47 research outputs found

    Priča o izbjegličkoj krizi u Europi kroz objektiv kartografije

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    By Students in the Multimedia Cartography course at Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb in Academic year 2015/16A compelling multimedia narrative story of the Syrian refugee crisis across Europe (www.geof.unizg.hr/~akuvezdic/MultimediaCartography-Course2016.html) was envisioned by a group of graduate students enrolled in Multimedia Cartography, a course offered through the Faculty of Geodesy at University of Zagreb (eucenje.geof.unizg.hr). This multimedia visualization was created as an assignment for the course exercises during the summer 2016 academic term, in which students had to choose arbitrarily a subject to be visualized in a multimedia environment to explore the effects and components of a multimedia map.Studentski radovi iz predmeta Multimedijska kartografija na Geodetskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu u ak. god. 2015./2016.Studenti diplomskog studija na predmetu Multimedijska kartografija koji se predaje na Geodetskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu (e-ucenje.geof.unizg.hr) osmislili su zanimljivumultimedijsku priču o sirijskoj izbjegličkoj krizi u Europi (www.geof.unizg.hr/~akuvezdic/MultimediaCartographyCourse2016.html). Multimedijski prikaz izrađen je u ljetnom semestru u ak. god. 2015/16. kao zadatak na vježbama u sklopu kojeg su studenti trebali proizvoljno izabrati temu koju će vizualizirati u multimedijskom okruženju s ciljem istraživanja mogućnosti i sastavnih dijelova multimedijske karte

    The Story of Syrian Refugee Crisis Across Europe Through the Lens of Cartography

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    Studentski radovi iz predmeta Multimedijska kartografija na Geodetskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu u ak. god. 2015./2016. Studenti diplomskog studija na predmetu Multimedijska kartografija koji se predaje na Geodetskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu (e-ucenje.geof.unizg.hr) osmislili su zanimljivu multimedijsku priču o sirijskoj izbjegličkoj krizi u Europi (www.geof.unizg.hr/~akuvezdic/MultimediaCartographyCourse2016.html). Multimedijski prikaz izrađen je u ljetnom semestru u ak. god. 2015/16. kao zadatak na vježbama u sklopu kojeg su studenti trebali proizvoljno izabrati temu koju će vizualizirati u multimedijskom okruženju s ciljem istraživanja mogućnosti i sastavnih dijelova multimedijske karte.By Students in the Multimedia Cartography course at Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb in Academic year 2015/16 A compelling multimedia narrative story of the Syrian refugee crisis across Europe (www.geof.unizg.hr/~akuvezdic/MultimediaCartography-Course2016.html) was envisioned by a group of graduate students enrolled in Multimedia Cartography, a course offered through the Faculty of Geodesy at University of Zagreb (eucenje.geof.unizg.hr). This multimedia visualization was created as an assignment for the course exercises during the summer 2016 academic term, in which students had to choose arbitrarily a subject to be visualized in a multimedia environment to explore the effects and components of a multimedia map

    4th International Conference "Crisis Management Days", Velika Gorica, May 25 and 26, 2011

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    The 4th International Conference ā€œCrisis Management Daysā€ (DKU 2011) was organized by the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica in Velika Gorica on May 25 and 26, 2011. The first conference on this subject was held in 2008. The University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica was founded six years ago and it is the first higher education institution in Croatia offering systematic education of crisis management

    Miljenko Lapaine dobitnik priznanja Međunarodnoga kartografskog druÅ”tva ICA Honorary Fellowship

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    The International Cartographic Association (ICA) awards the Honorary Fellowship recognition to internationally reputable carĀ­togĀ­raĀ­phers who made significant conĀ­triĀ­buĀ­tion to ICA activities.The 29th International Cartographic Conference and 18th ICA General Assembly were held in Tokyo from July 15 to 20, 2019. AĀ­wards for best maps, best children's drawings and recognitions were handed out at the closing ceremoĀ­ny. The ICA Honorary Fellowship recognitions were awarded to Evangelos Livieratos and Miljenko Lapaine.Međunarodno kartografsko druĀ­Å”tvo (International Cartographic AsĀ­soĀ­ciation ā€“ ICA) dodjeljuje priznanje ICA Honorary Fellowship kartografima međunarodne reputacije koji su dali poseban doprinos radu ICA-e.U Tokiju su od 15. do 20. srpnja 2019. održane 29. međunarodna kartografska konferencija i 18. generalna skupÅ”tina ICA-e. Na zavrÅ”noj svečanoĀ­sti dodijeljene su nagrade za najbolje karte, najbolje dječje likovne raĀ­doĀ­ve i uručena priznanja pojedincima. PriĀ­znanje ICA Honorary Fellowship doĀ­dijeljeno je Evangelosu Livieratosu i Miljenku Lapaineu

    Natječaj Hrvatskoga kartografskog druŔtva za dječju kartu svijeta "Volimo karte"

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    Poziv na natječaj za međunarodnu izložbu dječjih likovnih radova na temu "Volimo karte" koja će se održati u sklopu 28. međunarodne kartografske konferencije u Washingtonu D.C., SAD, 2ā€“7. srpnja 2017

    Rezultati natječaja za dječju kartu svijeta ā€žVolimo karteā€œ u Hrvatskoj za 2017.

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    The Barbara Petchenik award was initiated by the International Cartographic Society (ICA) in 1993 in memory of Barbara Petchenik, a past vice-president of the ICA and cartographer who worked with maps and children her entire life. The awards are presented every two years during the International Cartographic Conference, if possible at least one to every continent, with special attention paid to the age of the children producing the drawings. The goals of the competition include promoting childrenā€™s creative representation of the world in graphic form, and improving their cartographic and environmental perception.The Croatian Cartographic Society conducted the competition in Croatia in 2017, and 306 childrenā€™s works of art were submitted.A committee consisting of Prof. Ines Krasić and Assist. Prof. Igor Čabraja from the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Zagreb, Prof. Dr. Miljenko Lapaine and Assist. Prof. Ivka Kljajić from the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb, selected the six best childrenā€™s drawings on the topic ā€œWe Love Mapsā€ which were exhibited at the 28th International Cartographic Conference in Washington D.C., 2ā€“7 July 2017.Nagradu Barbara Petchenik pokrenulo je Međunarodno kartografsko druÅ”tvo (International CartoĀ­graĀ­phic Association ā€“ ICA) 1993. godine kao uspomenu na Barbaru Petchenik, dopredsjednicu toga druÅ”tva i kartografkinju koja je cijeli život radila s kartama i djecom. Nagrade se dodjeljuju svake druge godine za vrijeme međunarodne kartografske konferencije, po mogućnosti barem jedna za svaki kontinent, s posebnom pažnjom posvećenom dobi djeteta koje je nacrtalo crtež. Ciljevi natjecanja su promoviranje dječjeg kreativnog prikazivanja svijeta u grafičkom obliku, poboljÅ”anje njihove kartografske perĀ­cepcije i percepcije okoline.Natjecanje u Hrvatskoj provelo je Hrvatsko kartografsko druÅ”tvo. Na natječaj je stiglo 306 dječjih likovnih radova.Povjerenstvo u sastavu red. prof. art. Ines Krasić i doc. art. Igor Čabraja s Akademije likovnih umjetnosti SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, prof. dr. sc. Miljenko Lapaine i doc. dr. sc. Ivka Kljajić s Geodetskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu izabralo je Å”est najboljih dječjih radova na temu "Volimo karte" (We Love Maps) koji će biti izloženi na izložbi dječjih radova u sklopu 28. međunarodne kartografske konferencije u Washingtonu D.C., 2ā€“7. srpnja 2017

    Results of the 2017 ā€œWe Love Mapsā€ Childrenā€™s World Map Competition in Croatia

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    The Barbara Petchenik award was initiated by the International Cartographic Society (ICA) in 1993 in memory of Barbara Petchenik, a past vice-president of the ICA and cartographer who worked with maps and children her entire life. The awards are presented every two years during the International Cartographic Conference, if possible at least one to every continent, with special attention paid to the age of the children producing the drawings. The goals of the competition include promoting childrenā€™s creative representation of the world in graphic form, and improving their cartographic and environmental perception. The Croatian Cartographic Society conducted the competition in Croatia in 2017, and 306 childrenā€™s works of art were submitted. A committee consisting of Prof. Ines Krasić and Assist. Prof. Igor Čabraja from the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Zagreb, Prof. Dr. Miljenko Lapaine and Assist. Prof. Ivka Kljajić from the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb, selected the six best childrenā€™s drawings on the topic ā€œWe Love Mapsā€ which were exhibited at the 28th International Cartographic Conference in Washington D.C., 2ā€“7 July 2017

    Festival znanosti 2017, Promatrajmo Zemlju uz Copernicus, Zagreb, 26. travnja 2017.

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    The Science Festival, a manifestation that has been continuously organized in Croatia since 2003, is intended for pupils, students and other citizens with the aim of encouraging and improving the dialogue between the scientific comĀ­munity and the public.This year's theme of the Festival was "Time" (time physical, psychological, historical, meteorological, astronomical...).More about participating in the Science Festival, as well as the other activities, events and news about the CoĀ­perĀ­nicus program in Croatia can be found on the website of the Copernicus Relay and Academy Office Croatia http://science. geof.unizg.hr/copernicus/.Festival znanosti, manifestacija koja se u Hrvatskoj neprekidno organizira od 2003. godine, namijenjena je učenicima, studentima i ostalim građanima s ciljem poticanja i poboljÅ”anja dijaloga znanstvene zajednice i javnosti.OvogodiÅ”nja tema Festivala bila je ā€žVrijemeā€œ (vrijeme fizikalno, psiholoÅ”ko, povijesno, meteoroloÅ”ko, astronomskoā€¦).ViÅ”e o sudjelovanju na Festivalu znanosti, ali i ostalim aktivnostima, događajima i novostima o programu Copernicus u Hrvatskoj može se pročitati na web stranici Copernicus Relay i Academy ureda Hrvatska (CROC) http://science.geof.unizg.hr/copernicus/

    Natječaj Hrvatskoga kartografskog druŔtva za dječju kartu svijeta "Volimo karte"

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    Poziv na natječaj za međunarodnu izložbu dječjih likovnih radova na temu "Volimo karte" koja će se održati u sklopu 28. međunarodne kartografske konferencije u Washingtonu D.C., SAD, 2ā€“7. srpnja 2017