
What is Nutrigenomics?


Uspjehom projekta sekvencioniranja ljudskog genoma, povećalo se razumijevanje uzroka, a time i prevencije različitih bolesti u ljudi. Spoznalo se da mijenjajući prehrambene navike možemo spriječiti pojavu nekih bolesti. Tako se na području istraživanja prehrane razvija nova disciplina, nutrigenomika. Taj novi smjer molekularne prehrane omogućuje upoznavanje pozadine interakcije hrane koju konzumiramo i našeg genetičkog profi la, a time nam daje i mogućnost razvoja novih načina liječenja i prevencije bolesti. U ovom radu opisani su osnovni ciljevi i metode nutrigenomike te njena praktična primjena u razvoju koncepta individualne prehraneThe success of sequencing the human genome has led to the increasing understanding of causes and thus the prevention of various human illnesses. It is understood that by adjusting ones dieting habits one can prevent disease appearance. Such knowledge has made way for a new discipline in the fi eld of nutrition research, nutrigenomics. This novel direction of molecular nutrition provides insight into the interaction of the food we consume and our genetic profi le, and therefore grants the possibility to develop new methods of treatment and disease prevention. This article encloses the description of the primary objective and the methods of nutrigenomics as well as its practical implementation in the development of an individual diet concept

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