1,535 research outputs found

    Re-negotiating Exhibitionary Practices and the "Digital" Politics of Display: The Case of the MTL Urban Museum App

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    In this paper, I employ a sociotechnical approach (drawn from science and technology studies) to reconstruct how the McCord Museum’s MTL Urban Museum App was re-made. I take into account both the social and the technical, and consider the human and the nonhuman, which allows me to chart the roles of heterogeneous actors in re-making the App and in re-negotiating the Museum’s display practices. In doing so, I explore and point to the politics of this 'digital' display: What actors were involved in its re-making? How did they participate in decision-making processes? What are the implications of the negotiations made? The analysis reveals: 1) how the re-making of the App redistributed tasks associated with exhibitionary practices by displacing them across unexpected actors both inside and outside the Museum, 2) how some aspects of design can become ‘non-negotiable’ or ‘irreversible’, and 3) how the re-negotiation of display practices established unanticipated ‘gatekeepers’ in the Museum’s display practice. Thus, this study sheds light on a “digital” case of the ‘politics of display’ (Macdonald, 1998)

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia Kelas IX SMPN 2 Angsana

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    Tujuan penelitian berfokus pada meningkatkan keaktifan belajar pada materi sistem reproduksi manusia peserta didik kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 Angsana dengan model PBL. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas IX pada semester ganjil TP 2021/2022 dengan jumlah 14 orang. Penelitian berlatar belakang pengalaman selama mengajar materi sistem reproduksi manusia peserta didik kurang aktif terutama untuk bertanya karena metode pembelajaran yang masih digunakan adalah ceramah, sehingga diharapkan dengan model PBL dapat meningkatkan keaktifan peserta didik untuk belajar terutama untuk bertanya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas terdiri dari tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan rubrik penilaian keaktifan belajar, berupa lembar observasi aktivitas peserta didik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan keaktifan belajar.Kata kunci: PBL, Keaktifan Belajar, Sistem Reproduksi Manusi


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    This research tries to analyze and discuss about the forms and functions of the operator in English found in the novel entitled Twilight written by Stephanie Meyer as the data source. The method used in conducting this research includes; chose the data source, data collection and data analysis. All the data from the novels are collected through library research by selecting the sentences which are related to the topic and analyzed systematically based on its types and functions. The theories applied to support this paper are the theory of Quirk, et al in their book entitled A Grammar of Contemporary English (1972) as the main theory, the theory of Cobuild in his book entitled English Grammar (1990) and others that are relevant to the topic are used as supporting theories. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that the operators have four major forms namely do, be, have, and central modals. Besides, the functions of the operators are helping the positive declarative sentence in forming negative, interrogative, and nonassertive. In forming negative, the operator is immediately added with the negator not or the enclitic contracted form n’t and it is placed between the subject and the predication. Then, there are two forms of interrogatives or questions, namely yes-no questions and wh-questions. In yes-no questions, operatoris placed in front of the subject generally and in the wh-questions, the operator follows the wh-words. Besides, the operators also have important function in forming the nonassertive because the nonassertive form usually appears in the negative and interrogative sentences

    Robust UAV Mission Planning

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    Unmanned Areal Vehicles (UAVs) can provide significant contributions to information gathering in military missions. UAVs can be used to capture both full motion video and still imagery of specific target locations within the area of interest. In order to improve the effectiveness of a reconnaissance mission, it is important to visit the largest number of interesting target locations possible, taking into consideration operational constraints related to fuel usage between target locations, weather conditions and endurance of the UAV. We model this planning problem as the well-known orienteering problem, which is a generalization of the traveling salesman problem. Given the uncertainty in the military operational environment, robust planning solutions are required. As such, our model takes into account uncertainty in the fuel usage between targets (for instance due to weather conditions) as well as uncertainty in the importance of visiting specific target locations. We report results using different uncertainty sets that specify the degree of uncertainty against which any feasible solution will be protected. We also compare the probability that a solution is feasible for the robust solution on one hand and the solution found with average fuel usage and expected value of information on the other. In doing so, we show how the sustainability of a UAV mission can be significantly improved

    Diagnosing levels of distress in specialist palliative care

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    This paper makes the case for the use of the Distress Thermometer (DT) as a standardised diagnostic tool in End of Life Care. It explores the current situation in palliative care health services, building an argument that there is an under-diagnosis of depression and mental distress in the fields of palliative care due to a lack of standardisation and screening. The paper sets out its hypothesis and follows this with an account of repeat audit cycles and action research interventions in the implementation and use of the DT within a National Health Service and voluntary sector context

    IL-10-conditioned dendritic cells, decommissioned for recruitment of adaptive immunity, elicit innate inflammatory gene products in response to danger signals

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are the professional APCs of the immune system, enabling T cells to perceive and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous microbes, while also being able to maintain T cell tolerance toward self. In part, such tolerance can be determined by IL-10 released from certain types of regulatory T cells. IL-10 has previously been shown to render DCs unable to activate T cells and it has been assumed that this process represents a general block in maturation. Using serial analysis of gene expression, we show that IL-10 pretreatment of murine bone marrow-derived DCs alone causes significant changes in gene expression. Furthermore, these cells retain the ability to respond to Toll-like receptor agonists, but in a manner skewed toward the selective induction of mediators known to enhance local inflammation and innate immunity, among which we highlight a novel CXCR2 ligand, DC inflammatory protein-1. These data suggest that, while the presence of a protolerogenic and purportedly anti-inflammatory agent such as IL-10 precludes DCs from acquiring their potential as initiators of adaptive immunity, their ability to act as initiators of innate immunity in response to Toll-like receptor signaling is enhanced

    Primjena vježbi pravilnog disanja, tehnika relaksacije i vođene imaginacije uz glazbu u predoperativnom razdoblju i tijekom liječenja radioterapijom na Klinici za tumore Kliničkog bolničkog centra Sestre milosrdnice u Zagrebu, Hrvatska

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    A comprehensive approach is essential in treating cancer patients, precisely because of the complexity and long duration of medical treatment, which involves lengthy and often painful and exhausting medical procedures that often cause different consequences. The diagnosis of cancer, surgery, and (neo)adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy also cause severe psychological and emotional distress. Psychosocial oncology provides the use of supportive-complementary as well as psychosocial interventions and methods as a form of a holistic approach during conventional medical treatment in cancer care, regardless of the stage of cancer or the current type of treatment. The apparent need for such type of cancer care also was demonstrated in University Hospital for Tumors, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre in Zagreb, in the preoperative period and during radiotherapy through applying deep breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, guided imagery and music. In addition to achieving relaxation and adopting stress management methods, an essential basis was a positive impact on the postoperative course as much as possible. The program included 315 hospitalized patients over the course of 8 months, and due to the possibility of repeated participation - with 478 patient sessions. The subjective participants` impression of the psychosocial oncology program was positive, with tendencies towards applying the adopted techniques even after hospitalization.Sveobuhvatni pristup nužan je u radu s onkološkim bolesnicima, upravo zbog kompleksnosti i dugotrajnosti onkološkog liječenja koje podrazumijeva dugotrajne i često bolne i iscrpljujuće medicinske postupke koji nerijetko izazivaju različite posljedice. Sama dijagnoza karcinoma, kirurški zahvat te (neo)adjuvantne terapije poput kemoterapije ili radioterapije prouzrokuju i snažni psihološki i emocionalni distres. Psihosocijalna onkologija predmnijeva primjenu suportivno-komplementarnih, kao i psihosocijalnih intervencija i metoda kao vid holističkog pristupa u onkološkoj populaciji, a neovisno o stadiju karcinoma ili trenutnoj vrsti postupaka liječenja. Vidljiva potreba za navedenim pokazala se i u kliničkoj praksi Klinike za tumore Kliničkog bolničkog centra Sestre milosrdnice u Zagrebu, pri čemu je kreiran program vježbi dubokog disanja, tehnika relaksacije i vođene imaginacije uz glazbu za hospitalizirane onkološke pacijente u predoperativnom razdoblju abdominalnih kirurških zahvata ili operacija karcinoma dojke te tijekom primjene radioterapije. Osim postizanja relaksacije i usvajanja metoda stress managementa, cilj je bio utjecati na što povoljniji tijek postoperativnog razdoblja. U trajanju od 8 mjeseci program je obuhvatio 315 pacijenata, a zbog mogućnosti opetovanih dolazaka – ukupno 478 sudjelovanja. Subjektivni dojam sudionika polaznika navedenih programa pokazao se pozitivnim, s tendencijama ka primjenjivanju usvojenih tehnika i nakon hospitalizacije

    The Effect Of Hydrofluoric Acid Concentration And Heat On The Bonding To Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hydrofluoric acid (HF) concentration and previous heat treatment (PHT) on the surface morphology and micro-shear bond strength (mSBS) of a lithium disilicate glass ceramic (EMX) to resin cement. One hundred four EMX specimens were randomly assigned to two groups (n=52) according to the HF concentration: 5% and 10%. A new random distribution was made according to the PHTs (n=13): control (no PHT); previously heated HF (70 °C); previously heated EMX surface (85 °C); the combination of heated HF + heated EMX surface. The etching time was set at 20 s. All EMX blocks were silanated and received a thin layer of an unfilled resin. Five resin cement cylinders were made on each EMX surface using Tygon tubes as matrices, and then stored for 24 h at 37 °C. One random etched EMX sample from each group was analyzed using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons were performed using the Tukey post hoc test (a=0.05). For the control groups, 5% HF showed statistically lower mSBS values when compared to 10% HF (p<0.05). PHT increased the mSBS values for 5% HF, yielding statistically similar results to non-PHT 10% HF (p<0.05). FE-SEM images showed increased glassy matrix removal when PHT was applied to HF 5%, but not to the same degree as for 10% HF. PHT has the potential to improve the bond strength of 5% HF concentration on lithium disilicate glass ceramic.27672773