30 research outputs found

    Money Laundering. Aspects of Legal and Criminal Issues

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    This study aims at analyzing objectively various techniques and methods of money laundering, both in classical and modern ways, by presenting case studies from the legal practice in Romania, in an attempt to clarify a number of issues related to the complexity of this crime, current and future tendencies of financial criminals for laundering proceeds of crime. Also, according to the analysis of comparative law performed in the last chapter, we highlighted a number of similarities and differences between the Romanian legislation and the legislative laws of other states, surprising the forms and effects of money laundering on the studied national systems as well as highlighting the measures for preventing and fighting against these crimes adopted by the analyzed legal systems. The comparative approach of the criminal and legal framework of preventing and combating money laundering is essential for the Romanian legal system efficiency in this matter

    Practical and Theoretical Controversies of the Dichotomy of Rights and Liberties

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    The main objective of this paper- work is to analyse the classification of human rights, highlighting the controversial matters referring to the categories of rights from the first and second generation. Prior Work This research’s arguments are sustained in the specialized literature according to which a certain classification can engender only negative effects, tending to minimize the importance of economic, social and cultural rights by their integration in an inferior category of rights. The Approach used in this study is complex: survey, observation and case study. The Results of this research reflect the interdependence of fundamental rights and liberties, irrespective of the category in which they were included by the international community. Implications The results of this research are of interest to law school students, teachers and researchers in the legal field. Value The key contribution to this paper consists in a different approach in the issue of classification of human rights and interdependence of fundamental rights and liberties

    Improving the Universality Results of Enzymatic Numerical P Systems

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    This paper provides the proof that Enzymatic Numerical P Sytems with deterministic, but parallel, execution model are universal, even when the production functions used are polynomials of degree 1. This extends previous known results and provides the optimal case in terms of polynomial degree

    Migrants' Smuggling is Knocking at the Danube's Door. Threats at the Romanian State Border

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    It is undeniable the devastating effect that the increase of the illegal migration has on the population, both in terms of access to the legal labor market and in socio-economic terms. This is the argument which supports our choice to analyze, through this scientific approach, the offenses of trafficking in migrants, an offense under art. 263 of the Criminal Code. We believe that the importance of the theme is special, especially because it represents one of the most acute manifestations of cross-border crime with consequences visible to victims and with side effects difficult to assess in the long term. The component of human trafficking, the illegal migration is a scourge increasingly widespread and difficult to contain due to the involved criminal networks, and the ingenuity of the offenders. Beyond the fact that this offense is committed, most often in the context of the organized crime (drug trafficking, arms smuggling, terrorism), the smuggling of migrants is a real danger to the socio-economic stability of states and even for peace and their security by disturbing the ethnic, cultural, demographic balance, by the inability of social protection mechanisms or public health, by exceeding the absorptive capacity of the market of legal work and implicitly, by upsetting the balance of forces between the control structures of legality and public order and the population channeled towards the criminal activities

    Implementing Obstacle Avoidance and Follower Behaviors on Koala Robots Using Numerical P Systems

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    Membrane controllers have been developed using Numerical P Systems and their extension, Enzymatic Numerical P Systems, for controlling mobile robots like e- puck and Khepera III. In this paper we prove that membrane controllers can be easily adapted for other types of robotic platforms. Therefore, obstacle avoidance and follower behaviors were adapted for Koala robots. The membrane controllers for Koala robots have been tested on real and simulated platforms. Experimental results and performance analysis are presented

    Tax Pressure on People's Incomes

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    The tax system is an essential part of any country's economic structure as it provides the government with a significant source of revenue and plays a crucial role in economic policymaking. In Romania, a nation with a complex tax system and evolving economic conditions, understanding the effects of the tax burden on the population is essential for assessing the fairness, efficiency and sustainability of public finance policies. The overall objective of the paper is to highlight that in recent years the issue of fiscal pressure on the population has received significant attention worldwide. As governments strive to maintain sustainable economic growth, there is a growing need to assess the impact of tax policies on individuals. The purpose of this work is to delve into the multifaceted nature of the tax burden, examine its implications for the population and propose policy perspectives to address the challenges it raises

    Impact of COVID-19 on Cryptocurrency Markets

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    The pandemic has caused enormous economic costs by affecting banks, governments and financial markets. In this context, the main purpose of this paper is to show that cryptocurrencies have become one of the most traded financial assets in the last decade. The overall objective pursued in the paper was the major effect on the global economy and financial markets that the COVID-19 Pandemic had and which was the first real global shock since the first cryptocurrency was launched in 2009 until now. Natural disasters and pandemics are a source of contagion in global financial markets and an emerging line of research. Financial contagion can be the result of both financial and non-financial events, but in both cases, assessments require defining a timeframe

    Impact of Digitization and Big Data on Romanian Companies - a Qualitative Research

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    Our general investigation is about the degree of understanding of the new economy, "digital economy", in Romanian companies, with a narrow focus on understanding the needs and uses of Big Data technology. We used a structured interview with 30 owners, CEO, IT managers, and Marketing Managers from Romanian companies and applied descriptive statistics on all data collected and content analysis on the open answers. The key findings are that Romanian managers are half aware that the digital economy will dramatically reshape business models and increase the competition. However, around one-third of them don't understand the basic concept of digitalization, digital transformation, and the need for digitalization. The most important department the Romanian managers think they should digitalize is marketing, but some big businesses don't think and want digitalization. One of the main obstacles to the digitalization of Romanian companies is the lack of human resources with proven expertise in the field. In order of Industry 4.0 components, only a few implements and use CRM, ERP, or another form of integration with customers or suppliers. Big Data is poorly known and used, but where it is used, it is a strong competitive advantage. Romanian managers do not understand how public institutions are digitalized to help the private initiative. They expect the public institutions to take the initiative to start digitalization in all society, including companies. The implications of our findings are extremely different from other public studies that suggest Romanian companies are strong in digital transformation. Our study shows the need for further investigation, if not measures to increase support for the digitalization of Romanian companies to remain/become competitive. Our findings are that only a few managers/companies are aware of the new digital economy with increased competition, and the initiative of digitalization, even in the private sector, should be from public institutions

    Exposure to fluoride through daily oral home-care and professionally procedures in the dental office for a group of Romanian children

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was the assessment of the exposure to fluoride through oral homecare products as well as professional applications for a group of children from Bucharest, Romania. Materials and methods. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 2021 on a sample of 207 subjects from Bucharest, Romania, including parents with children between 1 and 12 years distributed in three age groups: 1-2 years, 3-5 years and 6-12 years. The assessment used a 10 items questionnaire, on-line and self-administered and completed by the parents most involved in child鈥檚 oral health. Results. The correct concentration of fluoride in child鈥檚 toothpaste was used as it follows 3.7% of 1-2 year-olds, 4.24% of 3-5 year-olds, 8.06% 6-12 year-olds. The age-adapted recommended quantity of toothpaste was used for 37.4% of children of 1-2 years, 61.86% of children of 3-5 years and 24.19% of children of 6-12 years. Twice-daily tooth brushing was performed by 40.74% 1-2 year-olds, 44.92% 3-5 year-olds, 62.90% 6-12 year-olds. In-office professional fluoridation was low, 88.89% of 1-2 years old children, 92.37% of 3-5 years old children and 77.42% 6-12 years old children were never exposed to such preventive procedures. Conclusions. Children from the present study had a suboptimal exposure to fluoride through oral home care products as well as to topical in-office professionally application of high concentration fluoride product

    Cutaneous Adverse Reactions to TNF Alpha Blockers. Case Report and Literature Review

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    Biological therapy is used in a wide range of medical settings. Adverse reactions to biological therapy can limit their widespread use, so early detection and treatment can adjust attempts to stop these molecules. TNF Alpha blockers may cause the following skin reactions in alpha patients: injection site reactions, infections, immune-mediated reactions (psoriasis, psoriasis, drug-induced lupus, vasculitis, hidradenitis, alopecia), allergic or neoplastic reactions. We present the case of a patient with RA who developed skin lesions during biological therapy and was diagnosed with drug-induced lupus based on clinical elements, associated autoimmunity, and dermatological evaluation. The skin lesions were attributed to the interaction of three medications (biosimilar Etanercept, Leflunomide, and Isoniazid), all of which have been implicated in causing these side effects. The solutions that saved the patient were temporarily discontinuing the immunosuppressive medication and replacing it with a local corticoid, followed by the continuation of Etanercept in associated with Methotrexate, and the patient was able to continue the biological medication and obtain a favorable response to the treatment. In conclusion, skin changes caused by TNF Alpha inhibitors are common, but vary in severity, and do not warrant therapy interruption