of the genus Profundulus Hubbs, 1924 (Cyprinodontiformes, Profundulidae), an endemic family of freshwater fishes in Middle-America

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    From December 2012 to November 2014, 267 fish belonging to the family Profundulidae (representing nine of the 11 species of the genus Profundulus) were collected in 26 localities of Middle-America, across southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, comprising the distribution range of the genus, and analyzed for helminth parasites. Additionally, a database with all ten available published accounts of the helminth parasite fauna of this genus (the only genus within the family) was assembled. Based on both sources of information, a checklist containing all the records was compiled as a tool to address future questions in the areas of evolutionary biology, biogeography, ecology and phylogeography of this host-parasite association. The helminth parasite fauna of this fish group consists of 20 nominal species, classified in 17 genera and 14 families. It includes six species of adult digeneans, five metacercariae, two monogeneans, one adult cestode, three adult nematodes and three larval nematodes. The profundulid fishes are parasitized by a specialized group of helminth species (e.g.Paracreptotrema blancoisensuSalgado-Maldonado et al. (2011b), Paracreptotrema profundulusi Salgado-Maldonado, Caspeta-Mandujano & Martínez Ramírez, 2011, Phyllodistomum spinopapillatum Pérez-Ponce de León, Pinacho-Pinacho, Mendoza-Garfias & García-Varela, 2015, Spinitectus humbertoi Mandujano-Caspeta & Moravec, 2000, S. mariaisabelae Caspeta-Mandujano Cabañas-Carranza & Salgado-Maldonado, 2007 and Rhabdochona salgadoi Mandujano-Caspeta & Moravec, 2000), representing the core helminth fauna that are not shared with other Middle-American fish species