64 research outputs found

    Utjecaj prijenosa gena na evoluciju bakterija mliječne kiseline

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    In the case of preparing various dairy products, the exploitation of lactic acid bacteria has been essential in the course of past millennia in all known nations. Numerous comparative analyses of gene and genome sequences reveal that the exchange of genetic material within and between bacterial species is far more general and frequent than has previously been thought. Consequently, the horizontal gene transfer between distant species or within the same species is an important factor in the Lactobacillales evolution. Knowledge about the exchange of lactobacillus genetic information through horizontal gene transfer, mobile genetic elements, and its evolution is very important due to characterizations and stability maintenance of autochthonous as well as industrial lactic acid bacteria strains in dairy products that benefit human health.Tijekom tisućljeća u cijelom su svijetu bakterije mliječne kiseline bile prijeko potrebne za pripremu raznovrsnih mliječnih proizvoda. Brojne usporedne analize sekvencija gena i genoma prokariota pokazuju da su izmjene genetičkoga materijala unutar i između bakterijskih vrsta mnogo uobičajenije i čeŔće nego se prije mislilo. Stoga je horizontalni prijenos gena između udaljenih vrsta i unutar iste vrste osobito važan za evoluciju bakterija reda Lactobacillales. Radi dobrobiti za ljudsko zdravlje, izmjena genetičkih informacija tijekom horizontalnog prijenosa gena, pokretni genetički elementi i evolucija laktobacila vrlo su značajni zbog karakterizacije i očuvanja stabilnosti autohtonih, a i industrijskih sojeva bakterija mliječne kiseline u mliječnim proizvodima

    Occurrence of Celery Mosaic Virus in Parsnip in Yugoslavia

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    A filamentous virus 740 nm in length and 13.5 nm in width was isolated from parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) showing mosaic symptoms. The virus was easily transmissible by sap and also by aphid Myzus persicae in a non persistent manner. It had a restricted host range, infecting systemically only members of the Umbelliferae (except Ammi majus). In the leaf cells of Anthriscus cerefolium it induced the formation of pinwheel structures. According to its properties in vitro, its host range, particle morphology and the serological reactions obtained it was identified as a strain of celery mosaic virus related to but not identical with the isolates from England, Italy and East Germany. The purification treatment by chloroform clarification followed by polyethyleneglycol precipitation and concentration by differential centrifugation produced preparations free of host material although containing somewhat fewer virus particles. For obtaining a good yield of virus it was necessary to use buffers containing substances which prevent the oxidation of sap and the aggregation of virus particles. This is the first report of celery mosaic virus in Yugoslavia

    Urban tourism towards sustainable development

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    Tourism is a modern global phenomenon and reflects the general development of society. The impact of tourism development implies not only the economic but also environmental, social and cultural aspects of life. Due to the numerous economic benefits arising from its development, tourism has gained a very important status and in many countries has received a significant role and priority in economic development. Tourism, from the area uses certain economic benefits that would otherwise remain unused. However uncontrolled development often destroyed the area where itā€™s realized, and in this way operates contrary to the tourism development primary aims. Uncontrolled development in which tourism is an essential part, bring into the question its further development. Therefore, the object of the paper is to determine the negative effects of uncontrolled and intensive tourism development in urban areas that are not based on the principles of sustainable development. The aim and purpose is to present the importance of applying the principles of sustainable tourism development in urban areas and define the key subjects that will have the impact for the application of the concept of sustainable development in such areas. In order to collect the basic data about the importance of applying the sustainable development conception in urban areas survey method was applied. Kruskal-Wallis test is used for the realization research aims. The research results will serve as the operational guidelines for the destination tourism managers in applying the concept of sustainable development in urban areas

    What is Nutrigenomics?

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    Uspjehom projekta sekvencioniranja ljudskog genoma, povećalo se razumijevanje uzroka, a time i prevencije različitih bolesti u ljudi. Spoznalo se da mijenjajući prehrambene navike možemo spriječiti pojavu nekih bolesti. Tako se na području istraživanja prehrane razvija nova disciplina, nutrigenomika. Taj novi smjer molekularne prehrane omogućuje upoznavanje pozadine interakcije hrane koju konzumiramo i naÅ”eg genetičkog profi la, a time nam daje i mogućnost razvoja novih načina liječenja i prevencije bolesti. U ovom radu opisani su osnovni ciljevi i metode nutrigenomike te njena praktična primjena u razvoju koncepta individualne prehraneThe success of sequencing the human genome has led to the increasing understanding of causes and thus the prevention of various human illnesses. It is understood that by adjusting ones dieting habits one can prevent disease appearance. Such knowledge has made way for a new discipline in the fi eld of nutrition research, nutrigenomics. This novel direction of molecular nutrition provides insight into the interaction of the food we consume and our genetic profi le, and therefore grants the possibility to develop new methods of treatment and disease prevention. This article encloses the description of the primary objective and the methods of nutrigenomics as well as its practical implementation in the development of an individual diet concept

    Evolucija bakterija tijekom stacionarne faze rasta

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    Metagenomics and advances in molecular biology methods have enhanced knowledge of microbial evolution, metabolism, functions, their interactions with other organisms and their environment. The ability to persist and adapt to changes in their environment is a common lifestyle of 1 % of the known culturable bacteria. Studies in the variety of species have identified an incredible diversity of bacterial lifespan. The holy grail of molecular biology is to understand the integrated genetic and metabolic patterns of prokaryotic organisms like the enteric bacterium Escherichia coli. The usual description of E. coli life cycle comprises four phases: lag, logarithmic, stationary, and death phase, omitting their persistence and evolution during prolonged stationary phase. During prolonged stationary/starvation period, in batch bacterial culture, selected mutants with increased fitness express growth advantage in stationary phase (GASP), which enables them to grow and displace the parent cells as the majority population. The analyses of growth competition of Gram-negative and/or Gram-positive mixed bacterial cultures showed that GASP phenomenon can result in four GASP phenotypes: strong, moderate, weak or abortive. Bacterial stress responses to starvation include functions that can increase genetic variability and produce transient mutator state, which is important for adaptive evolution.Metagenomika i suvremene metode molekularne biologije omogućili su razumijevanje evolucije, metabolizma i funkcije mikroorganizama te njihovih interakcija s drugim organizmima u okoliÅ”u. Otpornost i prilagodba na promjene u okoliÅ”u uobičajeni su za 1 % poznatih bakterija Å”to se mogu uzgajati u laboratoriju. Istraživanjem različitih bakterijskih vrsta uočena je njihova velika raznolikost. Escherichia coli je ā€žsveti gralā€œ molekularne biologije u razumijevanju genetike i metaboličkih modela. Životni se ciklus E. coli sastoji od četiri faze: lag, logaritamske, stacionarne i faze odumiranja, zanemarujući bakterijsku postojanost i evoluciju tijekom produljene stacionarne faze. U Å”aržnoj bakterijskoj kulturi, tijekom produljene stacionarne faze ili vremena izgladnjivanja, preživjele stanice mutanata brže rastu (engl. growth advantage in stationary phase - GASP), pa prerastaju i zamjenjuju većinu roditeljskih stanica. Analiza kompetitivnoga rasta Gram-pozitivnih i/ili Gram-negativnih bakterija, tijekom produljene stacionarne faze u mjeÅ”ovitim kulturama, pokazala je postojanje četiriju GASP fenotipova: jaki, umjereni, slabi i nerazvijeni. Bakterijski odgovor na izgladnjivanje obuhvaća stanične funkcije koje mogu povećati genetičku raznolikost i stvarati mutator stanice bitne za adaptivnu evoluciju bakterija

    Diferencijacija Pseudomonas i Stenotrophomonas vrsta izolovanih iz riba primenom molekularnih metoda i MALDI-TOF metode

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    For the purpose of precise antibiotic susceptibility testing it is necessary to clearly distinguish Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas genera, considering acquired resistance of Pseudomonas species, as well as the intrinsic resistance of Stenotrophomonas species. This is why in the identification of the 51 isolates originated from fish, the following methods were used: standard PCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and MALDI-TOF. The results of the standard PCR test, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MALDI-TOF analysis confirmed 35 strains to belong to the Pseudomonas genus. Standard PCR test and VITEK MS device confirmed that 10 strains belong to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia species. Three strains were positive in both standard PCR tests for Pseudomonas and Stenotrpohomonas. 16S rRNA gene sequencing identified these 3 strains to be 99% Pseudomonas sp. and 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. VITEK MS first identified these three strains as 99% Stenotrophomonas, and in the repeated identification it identified them as 99% Pseudomonas. MALDI TOF/TOF 4800 Plus device identified these strains as Stenotrophomonas. Three strains were negative in both standard PCR tests for Pseudomonas and Stenotrpohomonas. 16S rRNA gene sequencing identified these 3 strains to be 99% Pseudomonas sp. and 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. VITEK MS first identified these three strains as 99% Stenotrophomonas, and in the repeated identification it identified them as 99% Pseudomonas. MALDI TOF/TOF 4800 Plus device identified these strains as Stenotrophomonas. Although modern test methods that have very high specificity (PCR, 16S rRNA gene Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas species for 6 isolates could not be reached using the above mentioned methods.S obzirom na značaj stečene rezistencije Pseudomonas vrsta, kao i na intrinzičnu rezistenciju Stenotrophomonas vrsta, a u cilju preciznog ispitivanja osetljivosti na antibiotike, neophodna je jasna diferencijacija pripadnika ovih rodova bakterija. U tom cilju su u identifikaciji 51 izolata poreklom od riba koriŔćene metode: standardni PCR, 16S rRNA sekvenciranje gena, MALDI-TOF. Rezultati standardnog PCR testa, 16S rRNA sekvenciranja gena i MALDI-TOF analize su za 35 sojeva potvrdili pripadnost rodu Pseudomonas. Standardnim PCR testom i primenom aparata VITEK MS utvrđeno je da 10 sojeva pripada vrsti Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. U 16S rRNA sekvenciranju gena 3 soja koja su bila pozitivna u oba standardna PCR testa identifikovana su kao 99% Pseudomonas sp. i 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. VITEK MS je ova tri soja u prvoj identifikaciji identifikovao kao 99% Stenotrophomonas, a u ponovljenoj identifikaciji kao 99% Pseudomonas. Ti sojevi su na aparatu MALDI TOF/TOF 4800 Plus bili identifikovani kao Stenotrophomonas. U 16S rRNA sekvenciranju gena tri soja koja su bila negativna u oba standardna PCR testa su identifikovana kao 99% Pseudomonas sp. i 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. Aparat VITEK MS je ova tri soja identifikovao u jednoj identifikaciji kao 99% Stenotrophomonas, a u drugoj identifikaciji 99% kao Pseudomonas. Ti sojevi su na aparatu MALDI TOF/ TOF 4800 Plus bili identifikovani kao Stenotrophomonas. Iako su u ovom istraživanju koriŔćene savremene metode ispitivanja koje imaju vrlo visoku specifičnost (PCR, 16s rRNK sequencing, MALDI TOF) precizna diferencijacija Pseudomonas i Stenotrophomonas vrsta nije mogla biti postignuta

    Characterization of a S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM)-accumulating strain of Scheffersomyces stipitis

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    S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) is an important molecule in the cellular metabolism of mammals. In this study, we examined several of the physiological characteristics of a SAM-accumulating strain of the yeast Scheffersomyces stipitis (M12), including SAM production, ergosterol content, and ethanol tolerance. S. stipitis M12 accumulated up to 52.48 mg SAM/g dry cell weight. Proteome analyses showed that the disruption of C-24 methylation in ergosterol biosynthesis, a step mediated by C-24 sterol methyltransferase (Erg6p), results in SAM accumulation by S. stipitis M12 compared to the wild-type strain. A comparative proteome-wide analysis identified 25 proteins that were differentially expressed by S. stipitis M12. These proteins are involved in ribosome biogenesis, translation, the stress response, ubiquitin-dependent catabolic processes, the cell cycle, ethanol tolerance, posttranslational modification, peroxisomal membrane stability, epigenetic regulation, the actin cytoskeleton and cell morphology, iron and copper homeostasis, cell signaling, and energy metabolism. [Int Microbiol 2015; 18(2):117-125]Keywords: Scheffersomyces stipitis · S-adenosyl- l-methionine (SAM) · SAM accumulating yeast · C-24 sterol methyltransferase (Erg6p


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    U cilju evaluacije novih hibrida i sorti uljane repice, provedeno je istraživanje na pokusnome polju Agronomskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu tijekom tri vegetacijske godine. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 11 hibrida i 5 sorti uljane repice iz 5 sjemenarskih kuća. Istraživani hibridi i sorte uljane repice međusobno su se značajno razlikovali po ostvarenome prinosu sjemena i ulja, sadržaju ulja i komponentama prinosa (broj sjemenki po komuÅ”ki i masa 1000 sjemenki). Međutim, veliki broj hibrida i sorata ostvario je istovjetne rezultate, jer su razlike između njih u istraživanim svojstvima bile unutar statistički dopuÅ”tenog odstupanja. Na temelju tih istraživanja, prema ostvarenim prinosima sjemena i ulja mogu se izdvojiti hibridi Traviata i CWH 119, a prema visokome sadržaju ulja u sjemenu hibridi CWH 119 i PR46W15 te sorta Ricco. Hibridi s većim brojem komuÅ”aka po biljci ostvarili su i veći prinos sjemena.To evaluate new winter rapeseed hybrids and cultivars, investigations were conducted at the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, in the period 2009/10 - 2011/12. The trial involved 11 hybrids and 5 cultivars rapeseed of 5 seed producers selling seed in Croatia. The studied rapeseed hybrids and cultivars differed significantly in seed and oil yields, oil content and yield components (seed number per silique and 1000 seed weight). However, a number of hybrids rendered identical results, since the differences in the investigated properties were within statistically allowable deviation. Hybrids Traviata and CWH 119 can be singled out based on the achieved seed and oil yields, and the cultivar Ricco and hybrids CWH 119 and PR46W15 for their high oil content in seed. Hybrids with a larger silique number per plant also achieved a higher seed yield

    Results of application of foliar fertilizers Profert Mara, Megagreen and Zeogreen on rapeseed

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    U radu se iznose rezultati primjene folijarnih gnojiva (Profert Mara, Megagreen i Zeogreen) na tri sorte uljane repice u agroekoloÅ”kim uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz poljski pokus postavljen na eutrično smeđem antropogeniziranom tlu u Zagrebu tijekom 2016./2017. godine prema split blok metodi u pet ponavljanja. Istraživano je pet tretmana prihrane: 1) Kontrola - KAN (54 kg ha-1 N u prvoj + 33,75 kg ha-1 N u drugoj prihrani; 2) KAN (54 kg ha-1 N u prvoj prihrani) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (prvo tretiranje) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (drugo tretiranje nakon 10 dana); 3) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (tretiranje u jesen) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (dva tretiranja u razmaku od 10 dana u proljeće); 4) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (dva tretiranja u razmaku od 10 dana u proljeće); 5) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (prvo tretiranje) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (drugo tretiranje nakon 10 dana). na tri sorte uljane repice (PT 234, PX 113 i Ametyst), uz prethodnu osnovnu gnojidbu na svim varijantama s 800 kg ha-1 NPK 7:20:30. Hibridne sorte PT 234 i PX 113 ostvarile su značajno veći prinos sjemena i ulja u odnosu na linijsku sortu Ametyst. Folijarna primjena gnojiva Profert Mara, Megagreen i Zeogreen nije rezultirala promjenom prinosa sjemena i ulja u odnosu na uobičajnu prihranu KAN-om (54 + 33,75 kg ha-1 N). Međutim, folijarna primjena nekih kombinacija istraživanih gnojiva može povećati prinos ulja kod sorte Ametyst, Å”to je potrebno provjeriti kroz viÅ”egodiÅ”nja istraživanja.The paper presents the results of the application of foliar fertilizers (Profert Mara, Megagreen and Zeogreen) upon the three rapeseed varieties in agroecological conditions of northwestern Croatia. The research was conducted through a field experiment which was set up on eutrophic brown anthropogenised soil in Zagreb during 2016/2017 year according to split block method with five replications. Five topdressing treatments were investigated: 1) Control - KAN (54 kg ha-1 N in the first one + 33.75 kg ha-1 N in second topdressing; 2) KAN (54 kg ha-1 N in the first topdressing) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (first treatment) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (second treatment after 10 days); 3) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (treatment in autumn) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (two treatments at intervals of 10 days in spring ); 4) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (two treatments at intervals of 10 days in spring); 5) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (first treatment) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (second application after 10 days) at three varieties of rapeseed (PT 234, PX 113 and Ametyst), with the previous basic fertilization in all variants with 800 kg ha-1 NPK 7:20:30. The hybrid varieties PT 234 and PX 113 had a significantly higher seed and oil yield compared to line cultivar Ametyst. Foliar application with fertilizers Profert Mara, Megagreen and Zeogreen did not result with significant changes in the seed and oil yield compared to the regular topdressing with KAN (54 + 33.75 kg ha-1 N). However, the foliar application of some combinations of researched fertilizers can increase the oil yield of the cultivar Ametyst, which should be examined through multi-year research
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